Just got done with early voting. Lots and lots and lots of people.
Get out there and get it fucking DONE ASAP
Just got done with early voting. Lots and lots and lots of people.
Get out there and get it fucking DONE ASAP
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NCfag here. I voted a week ago!
Probably going to do it next weekend, or maybe on election day. Low pop area so I don't have to worry about a crowd.
I stood in line outside a grocery store outside of a metro area for an hour
Lots of people.
Post in Texas rally thread OP
I’m not in Houston. Out in the sticks.
Don’t put it off anons, lots of Messicans and Beto stickers. Go get it done!
Excellent job guys! Keep it up!!!
Thanks for reminding me.
I almost forgot to vote for Beto.
Same and also nc. We did it lad
The fuck is this early voting shit? I understand absentee voting, but i've never heard of early voting.
This is why I never early vote
North Carolina allows early voting:
> ncvoter.org
You can even register to vote and vote on the same day:
Oh it's just not in my state, nevermind
Damn them some buzz wards.
Of the 20 votes I bought online, 3 will be in Texas. So I'm doing my bit from over the pond!
Best BTC spend ever.
That storm should've been named John Thomas...
mailed off my application for my absentee ballot today, hoping it gets here next week but god knows the government is slow as shit
I registered to vote in California today, the look of shock when the dmv lady saw it said Republican and that I'm brown was priceless
Nevadanon. Voted this morning.
AZ here, mailed my ballot last week.
>I'm so old
It really is a hell of a convenience. North Carolina allows early voting, usually by about 15 days. All the polling stations are staffed by volunteers, so it doesn't involve any cost expenditures to the taxpayers.
NC's early voting has a couple more conveniences, as well. I mentioned previously that people can register and vote on the same day (convenient for people moving here), but people doing early voting don't have to vote in their precinct. If you vote on election day, you have to go to the station in your precinct, but if you vote early, you can just drop in at any polling station in your county. I live out in the woods, but work in town; I voted early at the National Guard Armory in town. With 15 days or so that the polls are open, it turned a three-hour wait into a 2-minute wait.
You really ought to look at pestering your elected officials into implementing such a program in your state. It doesn't involve one cent of taxpayer funds, and is a hell of a convenience.
Got my Beto vote in ealier. Blue wave caravan party, let's go. Cuckservatives had two years to do good on their shit talking.
Beto is the true Alpha that Texas needs.
>it'll trigger fascists if I just put a maga hat on it
Trump looks so great with that moustache. I wish someone would give him a little style consult. Not that his suits are bad. They're great, very classic. And his hair is a personal thing. But a stache and less fake tanner would be GREAT. And letting the lion's mane go white. He'd look so distinguished.
It does trigger you.
Wrong. Faggots like (You) have zero understanding of the meme and constantly conflate repeating slogans with groupthink. Faggots like (You) think that it will "just work" against anyone you use it against, just like how socialism will "just work". But in the end, you make the NPC meme a perfect meme by proving the points it brings up.
lol trash meme
left cant meme
Raleighfag here. Voting on Saturday with my qt3.14 black gf. Don't worry, she's based.
already did. Little discouraged by seeing mostly what I assume (just off of appearances) are democrat voters there. I live in a somewhat liberal area though.
You can't do anything whitebois, the brown wave is coming and you won't do shit cucks HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
but but...that meme is for them...but...I'm questioning my political affiliations now!!!!
is that the response you're looking for, faggot?
Yup me too.
Do it
I’m saying you should vote early because its going to be fucking chaos on election day. A lot of angry people
I'm gonna wait until election day so they don't have time to fuck with my ballot. NC here.
autism, i know you're just trying to galvanize voters but this is autism
Voted straight Repub for the first time. Cruz is fiery at this rally.