Now that's Based

Now that's Based.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>you can't be a white supremacist and fuck black girls
That's like denying self hating gays exist

>racemixing degenerate

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he became a black man his mulatto kids will never see him again.

he has two kids though that he struggles to raise as best he can
that's not the same as being a whore with 5 kids from 5 dads and on the dole

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they're niggers, it's as bad

I’m pretty racist but my girlfriend is Mexican. She’s obessesed with having sex without a condom and she begs me to knock her up. I made her get an IUD lol

The absolute state, hahahahahaha

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Okay user.

i hate both you commie and nazi niggers

Who is this? Why should I care?

>She’s obessesed with having sex without a condom and she begs me to knock her up.

I've had this experience before, it's like they have an aversion to condoms. They have the most amazing feeling vaginas as well. No wonder the men like to fuck and cum inside them so much.

The kids too dark to be mixed, hes not raising his own mutt but a full blooded nog. Very sad.

Dude he has a black wife and children and you literally can see that he loves them i one picture.
He may love punching communists and anarchists but that doesnt make him a white supermacist lol.
Wake up.

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>Implying a low iq irish shit can tell the difference.

>multiracial white supremacy

Brown people that realized keeping the country white controlled is in their best interests.

tell that to your fag poo prime minister

A living Chris Rock bit.

They lost their minds after the 2016 election and anyone member of a minority group that isnt explicitly #resistcheetohitler reeee
Gets their miss placed wrath as well just as kanye did.

>haha now when we have sex we don't reproduce
Imagine being this degenerate and bragging about it

>white supremacist
Typical double-digit IQ Marxist

Basically just the people that are fine with a long genocide through multiculturalism, but dislike distinct anti-European policies and laws.

But really it's just that none of these people are ethnonationalists and they are labeled as such for narrative building.

Do you need a list of Republican politicians that have wives, and children, vote against gays, and then get caught fucking some twink?

I'm listening to it now. Will report back.

pic unrelated

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Well its not like I've ever seen any mutts but at least my IQ isnt so low that I'd father a kid who bears me and mine no resemblance and who wont be able to identify with my senpai and people or be a part of them.
You had a half nigger President for 8 years and we've had a half Indian for 2 years who we didn't even vote for.

Larry "wide stance" craig

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Nice pic, memeflag.

He isnt a politican and literally has no reason to put on a facade in fact if anything he puts himself out there to get himself beat up if you actually think the group he is a member of are white supremacists.

Do you have a copypasta handy? That sounds like a fun list if it's already been put together. More so if the focus is politicians still in the game rather than incidents from decades ago.

How many Republicans are race mixers, anyway?

I'm so glad I'm not this deluded.

yep thats how brazil works

>goals of PBs are to engage in street violence in defense of donald trump and the radical right
>blah blah blah
>non-White and mixed race are tokens and shields against accusations of racism
>PBs represent the "intersectionality" of sexism and racism
>muh toxic masculinity
>whiteness is a culture, PBs elevate it as superior to black culture, that's bad bc of reasons
>authoritarianism transcends whiteness and blackness
>blah blah blah
>muh police collusion
>blah blah blah
>free speech is violence
>this is a product of the internet

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>Multiracial white supremacy

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Fuck you till you love me faggot

At least if you’re having a kid with a nigger you should fuck some decent looking half breed. That negra is ugly

Gavin McInnis is a faggot who drinks his own piss

>I hate blacks so much I'm gonna give up everything I have to totally devote myself to one.

The absolute state of leftist logic.

thanks lad

those kids will grow up to be mischling in the battle for the west, if they don't become self hating liberal retards

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I was going to report this to his employer but apparently he has some makework position at Ubisoft for token niggers and we all know where Ubisoft is headed

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opinion discarded

gavins a zionist bitch

mental illness, user


yfw the jews even managed to insert diversity into white supremacy

>multiracial white supremacy

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god dammit i hate those people. The SPLC settlement was far from enough as-well. Every single person listed on those sites should immediately sue for libel.

Fucking annihilate that organization. Then those faggots wont have any "credible" sources to list. Every last one of them quotes SPLC. Fuck i hate this shit.

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