Generation(s) ago, you were a carpenter. Or a dam builder. Or a tax collector. You were proud of your profession. So much so, that you put it in your name. Nowadays, you are a "manager", a "team leader", HR, etc.. You give no fucks about your profession, you dont really learn a skill, rather you just morph into the position you think will give you enough money and just go with it. Majority of people dont have a ""profession"" but just a long history of changing different jobs and trying to get used to them.
You cant really make a decent living anymore if you are a mason, a carpenter, a fisherman, etc(unless you live in a huge market First World country like the USA maybe) and yhe market is forcing you to take some meme position like a "consultant" or "developer". And its not even >muh capitalism, or >muh free market, the society more or less makes fun of you if you are a blue collar worker and not some useless, skill-less ""manager"" or whatever is important today
Sorry for the rambling, but im drunk and home alone and just trying go voice my thoughts
Why the fuck would you be proud of being a wageslave? You work to earn money, not to feel good about yourself (unless you're an NPC I guess)
Cameron Cook
Sage clickbait
Ethan Turner
I want to be dead. Will do it for free too no need to pay me.
Gabriel Cook
Fuck you I want payment.
Christian Cook
But working is pretty much 60-70 percent of your wife, shouldnt you at least be able to enjoy what is more or less. defining you?
Logan Hill
Well, yes, you should enjoy your job. But most people won't find a job they actually enjoy. Also if you let your job define who you are, you're doing something wrong.
Nathaniel Torres
Well, shouldnt the thign you do for 8-10 hours pretty much every day of your life more or less be THE most, or one of the most important things in your life?
Isaiah Smith
Work did used to be something to be proud of though either way. The memeconomy is a joke because over half the workers just work towards financial services, not even producing anything real into the world
Christian Morales
i dont exactly know why this has happened, but i´m pretty sure that its at least partly related to the "liberation of women". You know, back than the profession was, in most cases, past down from father to son, or from a father-like figure. Men worked not only in order to earn money, but also other peoples respect, and mostly the respect of their teacher.
Fast forward a few years and now you can literally be the master of your trade and your surrounded by fucking scheming roasty whores and beta cuck males. That´s my impression working white collar jobs. Things seem different tho if I look at my blue-collar friends.
Swallow your own ego and climb the economic ladder you child.
Our quality of living is superior in every way to the past. If you want to be a carpenter go full Amish out in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.
Quit shitposting and better yourself
Nolan Murphy
Industrial revolution was the beginning of the end. Ted kazinsky was right.
Parker Rogers
>Fast forward a few years and now you can literally be the master of your trade and your surrounded by fucking scheming roasty whores and beta cuck males. Yeah I'm actually related to Hollywood industries and if you make something amazing you're still buttfucked if you're white and straight. They will suck your cock for garbage if you're a nigger or even better a woman or a tranny. Fucking Satanists are ruining this whole world, and all humanity in it.
Daniel Cook
>YAY MORE JEW ECONOMY, MORE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND NO REAL PRODUCTS We're gonna put your kind in the mass graves too
Nicholas Bennett
You are picking the worst of our society to justify childish behavior. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Mason White
Dude it's the same shit here. There aren't job opportunities here, they just repeat that line to get cheap labor from 3rd world countries.
Juan Wood
You can still be a carpenter, actually kind of a shortage of them
Colton Price
The worst are running the show, feel free to play their game with the intent of battling it from the inside but if you're enjoying this world the way it is right now, you're part of the problem
this might be a bit off-topic but it´s crazy how this whole occult / satanism bullshit has found it´s way into the middle of society. And that so blatantly and arrogant that it´s absolutely repulsive.
William Russell
>cant make a living if >a fisherman
guys who do lobstering around where I live make about 80K
Carson Nguyen
>You cant really make a decent living anymore if you are a mason
Those are the ONLY people making a living, nigger cattle.
guy on the picture spend his life developing and working on carbon fiber, now he with pride puts his name on every car. If you are a basedboy who is not willing to spend 40 years of developing and learning is your fault, grow up
Most jobs have moved over seas. Most jobs in European countries have moved to India and China. It's the Jews in Congress and Corporations that are blatantly doing it.
Jews did the same thing with prisoners in Germany before WW2. They let the prisoners make shoes for almost free, and put all the mom and pop shops out of business. Same concept on a larger scale.
In other words Jews, and Rich Capitalist need to be hung in trees. Unregulated Free Markets that put all the power in the Jews/Corrupt CEO's hands will destroy the nation.
These people must be hunted and killed.
David Flores
cause everyone supports the race to the bottom. as long as it's not your job
Justin Cruz
Don't apologize. You're bang on about the amorphous, skill-less pseudo-jobs most people work nowadays.
The simple reason for this decline in workmanship is that nobody gives a damn about any job besides desk jobs. Working in a trade is rare nowadays since it's nailed into you to think it's beneath you so everyone jumps into the white collar hamster wheel which is gradually turning out to be more boring and dehumanizing than a skilled craft ever was.
Daniel Nelson
actually people work also for not being at home and wasting their time with TV all day long, or other senseless activities...there are plenty other ways to earn money.
Samuel Walker
There is literally no point to anything anymore. Everyone acts like whores, money rules everything around us, any hope for affordable or sustainable life globally is being sold off to the highest bidders to be consumed by endless amounts of subhumans from the third world. Real art is being suppressed, degenerate art is being rewarded beyond its value in the most aggressively marketed ways. An enormous percentage of the worlds productivity is going to utterly useless endeavors that provide no real good or service to humanity, other than to people who are ,most of whom, already rich beyond most humans wildest dreams. Transgender politically correct satanists have ruined: tech, video games, music, movies, TV, art.
Jonathan Parker
It's sad that you have to get one of those cubicle bitch corporate drone meme jobs to even be looked at as human by NPCs. If you are an actual worker and not a wagie that gets into his cagie every morning to make Dr. Shekelstein richer, you are seen as scum and your pickings with women are all bottom of the barrel trash. It's all so tiresome.
Jayden Parker
Maybe you German workerdrones, normal people absolutely loathe wageslaving.
Liam Wood
Also Got free college and I hope engineering gives me some satisfaction in this life. I want to work at a hydroelectric or nuclear power plant and heat the homes of my fellow white men.
Tyler Kelly
Media. Everyone wants to get the best for nothing now because all they see is people flashing money and doing cool shit.
Landon Thomas
I am paid bare minimum for a prestigious job and title as an electrical engineer with a master's while my women and non white coworkers get all surplus payroll and fluffed titles and roles paying more than I make with associates and non engineering degrees.
Luis Brown
Learning a skill is one of the best things a white man can do. I restore old Muscle Cars, and have pretty much perfected my Body Work, and Paint skills where I can charge large amounts of cash for show quality work.
Adam Sullivan
>name Holywood insider Wut? That wasnt a named reference, I just meant I know and am affiliated with people who work in scriptwriting and project development industries. Not rich or anything, just see how the inside of the industry works and it's a huge circle jerk where anything feminist or niggerfied IMMEDIATELY goes to the top of the pile. It's disgusting.
Gavin Rivera
So because you're not a carpenter, carpenters don't exist? This post makes no sense. All those jobs exist!
Nolan Ramirez
This is marxist's theory of alienation. Literally a hundred year old idea. why are you just now complaining about it?
Ian Morris
The only thing you can control in all of that is what’s in your life. Not the other way around. Maybe you should start working on making your own life a better place before the world
Luis James
I'm an oceanographer now, though I had to trudge through a few shit jobs before I got there. There are still legit jobs that you can be proud of out there.
Daniel Jones
However, it isn't an easy thing to do if you don't have the space or equipment to do it, and that's why most people are opting out of skilled labor, plus the pay is shit if you work under someone.
Aaron Garcia
And who said I didnt name the jews? All of our meeting were in jewish delis, you think I didnt notice? I've had jews literally try to jew us before. Bro I'm as woke on how it's the jews doing all this as anybody here. Anybody saying they dont run Hollywood is a fucking shill, of course kikes run Hollywood with an iron fist. They dont want us to free the world from their stranglehold on memetics. Why do you think they hate the NPC thing? They use their media as memes to program normies, they cant have us undoing that LOL
Anyway of course gas the kikes
Juan Hall
Nice going Jacques Cleusseu
Andrew Garcia
>we have more cheap plastic shit like fidget spinners
this one is a balcan nigger(croatia) that at age 27 has 400 employees and the fastes electric car in the world caries his name(tesla btfo), rimac, so up your game
All the masons and carpenters I know are ballin I live in a midwestern town and make 36/hr and I paint stuff for a living
Caleb Phillips
>thong under garter would be somewhat complicated to fuck
Ethan Gutierrez
Oh so I can control the fact that women are all enabled whores and its completely fucked and impossible to have a kid right now. I'm sure in control of that. I've done plenty to make my life a better place and watched my (and others) work get taken advantage of and tossed aside for feminism and niggerfication. It's pretty tiresome when everywhere in your realms is being overwhelmed by bullshit, I'm not sure what magic wand you expect me to wave that's going to fix this (for me or anyone else for that matter)
Can I still be a Central Banker? What about a CIA nigger?
Anthony Parker
You hit the nail on the head. A lot of this board are not perceptive enough to see this and are clueless.
In the UK you either go in to law, investment banking, or medicine, or you are kind of fucked and seen as lower class.
Luke Johnson
>women with receding hairlines boner destroyed
Carson Russell
>Our quality of living is superior in every way to the past.
But that's wrong you fucking Jude. A factory worker in the past could support an entire family and afford a house, cars and vacation on his salary alone. Right now you need to wageslave in order to just survive. Next yourself Jude.
Nathaniel Johnson
I quit my job today, was gonna ask for 20/h instead of my current 14/h, but realized 20 wouldn't even be worth it
It's debt slaves that make jobs unworthy, as they accept work for lower wages than is appropriate due to the insistence of impending debt payments
Leo Bailey
At least now i know most people on Jow Forums lack pragmatic traits and character...
Go out, get a job, take some cool vacations abroad, get laid and just be proud of the fact that you are able to do so. Fuck your job title because when your dead everything you did never mattered anyways.
>when your dead everything you did never mattered anyways. Why bother doing all those tiresome things then?
Ryan Edwards
>Just be a man and do man shit Men used to do real men shit not run around like a faggot. Wow I'm so happy that I got to take a nice vacation and fuck that whore the other night, it really made my whole life worth it. Really gave it purpose. /s
What are man things? Most men in 2018 have forgotten and there are people promoting things like promiscuity as being manly when it's the inverse of manliness.
Mason Bailey
Nigga I'm a carpenter now and I make bank Kids are afraid to get their hands dirty
After the invention of computers it's much easier to distinguish smart people from average. Anyone can learn a common skill with enough practice. Not anyone can feel comfortable by being basically a cyborg. The perception of how intelligent a person seems is one of the most important motivators in life. Male human brain is the humans sexual ornament. It is very important to seem smart. Now that jobs with computers exist, you seem dumb by not using one.
The encrusted elite will never let you reach the heights on the system even in america where conpanies value your intellect and skills more than any other country in the world where jobs are more connection and party based. And the skills needed to be the best are not gonna be found in any pollack you encounter here.
Christopher Martinez
Is this not a result of Capitalism and modern industrialization?
All the manufacturing and low level administrative job’s have been offshored to China and India respectively. Meanwhile in Australia, US, Canada and NZ the Government at the behest of its (((globalist))) paymaster’s brings an ever increasing amount of Parjeets and Chinks via mass immigration to further lower our wages and increase the demand for housing, making it all but unaffordable in the major cities of the aforementioned countries. We’re getting fucked from both sides here and if you’re a white-collar wage slave, then most likely you will be indoctrinated into accepting the companies “diversity policies” and if you speak out or question them, you’ll lose your job. Our only hope is to infiltrate the Public Service of our respective Government’s and subvert their policies within, just as the (((cultural marxists))) have and furthermore, we should be infiltrating law enforcement, these are the jobs most suitable for national and civic minded /polack’s/.
Justin Murphy
How’d you get an engineering job with an associates?
Chase Hernandez
Poor people just need to be mechanized in order to make them useful members of society. A vote for fellow human being Mark Zuccerberg will ensure a future where the poor are converted to productive automatons who actually have a place in society.
Join the military. Get a grant for college. Have both parents get a job. Marry.
You will never find yourself in destitution if you adhere to this. Why not move to Pennsylvania or Wisconsin and go full Amish?
Kevin Kelly
Read Atlas Shrugged, and The Fountainhead
Landon Johnson
Well, here, even law or economy is not doing it anymore, 10 years ago this was all the rage and everyone went to study it, so nowadays I know countless "lawyers" and "economists" working as cashiers in the local Lidl/Kaufland or banks clerks at best. Today, here you gotta either be a successful in the private sector or be an IT nerd cos Eastern Europe is the hub for cheaper IT work since we are still way smarter/better thank the Pajeets/Chinks, but still willing to work for half the wage of a rwgular american/western euro
Or KYS... It's all just choices and preferences. If you don't apply yourself your time will just be torture and i get that some people are just fine with shit
Jason Murphy
These graphs don't make sense. Yes there is more wealth inequality, but overall there is more wealth now than in the past. The percentage of people living in absolute poverty is the lowest it's ever been. Also the cliam that it's not a "natural" phenomenon - it's the outcome of a free market, it is exactly that. Any "re-balancing" they're talking about would be the not synthetic interception to the natural competition.
Dominic Murphy
why wouldn't you be proud of your profession? I'm a lawyer and I'm proud of what I do and the salt it causes in many people
William Reed
>Join the military. Fighting for jews YAY! I CANT WAIT >Get a grant for college Dont need it to go if I wanted, why bother it's a scam you can learn the same shit cheaper >Have both parents get a job >Marry Is this b8? >getting married in the US >in 2018 Shiggy diggy
Thomas Sanchez
Now you are just complaining. I offered you advice and here you are bitching like a woman on her period.
Grow the fuck up.
Kevin Torres
Doing man shit can be whatever, just don't follow trends. Faggots do trendy shit
Jayden Russell
>join the pozzed military >go to liberal college >two-income household >marry a roastie
You didn't give him advice, you gave him NPC shit
Jeremiah Turner
Wrong Zuccerberg campaign promotional photo. Don't worry. I am not and NPC with bugged AI.
we're just disappointed are non-existent sons will ever take up the name "Mr. Wageslavidson"
Bentley Taylor
What is your solution then kid?
Ryan Roberts
>take some cool vacations abroad, get laid >not trendy
Daniel Morales
True except it isn't an "unregulated free market" - it is the opposite of a free market - people that have to operate in a market and those that operate outside the market with slaves. Cronyism.
Oliver Gutierrez
It was long before the “lad culture” you Poortherner