CANADA YES! Straight Pride Flag = Swastika, Removed by Police

>New Brunswick village removes 'straight pride' flag after backlash from residents

>'To put up a straight pride flag is almost like putting up a swastika,' says Minto woman

>When Margaret Clark first saw pictures on Facebook of the "straight pride" flag waving in the central New Brunswick village of Chipman, she felt as if she'd been kicked in the stomach.

>"It's just like they created a time machine and they put us back 10 years," said Clark, who lives in Minto, about 50 kilometres east of Fredericton.


Attached: straight pride world wide.png (616x644, 276K)

I love that they keep meming normal people into NatSocs.

>Straight Pride = Swastika
>Leaf Oil down from $60 to $10 in 2 months
>49% White from 98% White 4 decades ago
>Mandatory Carbon Tax Coming
>Highest Grocery Prices in the World

Canada is truly Collapsing.

Attached: food-sadist-leaf-price-collage.jpg (5000x5000, 3.99M)

i thought all leftists wanted to go back 10 years ago #hopeandchange

Here's Leaf oil. Down from $60 to $10.

Canada pumps 4M bpd. That's a loss of $200M/day or $73B/year
>$124B when money velocity of 1.7 taken into account
>$124B of GDP gone in 2 months
>8.25% of GDP gone in 2 months

RIP Canada

Attached: leaf oil prices BTFOd.jpg (702x730, 276K)

Canada was 98% White in the 70s now it's 49% White

Attached: le 53 genocide.png (922x566, 124K)

Fastest genocide in peace time history.

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That flag does look fashy

>Justin Fudge is gay and has lived in Chipman for more than eight years.

>On Sunday, he felt personally attacked by the straight pride flag that was raised in the community.

>"We've push so hard to get the Pride flag raised in this little village, with a very small LGBTQ community, and all of a sudden this atrocity is waving in the wind," said the local hair stylist.

>It's a great big middle finger… as far as I'm concerned.

>As a sign of protest, he drove around the community with a giant Pride flag that he attached to the antenna of his car.

The memes are are self-replicating

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>Less than half an hour after the flag was taken down Bishop came walking down the grass surrounding the flag pole, saying "who took down my flag?"

>Members of the LGBTQ community who were standing there said "we did," and an altercation ensued. Bishop argued that he never meant to offend anyone and that they were being "sensitive."

>LGBTQ members and allies said he didn't understand how the straight pride flag makes light of the struggle of being gay or non-binary.

>The struggle of being non-binary

Attached: mfw leaf post.gif (504x280, 1.29M)

If you can have a gay pride flag up i should be allowed to have a straight pride flag up. Nuff said. Take one down take them all down.


Where do I get my straight pride flag? I want it hanging on my porch by tomorrow.

This. What's the biggest flag size they got? I'll move to Texas to fly it if I have to.

>implying you could possibly compete with texas sized flags
Seriously, I've seen flags here that take up a full 10 floors on office buildings

Sounds like a great gofundme,

A Sam Hyde gofundme to buy the biggest fucking flag that can be driven by pickup truck across Texas plus gas, guns(security), and grub.

wait , aren't canadian dollar worth like 1/4 of GBP, so are the prices really that bad?

how can NPC's be non-binary?

why are there years missing? that drop after the missing years are spooky, Halloween spooky. was this hidden from the people or is that table just missing info?

its ok to be straight

why no straight pride meme flag mods? can it be you are truly fags?

It is almost impossible to maintain my White Supremacist beliefs witnessing how fucking STUPID White people are.

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>"It's just like they created a time machine and they put us back 10 years,"

If the key to time travel is pissing off liberals then we would probably be back to the stone age by now.

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I read this in the voice of a NSF terrorist leader.

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All this cherrypicking in that image is just cringeworthy

Sodomy is the new state religion of Cucknada.

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Post some in store prices then faggot and make the horror end

>It's just like they created a time machine and they put us back 10 years
Comfy but I want to go further.

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It's disgusting how many faggot loving, brain dead zombie boomer and millenial NPC's there are in Canada.

i'm sort of bi and i hate these rainbow fags. act normal you fucking mutant freaks.

>white genocide isn't rea-

Attached: 1519831527037.jpg (300x300, 15K)

This. Where is our flag? Bigots.

I'm not a canuck, but
>dried morel mushrooms
>organic everything
not to mention internet pricing on most of these things is just pure cherrypicking

The hetrosexual pride flag has been used by straight people typically in support of LQBTBBQ people. They go to pride with their friends and want to wave a flag of their own, there is literally nothing even remotely offensive about it in any context. It has no history as "hate" symbol. Its literally just black and white stripes, some times with and "A" for ally.

Attached: qq-het.gif (324x216, 603)

where does one get one of these flags?

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We could turn this into the next hate symbol
white + black stripes: keep the races seperate

Goyim, goyim, don't worry! Canada was never Canadian because of the people who made it. What makes Canada "Canada" is diversity (less white people)! Trudeau is a hero!

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I mean that is pretty funny and I bet it could work. I just think its funny that the intended purpose of this flag was simply to make straight people feel a little more included at Pride but all those leaf faggots are frothing at the mouth.

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