Migrant Caravan Opposition General

I’m not good at this shit. But I’ll give it a stab.

This whole migrant caravan is obviously a Democrat/Soros/Globalist funded effort intended to help them during the mid-terms. It is so remincent of the European migrant crisis that it’s not even funny. To counteract (((them))) let’s come up with some A Class propaganda.

I can remember during the European crisis some anons created some great videos with raw footage, quotes from politicians, ominous music, etc...I’d like to see if you guys (who are infinitely more talented then I) can come up with something similar for this American Crisis.

Also feel free to brain storm other ideas and propaganda vectors.

Raw video (we need more):

Questions to ask:
>if these people are fleeing terrible countries, why are they marching with the flags of their home countries?

>how are these poor, downtrodden souls pulling off the logistical nightmare of coordinating, moving, and feeding so many people?

>is there evidence of leftist funding?

>why is Mexico offering no resistance?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>more invaders marching with flags

>what’s up with the reflective vests?
>are the reflective vests working in a more official capacity?

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This is Trumps plan all along, he is mindfucking everyone. He promised to build a wall and this is the perfect excuse to make it happen.

>onward to victory, gringo!

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Nope. Democrats are behind this.

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Wow that is real 4d chess right there. Trick Democrats and Globalists by making them think that you failed to deliver on building a wall, allowing a hoard of gange members and some children to brigade their way into your country, all on purpose!

Nope. Dems are counting on violence at the border. My local Antifa group is making posts about the caravan. They are planning on/ preparing their followers for violence from the right. This info/talking point is coming from higher up - the (((people))) who are funding Antifa are the ones funding the caravan.

>pic related 1/3

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El drono strika timo

Literally a shill. How ya doin’, rabbi?

Hahahaha holy shit you trump supporters are retarded as fuck

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How do you know that’s not a counter op?

I'm not even American and im angry with whats happening :(

>The now famous invasion bridge photo

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Where's the Wall that Trump promised? Oh yeah, he's too busy giving his rich friends tax breaks meanwhile our border is getting raped like Europe back when their refugee crises started.

Mexico isn't paying for the fucking wall and neither are his rich buddies. We're not getting a fucking wall because Trump failed. And while he's camped out in Trump tower or his private resort in Florida, and his friends are living in gated communities, the middle class is going to be gang raped by an onslaught of South America's finest.

They are run by groups at Clemson University here in South Carolina. They do local counter protest for conservative causes. I’ve literally seen them on the news.


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It’s these faggots
Now don’t act all surprised

>$0.05 has been deposited into your ShareBlue account
>thank you for being a part of the resistance!

Nice. Funny works well. I’d also like to have something that either scares or pisses off boomers. Something that’ll get them off their asses like back in 2016.

>Open Society Funded
Not surprising. How can we get this info to normies in an easily digestible form?

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I got'chu senpai


The migrants are NOT here for gibs, nor for the midterm elections, nor are they here for the "American Dream".

The migrants are here as a tool to destablize the US even more, but that's just a step to a greater plan.

Combined with the efforts of the alt-left and anti-fa, its an attempt to co-op and light up an American Civil War (((2))).

The goals of the left and the extreme left has been to kick off a civil war, in order to destabilize the USA, since that failed, the (((caravan))) has been dispatched to help create more instability within the US, they are comprised of unhinged and violent men and women, with no loyalty nor ties with the USA. They will steal, rape, and murder your sons and daughters.

They will be armed and funded by the (((left))) and co-operate with the (((left))) to destabilize and create a civil war.

The civil war is SLIGHT (diversion), the true goal is the up and coming multinational-war (WW3)
>layers upon layers

Once defeated or destabilized, the enemy can come in and kill your sons and make your daughters their playthings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


stock up, ammo, food, necessities, get closer to your neighbors (gather allies) build repertoire with neighbors (black and white), family, and community, but practice OpSec. (don't talk about what you got, or what you're preparing for)

>loose lips sink ships.
your family is your ship, don't talk about anything going on in your family, what resources you've got, shtf locations, etc., but be friendly with the neighbors.

exercise and look into some quick self-defense videos and PRACTICE.

strengthen your squad (family) and run a tight ship, instill into your family members a sense of Self (individual) Discipline, Loyalty (to family) and Secrecy. (keep family secrets, secret, OpSec)


keep tabs on current happenings.

the only helpful part is the last line, but they're too NPC to understand it.

In every photo I've seen of this caravan, it's clearly made up of 90% men ages 18 and up. Trying to spot women and children in this surge of "refugees" is like playing where's waldo.

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Hondurans burn US flag (Reuters source)


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Bump. I'm sick of these fucking slide threads.

Double bump

Not bad user, nice bump for the thread

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Nice. Thank you.

Does anyone have proof that pic related is from this recent caravan?

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Sue the democrap party for treason

Find out who the vests work for
Call them out

Doesn't look like they plan to interfere, but if they go to the border it's another reason to declare martial law at the border.

Start spreading rumors amongst the Mexican drug cartels that these "migrants" are in fact drug smugglers trying to cut them out of profits.


Show flag, schlomo.


Pretty sure they are being funded the org this user identified byThe Soros Open Society foundation is also a known contributor.

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Anyone with half a brain in their skull will be able to tell ((they)) are trying to pull the same shit they did in the EU.
We let one caravan in 100,000's more will come to.
It's our duty as Americans to defend our boarders from hordes.
Only time will tell how this is going to work out.
This is where the 2nd amendment comes into play big time.
If the government won't defend us then its our constitutional right to organize form a militia to protect our boarders.

hey what if a bunch of anons convinced antifa, and other violent leftist groups, that a bunch of right wing groups were going to meet them at the border, offering food and water(bibles from patriot prayer, legal advice on legally immigrating from some law-charity, etc.) from some groups, and "who knows what" from other groups. get antifa to show up to oppose them, only to find the migrants, trampling over them and taking whatever they have on them. migrants robbing antifa i mean. either that or they(antifa and leftists) get a wake up call to the reality of the situation.

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>dudes got a LV bag on his chest
>how impoverished

Because Antifa groups aren’t grassroots orgs. They are funded and take marching orders for higher up groups or (often) individual “planners” who are connected to neoliberal globalist groups.

You won’t “trick” them because the people funding their operations didn’t tell them to jump AND they monitor the chans and will figure out the plan.

Good catch. Also the Hugo Boss hat.

Note too that he’s a green vest. Looks like we know how he’s spending his money.

Hate the fuckers but honestly they dont seem very organised or well funded with an exception for shit like Portland and thats because the cuck mayor is backing them

I need live pics of this great people...Welcome to the United State of America. We have plenty of room for you and your family. Montana, Idaho, and the Dakotas will be your new home site for now.

The hurricane isn't that close to the caravan.

Thank You Jesus for saving these great people from the hurricane

Maintaining a cohesive invading caravan, feeding that group without overwhelming the local restaurants, and setting up photo ops for AP reporters all take a significant level of organization.

Not to mention the cash they will receive once they get here.

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That's a great idea

It seems as though it may come down to that.

Violent invaders maim police

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> when you realize 10 seconds later that that and the thing to the left of it are biologically females

Holy fuck we need to genocide this fucking subhuman trash.

Well it's gonna still hit in front of their path but yeah, not really that close.

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They are coming and we have to pressure trump to actually do something

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How come it is all working age men? Shouldn't they be home working or worst case fighting their government for the freedom they seek elsewhere. Why would we want these lazy cowards here?

Just pay these people to stay in Mexico and see how it goes

this is a great idea. Seeing a compilation of nogs invading europe is what redpilled me. It was sort of a documentary. anyone remember what that was? we could take inspiration from that one. Lifechanging.

Because, despite being from a shithole many of these men know that walking children from Honduras to Texas for Sorosbucks is terrible and evil. Same reason these guys go to the US to send money home.

Also, men are better than toddlers when it comes to fighting riot cops.

I thought they were expecting a blue wave not a brown wave

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Do not leave Trump alone.
If he uses the army he will be accused, like in the story of children separated from their parents.
When they arrive, a million of Americans will have to be ready at the border, the bravest on the front line. You will have to reject this horde with all that you have, with violence, to scream out loud that you don't want to be invaded, that you support Trump's choices and you love your country.

You will be counterattacked by the horde, at this point your army will be autorized to use force to defend you.

Be smart, provoke them, make them show themselves to the world for what they are and don't leave Trump alone to take decisions. Show where Americans are standing, and sure, beat antifa who will present themselves at the border.

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These migrants are coming from Honduras and Guatemala right? Trump should place travel bans on those 2 countries and they won't be able to enter. Notify Trump on this plan.

Start to build DIY bombs

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Shotgun landmines. Place em all over the border. Regular mines should work too.

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just a few more votes and "bluewave"

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>migrant caravan

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Until proper amounts of propaganda have been generated violence from our side will work right into the Globalist’s plans.

However, expose the globalist agenda in a way that doesn’t make it seem like we are pushing a conspiracy theory, then violence won’t be necessary anyway.

Propaganda and information.

Some anons should greet the caravan with smallpox blankets

If you chose to fight protect your body and your head, also DIY protections, from throwing stones, incendiary bombs and human droppings. They hate you, they envy you, they want what you have by force. They burn american flags

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>actually wanting these people to get hurt
jesus christ those folks are evil as fuck.

>F L A S H M O B

Just show up

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Go Go Israel!

HIAS stands for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and freedom.

HIAS rescues people whose lives are in danger for being who they are.

We protect the most vulnerable refugees, helping them build new lives and reuniting them with their families in safety and freedom.
We advocate for the protection of refugees and assure that displaced people are treated with the dignity they deserve.

Guided by our Jewish values and history, we bring more than 130 years of expertise to our work with refugees.


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>TEEEE For Texas
>T For Tennessee
>A New Home For Jow Forums
>Its Manifest Destiny
Lets take a chunk of Mexico for ourselves whole were at it.

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>how the US responds to this caravan will be a game changer.
got that right

anons I'm scared. If President Trump plays violence, he loses next election. If he doesn't do anything we might win the next one but lose the rest for eternity.

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>let’s come up with some A Class propaganda.
we have to demonize the open borders supporters, prevent any politician who endorsed migrants from ever getting elected. Then they will turn and do what is neded. Demonize altruism, demonize altruists, demonize open borders supporters. after that when the military shoots dead tens of thousands of invaders, no one will dare to say anything.

use violence, and blame it on the democrats. Say that a peaceful solution was impossible, because of the democrats

I disagree.
Your violence is not foreseen in the plans of the globalists, they want you docile and defenseless, sitting on the couch watching the BBC. They think you are already puppies tamed by THEIR propaganda: migrants are beautiful, they bring wealth, we must help them.

They want Trump to commit violence, so they can find a pretext to replace him.

They don't expect courage from you.

there are several organizers in the crowd.

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That's why it must be the American people to face them at the border. The army will have to defend you and Trump will have protected his people

Pueblo Sin Fronteras is group behind this. Now, go to
and start clicking links. It's the same web of commie cocksuckers and activist groups that have been stirring up illegal immigrant shit for years. It's all right there.

He disappointed us before with the 1500 horde. So hoping some vets start militia and train and recruit volunteers.

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>If it's not an invasion why is it 90% military aged males

How does an invading horde of migrants play into the Democrats hands? As is, the caravan looks and behaves like an invading force. It reinforces everything Trump has warned us about.

But, if that caravan was attacked violently then the media could spin it to show how heartless Republicans have become. There are children in the caravan and media outlets would play any and all footage of parents running with their kids when bullets start to fly. And if a kid dies? Game over. Guaranteed blue wave come November.

They are counting on violence. But they also win if we do nothing. One successful invading caravan will lead to another.

The only way for us to win is to expose the true nature and funding of this invading force. Do that and we win. Do that and no one will care what happens to the shitskins.

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>So hoping some vets start militia and train and recruit volunteers
Wonderful idea

Theyll never make it to Ohio!

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>Promo shot from The Taco Dead
Stop shilling AMC's diversity spinoffs

This absolutely parallels the European crisis in that now people who think their home country is shit, basically get to freely choose where they can go in the west. Who cares if they traveled through multiple countries not at war. Just because they are poor,they get to dictate who accepts them. There are literally BILLIONS of people who fall into this same bracket.

>Taco Dead

Oh shit son...

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>How does an invading horde of migrants play into the Democrats hands?
the democrat party agenda is all about white hipsters virtue signalling opportunities. They have no practical goals anymore.
On the other hand, these migrants will marry us citizens (naturalized former mexican invaders) and become us citizens, then vote democrat, so they can legally bring their evil spawn here from honduras/mexico.

Use non-leathal weapons, like water cannons or ultrasound... a few might die, but we have to take that risk.
Actually everything was exposed alreay, but no arrests were made yet. We need to see CNN reporters sent to gitmo for anything to happen.

my rendition of willa chan getting ready to wipe out all these rats

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Even if a kid didn't die at the hands of US military, I don't doubt someone crazy enough will murder their own child and say the US military did it

>There are children in the caravan and media outlets would play any and all footage of parents running with their kids when bullets start to fly. And if a kid dies? Game over.

Do we have proof theres women and children in those caravans? The migrants that went to Europe were men in their 20s and 30s.

>help them during the mid-terms
it would take month+ to walk from Guatemala to the US? people need to eat, sleep, and shit.

What's the difference amirite?