Do the majority of Canadians still unironically support this fucker?

Do the majority of Canadians still unironically support this fucker?

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They never did, his party only ever got like 36% of the vote. But because of FPTP that counts as majority.

Such an embarrassment to peoplekind.

Id say for the most part we don't care. Canada has been lost for a long time. I live in a small city that is 87% white. There is a peoples party emerging, that's who ill be voting for. In reality it doesn't matter who you vote for. The normies are the people that make it unbearable when voting season arrives.

He destroyed Canada. Our perfect solution to the leaf problem.


Unless you're referring to Quebec City, you're utterly delusional

Right, because you know the ethnic population for every city in Canada, back up weak chin, we don't want your genes here.

I dont. He is a disgrace and a shame for my race and my country.
t. french-canadian

Canadians don't like controversial politicians. Someone like trump wouldn't have ever got a chance in this country I'm actually suprised Doug Ford was elected as Ontario's premier in May because he has a pretty pro-white platform. But federally there is no chance some one like Bernier will ever become prime minister. All our established paries Liberals, NDP and Progressive Conservatives are cuckery lefties.

I'm not sure. He is certainly losing popularity though, especially after the India trip.

Not only no but fuck no.

Quebec city is indeed almost 100% white. But that is becomimg less and less true thanks to politicians like Trudeau and political parties like the Liberal party. Lately they are pushing the idea that we absolutly need immigration for economical reason and that we are screwed without it.

Maybe they'll try to import people from Haiti, since they speak the same language more or less.

They are already doing that. There is at least 200 000 of them, mostly in Montreal though. That city should be nuked seriously.

no one is happy about being replaced except for the invaders that are replacing the native born population because they're being paid to breed.
the canadian government is illegitimate since the 30's and all it would take is organizing a replacement government and replacing the invalid one by having a constitutional referendum, what should have been done in the 30's.
Note, the queen gave up the land in 1901, we are not under the british crowns control, how funny is that

>no one is happy...
Are you sure about that, seriously? Most people dont care about those things and are politically retarded. We don't only need a different governement, we need a different SYSTEM of government. Which? That is the hard question.

I don't know how it works in Canada, but in the U.S. immigration is a good thing as long as people come here through the legal means. Most naturalized U.S. citizens I know are better Americans than some of the people born as U.S. citizens because they don't appreciate it as much. Also most naturalized U.S. citizens that I know personally vote Republican.

But yeah, the people who invade illegally, that's not a good thing.

I beg to differ. Most immigration is shit, legal or not. Unless you are talking about immigration of heavily related people that can be assimilated easily like brits or irish for you and french for us.
Otherwise, your nation slowly loose its culture and homogenity.

I have yet to meet any leaf born here who wants an influx of low IQ breeders because they are well aware their taxes are being spent on them and not anything else.
America used to have an assimilation policy where you have to renounce your previous citizenship and pledge allegiance to the flag, but this doesn't happen here, instead they are flown in droves, provided homes and a 24k/year welfare payment.
This is a genocide through cultural replacement which is even in the UN charter on genocide but the people are so divided that no one is stopping the replacement.
Multiculturalism is not only a meme it's a cancer

When will pole realize Canada isn't America. We don't reallyy have an immigrant problem like America or rapourpe. The worst things you an say about immigrants here in Canada are that there are a lot of them and there taking over the burger industry with there shawarmas

Where do you live? I know a lot of people that want more (((diversity))). And if that is true why are people still voting for (((liberals))) and (((ndp))).

Every opinion poll I've ever seen has shown that Canadians don't care for diversity and want less immigration.

>57% want to take in fewer immigrants and refugees (2017)

>68% say minorities should do more to fit in (2016)

>41% say too many immigrants are non-white (2015)

>49% say immigration should decrease, only 6% want it to increase (2018)

I would definitely say no one is happy about Canada's immigration policy but the question is how do we turn these numbers into action>

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>Doug Ford is pro-white

Where do people get that? One reason why he won is because immigrants in Toronto love the Fords

He as a lot of fan on social media sites but those are usually not from Canada.

This democracy bullshit in Canada needs to stop. It’s clear Canada doesn’t want a democracy. We want feudalism.

Whoever thought “meh we’ll just count the votes we got and see who won out of those” was a good system should be brought back to life via cloning and then brutally executed by death of a thousand cuts in front of children. Canada is not and never was unified nor should it be. We are constantly at war with ideologies here and we should let ourselves duke it out in the most Teutonic way possible!

I dont know much about the position of the federal parties in regards of immigration but here in Quebec the liberal party is very vocal about wanting more immigration and it received a lot of votes. Anyway, it's good to see that people are becoming more concerned about the problem. Maybe it will become a bigger issue during the next election.

Canadians are ignorant and arrogant about all other things. We are told from birth we are intelligent, well educated, and far richer then Americans. This is the core identity of Canada.

Example of
No idea what a Teuton is. Assumes he is a clever boy who has it all figured out with an absurd claim backed up by an explanation limited to one misused word.

Unironically this

You are projecting and half a Muslim at best

You're the kind of fag that makes Canada look bad

The liberals got voted out in 3 provincial elections. Trudeau is fucked in the federal election next year.

Cry more Anglo bitchboy

I see what you did there

Well memed


Im a french canadian catholic you moron

I don't hear that often what are you talking about? Yes we have bride in our stuff but we dont see our self as "better".

He came through on his campaign promise.
Where's your wall user?

lol lrn2read.

What you faggot

>Pot after 4 years
Yea good job he did.

Ending first past the post?

quebec well documented subhumans. good luck with your feudalism dream. Honestly

You overestimate how much people care about weed. Plus a large percentage of people are against it.

What race are you faggot?

there is absolutely nothing wrong with justin trudeau. you goblinos are just mutthurt because you can't have legal weed or beer over 3.2%.

stay mad

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hes trolling

I did. That's why you've outed yourself as a fag. Should've never posted to hide your shameful secret.

Trudeaus voter base is women over 40 and immigrants. Women in Canada have been main streaming and enforcing SJW culture for well over twenty years. Communism is on a massive rise and was already popular.

All that time and money wasted on making weed legal when we could of used it on all of our other problems. Thanks Trudeau.

No sorry you're on the wrong side of history but pot wouldn't have been legalized nation wide if there was a large enough percentage that are worth listening to.

Lol. The timeline where Ford gets all the Canuck elite addicted to crack...

I'm Canadian. The only shame is in not being gay enough.

>muh peoples party

God people like you sicken me.


>his party only ever got like 36% of the vote.

Glorious democracy!

street prices for weed run from 140 and ounce to 220 an ounce. legal weed prices currently run from 450-750 dollars an ounce. nice view of a free market vs communism.

What people's party ?


Kicking the can down the road, I see. Pretending like these people won’t want to access power and take stuff from you. Idiots.

(((Canadian))), more like

Your pathetic time is coming to an end

Its a new political party created in Canada by a guy who is upset he lost the leadership race for the major conservativ party. It is a party for cucks, basedboys, and bugmen.

Our conservative leader Bernier got beat by a 2nd tier player named Andrew. Bernier split and made his own party. Named it peoples party and it is ironically named because its the least left wing option.

Most likely a nigger


spare my dog, please.

Maxime Bernier's party, we just met last night to start setting up the districts!

Huge turnout for Victoria BC, i was pleasantly surprised, considering its a total cuck town.

Rip Rob

in the biggest toilet in leafistan, toronto

Trudeau had a meeting with Soros. Soros wants niggers

He is based and redpilled.

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Pls nuke us

That's pretty hilarious

I hate him but I hate the conservative pipeline lobby. I'm not going to vote on the federal election, or I will vote Block Québecois.
desu I want less immigration and less oil lobby.

Why would you be against building more pipelines? Don't you remember Lac Megantic?

>t. Dairy cartel

Because it's exactly the same people that build pipeline or take care of the rail. It's the same mentality.

I'm not against pipeline but I'm against having pipeline passing trough fresh water source who provide the valley of Saint Lawrence with consumable water. If their was a way to make oil CEO accountable for their crime and that they get throw in prison to serve as an exemple.

The canadian government is illegitimate:
since the 1930's the government is operating without a constitutional referendum that was supposed to be given to the people to vote on.
I would love to start a new party and replace the invalid government, anyone interested?

Parliament is sovereign both in the Empire and in Canada

since 1901, correct, but the government never had a constitutional referendum when it was required and has been operating as its own self-serving entity ever since the 30's

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>written by a quebecker
This level of dumb Anglo indicates you’re from Toronto.
>muh 36%
This has been how it works for Canada (and Britain) for centuries now.
Black pill faggot
Vote bernier
It’s curious why he translated it so badly.
Populist party sounds like something that makes the Jews howl in fear.
No one wants your shitty oil problems without jobs and revenue dipshit.

Nope. If a poll were held today, he’d lose and we’d have a conservative majority. The biggest reason most people really wanted him in was for weed legalization. They didn’t expect all the NWO/Soros/Kalergi bullshit to follow

Everything trudeau can do, i can do worse.

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In what way is this worse than how Trudel dressed during his trip? Stephen Harper went with the exact amount of traditional garb that Scheer has in this photo and it seems completely normal. He’s doing this as a sign of respect, while Trudeau’s approach comes off as disengenuine, dishonest and even mocking. Much like his behaviour during his entire reign over Canada. See you at the polls next year. Should make for an interesting night

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And people call Trump a clown. What a complete and utter tit.

Frankly, I’d rather have trump. Yea, he says dumb shit, yea he makes some bad moves. But at the end of the day, he cares about American sovereignty and isn’t actively trying to turn his country into a failed nationless mess like Trudeau is. In Canada, if we show any sign of liking trump or are in favour of American politics, we get called Americans. Like it’s some huge insult. Well frankly, I admire the courage Americans have to stand up to their government if they know they’re being fucked with. I can already feel the tides are changing in this country as we educate ourselves more on what’s happening behind the scenes here and in the western world


not so fast faggot you've just picked a fight you cannot win

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>he’d lose and we’d have
nobody wants Jonah Hill as their PM

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Trudeau update for today:

Canada's oil industry has crashed and the provinces are now nullifying Justin's bullshit carbon tax plan because he didn't get the western pipeline built and the US is using their monopoly to sell them oil as a loss-leader.

So now weedman is presenting his plan for non-compliant provinces to pay 100% markup at the pumps even though leafs also have to make up for the oil sold at below cost to Americans and pay the highest prices for gas in North America despite also being a petrostate.

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2019 Predictions:
>2 seats for Greens
>17 seats for the Bloc
>30 seats for the NDP
>18 seats for the PPC
>liberals btfo
>conservative minority

lmao keep dreaming

Scheer is a squishy retard

Trudeau and his party give his voters what they want. Drugs, warm feelings and a life free of responsibility. His opposition does not give their voters what they want. Why be shocked that Liberals win?

Liberals let them in . Cons grant them family reunion. The Great Race Replacement . White are in the minority now.

I think the UK turned us over to the USA like they did their other colony's Your Globalist just waited till the infrastructure was built to exploit our resources.