Geofag and Trump voter here. You're probably an asshurt leaf.
John Turner
So is STEM good or bad? You seem to imply both.
Connor Torres
Most of Trump supporters are pretty dumb indeed, but they made the right choice nevertheless
James Taylor
democracy's license when?
Jaxson Kelly
Depends on the major
Oliver Fisher
>music in shit tier >doesn't know bach physics exists because of bach, playboy.
Isaiah Turner
>god is an autistic making math all the day his son didn't left you math equations but philosophy
Sebastian Murphy
>(((law))) above biology Good goy
Cooper Thomas
Lol. Nice try shill. Get a better job or you’re going to go to hell.
Benjamin Gray
>if we re-introduced voting discrimination, my preferred outcome would happen!
alright, racist
Zachary Anderson
Your restrictions would stop 99% of Hispanics, Blacks and the various Muslim ethnic groups from voting.
Good fucking luck seeing the Democrats win anything ever again.
Also the more retarded subject areas are overwhelmingly Democrat (some genuinely with 0% Republicans) and the more challenging and respectable the subject matter, the lower the proportion of Democrats gets.
Noah White
Ehhh fuck it I'll bite. Aerospace engineer here. Praise the god emperor. MAGA.
Logan Richardson
I'm studying fine arts. Am I shit tier?
Hunter Perry
I find it funny how the left like to quote how many college educated voters they have, yet what kind of degrees do you think all those left leaning voters have? >inb4 majority shit tier degrees that don't even need trig to graduate with
would blacks and women have to take the tests too or just people who youre not intelligent enough to persuade?
Xavier Stewart
Yes. Art isn't a degree, its a hobby.
Nicholas Jenkins
>Is this fun for you? Yes, making fun of idiots who refuse to listen to reason and run more skull circles than a gerbil in a wheel is highly entertaining.
Julian Robinson
Engineer reporting in, voted for Trump. Come give me my irony card, jack.
Sebastian Cox
>Computer science >Mid tier >Astronomy is God tier
>be hard STEM major >never learn operations management >never learn public speaking >never learn how to write internally at a company If you're an engineer and you're not AT LEAST taking these classes, you're retarded. Business majors have to take these classes, and although many business grads fall flat and settle for 40-60k a year, the average business grad will have so much more upward mobility than the average engineering graduate. >t. person in a technical major that's also considered a business major comfy tbqh
>I thank the lord math makes my wee little brain hurt God's not real, retard, but if he was, you would have every reason to hate him for making you so fucking stupid
Alexander Carter
Are you aware of the term "starving artist"? Its not metaphorical.
I can't imagine how stupid you'd have to be to decide that specializing in learning and teaching your culture's history or language is "shit tier." This is exactly the sort of idiocy that surrendered these important disciplines to the communists in the first place. Sure, be another lawyer, that's what society needs. Fuck the philosophy, political science, economics, and history that allowed us to build the greatest society every to exist. Much better to let blue-haired screechers take those over and teach your kids that capitalism is oppressive and the history of the west is exploitation. Then they can grow up to be lawyers in the ruins of the society they didn't know how to protect.
Get fucked, communist scum, I'm going to enjoy killing you 'people' when you finally push too far.
Cameron Cruz
I have two associate's degrees from trade schools in software and electrical, currently saving up to earn some higher degrees in engineering and mathematics i want to build shit and i don't trust other people to have any significant part in that. i want to build things myself and know exactly what every part of them does, especially any software components
Liam Campbell
of course, but I've seen that these have helped immensely in getting my foot in the door at a lot of firms.
John Roberts
This attempt at trolling is truly pathetic, don't you have some big-brained centrist activity to partake in?
Those voters are fat white boomers who were more or less handed 50k a year by a retard-proof economy
Back then, if you were white and had a pulse you were given a well-paying career as a default setting. Whether or not you were intellectually competent was an afterthought
Sebastian Parker
I don't plan on relying on it exclusively. Obviously I also have a full-time job. As it is I'm already selling locally, but to have your work valued at a higher price, you almost certainly have to get a degree for it. I think it's a worthwhile investment of time and money.
Bentley Jackson
>f you're an engineer and you're not AT LEAST taking these classes, you're retarded This, although it's the sales experience that is referenced/rewarded more user. Managers ain't shit if your salesmen can't highlight why your product is superior. This is who can both design and sell the reactor = superior hire. I can either sell it to you straight better, or bullshit it better.
Joshua White
Anybody with half a brain should know that a Law Major is toxic if you actually want to get into Law School. That's why Economics and Political Science are so popular as alternatives.
Easton Brown
College educated whites voted for trump you know.
Robert Ramirez
>implying college boys are intelligent College is a fucking daycare wish I got an apprenticeship instead. I’m doing STEM as well wanker not all it’s cracked up to be
Jayden Cooper
>shit for brains manual labor monkeys darkies don't even do manual labour you muppet
Angel Wright
>God-tier: Astronomy >Top-tier: Geology >Mid-tier: Computer science >Low-tier: Business, economics and IT >Shit-tier: Philosophy and political science.
Lmao, what is this retarded chart?
Camden Diaz
damn feels bad man accounting is shit tier
Hudson Kelly
The majority of college educated whites voted trump. Also if an intelligence test wasn’t administered it would eliminate most of the black and brown voter base that the Democratic Party relies on to win elections.
Xavier Cooper
And who do you think is getting all those psychology and business and sociology and art degrees?
Not Asians, that's for sure Not anybody who actually had to work for their education
Take a look around your nearest university's engineering school and tell me how many whites are choosing a fulfilling career
Then tell me how many are getting a degree in goofing off and spreading your legs and pulling homoerotic pranks with your drunk frat bros
Adrian Lewis
Aerospace engineer here.
Life is shit because you have to deal with niggers, shitskins and women.
Dominic Lewis
You realize Trump had a larger amount of college educated voters than Hillary right?
Adam Bennett
I'm fine with 100 iq requirement to vote. This will remove 99.9% of the spic and nigger population and with them a significant amount of democrat voters.
Isaiah White
Lol, but I have a STEM degree, I build robots for a living hopefully replacing spics soon on the farming sector, wait for it, anons
What if I’m a business studies student specialized in statistics & IT that now works as an engineer? Where do I fall on the spectrum?
Angel Gonzalez
I don't doubt it! You can imagine the number of Engineers I've met along the way that struggle with technical writing and giving simple presentations. Shoot, I used to be one.
Samuel Perry
Eh. Engineering’s overrated. The market for it is already kind of over saturated and is supposed to become even more so in the future.
Evan Howard
I'm an electrical engineer with a masters degree and I get paid less than everybody in my family: teachers, chef, finance. Also make less than my coworkers with degrees in industrial hygiene, ergonomics, and even associates degrees. It's not that I get paid less than average for engineer either, it's just that everyone else gets paid way more. My cousin is a high school teacher and makes 100k in our area and so does her husband, also a teacher. Guess I wasn't so smart afterall. I'm also the only one left single and lonely since my degree was the only degree that demanded sacrifice of a social life in my youth. Just waiting to die at this point and leave all my earning to my niece :)
Truckerfag here, I made 90k last year, and am debt free, what stem degree should I attempt in order to do better?
Easton Morris
Good luck then.
Robert Peterson
Maybe offer them more than 50% of a tech 1 starting salary. My tech 1s with a 2 year shitty degree and 1 year experience make half as much as I make as their boss with 10+ years of experience, a real EE degree and a masters on top. Any extra money that was available for me got transferred to minority salaries. Just waiting to die :)
Dominic Bell
Same is true for the UK & Germany too. Mean intelligence is lower for left-leaning voters, but top quartile skews much higher.
Nolan Ross
You need to look elsewhere for work if your current employer can't meet your expectations for compensation. What is your specialization?
Xavier Cruz
>Mike Brown On video robbing store >Travon Martin Trial showed that Zimmerman acted in self defense >Eric Garner Video of him selling illegal products and resisting arrest >Tamir Rice Video of him pointing his toy gun at the police car
I don't know who the nigger in the bottom is since the name is cut off. No down he was put down like a feral ape with plenty of evidence too.
Ethan Howard
It’s not a career if you don’t make money doing it
Easton Stewart
Degrees are pretty useless. I busted my ass learning stupid shit I already forgot in under a year, and the job I'm in gives you the training you need. You literally could not be trained for any job just by learning shit from some classroom.
Degrees are just the business world's way of weeding out applicants. There's too many people qualified for good jobs, so something has to be used as a basis for removing huge amounts of applicants.
Jackson Gomez
Deere? You want my resume?
Xavier Bailey
And what accounts for the income difference between young conservatives and young liberals then? Conservatives earn more than liberals in literally every age demographic
Anthony Rivera
Intellectual superiority doesn't guarantee you are properly informed to vote. Surgeons are often very fucking ignorant on shit you would consider common knowledge because they just don't have time for it.
Justin Morris
The markets are prime for anyone willing to relocate for greener pastures. Prep your résumé and go hunting. If you're worth your salt you might be surprised by an offer to keep you where you are.
Nicholas Davis
The first flag was computer science not being a top tier, then I saw the meme flag. Btfo retard
Matthew Powell
it's true I didn't do STEM in undergrad, I'm studying medicine now what about you?
also >precalc is hard i got 99% in calculus what about you?
Hudson Brown
>computer science under law oh goy
Cooper Green
Affirmative action’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it?
Logan Davis
Same, just aced my linear algebra exam and updated my registration for the midterms.
Ryan Jackson
>surgeons are often ignorant very true, medfags are the original tryhards and they outright ignore most things. many such cases
Chase Green
Hillary got most of the retard nigs and spics who eat a processed food diet and are diabetic. Fuck off politely