Don't Push Your Luck, Bigots

Today's trannies shoots back.

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>threatening those who already have more experience with pewpews

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trans are irrelevant in an age of actual war.
you're just a drafted soldier.

Fallout meme
You belong on a cross unironically.

all you want are young children to fuck
better kill yourself now before someone takes out their aggression on you pedorapists

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You can tell by the way it holds the weapon, it has no idea what it is doing. Relax. It won’t hit anything it aims at.

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> be mentally disabled
> highest suicide rate of any demographic
> post pic with gunz on SM
Think we got a new Ops boys!

its more likely that he will shoot himself then any other person

>basic bitch AR
>A2 front sight post

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Is it considered shooting back when it takes them a second shot to kill themselves?

It’s about time Transfolk got redpilled on the 2nd amendment.

>Trannies implying that they know how to fight
>Unsure of which bathroom to use

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Hon genocide when?

>want to be a cute girl
>no hope
>retards on Jow Forums post dumb twitter screen caps
>faggots keep talking about 'the day of the rope'
>they never come through
>just have to patiently wait for a natural death

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There's no such thing as transgender. Just a person pretending to be the opposite gender. And you just have to deal with that. Nobody cares about political correctness or your feelings anymore. God Bless Trump

And thanks for the link. I'm going to Twitter now to cyber bully Emily untill he shoots himself.

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Shooting blanks, maybe.

all that practice just to kill itself lol.

fuck off

they souldn't

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All the better to shoot themselves in the head. I'm fine with this.

>trannies are going to become school shooters
Eric and Dylan are rolling in their graves

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go back to redd1t you megafag

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>The stock on the shoulder like that
>Leaning back
>Being a faggot


That's not very lady-like

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Clearly that's a woman.