These are the people

These are the people the Democrats support, the ones who fought hard for this man's freedom to abuse his wife.

Attached: Screenshot_20181022-174119_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 333K)


sup, can't bump your own thread in the first post newfag

hay dios mio

I know. I just really think this story is something everyone should read

Now I forget to change my flag as well

>a single dude getting arrested


I see... So when did you realize you needed glasses?

>wahh nobody likes my gay thread

It's about as gay as it could be. Read the article then come back

>These are the people
No, they are not human


>implying you're worth anything more

I'm not getting a misdemeanor or getting deported. So I'm worth more then I know

>his life achievement is not getting deported

Lol. Gay thread. Gay life.

You're right. I'm just starting my life so I have nothing. The reason I made this thread is because earlier this year the same illegal person was held in a military base but released because of an order by a judge. Think about that, he was released only to be cuffed for being his wife. "What was the point of saving him?" is my question

Be*ating his wife

You're not starting anything, kid. You're desperately looking for something to feel superior to so you made a shit thread hoping you'd get some people to go "good for you! you made a thread about spics! you're so smart and cool!"

But I'm not Superior. I started this thread to inform people about this individual they were crazy about awhile back and how by releasing him basically endangering his wife and the community he resides in

If this one man beat his wife after being released then arresting him again was just a waste of time and should have just deported him the first time

Lol nobody cares about your thread still, loser.