I’m not good at this shit. But I’ll give it a stab.
This whole migrant caravan is obviously a Democrat/Soros/Globalist funded effort intended to help them during the mid-terms. It is so remincent of the European migrant crisis that it’s not even funny. To counteract (((them))) let’s come up with some A Class propaganda.
I can remember during the European crisis some anons created some great videos with raw footage, quotes from politicians, ominous music, etc...I’d like to see if you guys (who are infinitely more talented then I) can come up with something similar for this American Crisis.
Also feel free to brain storm other ideas and propaganda vectors.
Raw video (we need more):
Questions to ask:
>if these people are fleeing terrible countries, why are they marching with the flags of their home countries?
>how are these poor, downtrodden souls pulling off the logistical nightmare of coordinating, moving, and feeding so many people?
>is there evidence of leftist funding?
>why is Mexico offering no resistance?