When did you become redpilled?

When did you become redpilled?

For me it was during Trayvon. I saw the media lie every step of the way and demonize a great man who just defended his life.

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I'm actually okay with this. His life has sucked ever since and that's the takeaway

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when racism is it's own anime

2008 when I saw how the media worshipped Obozo

You have to go back

Supporting a beaner go back to Mexico spic.

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Civic cucks GET OUT

Supporting a nigger - go fuck yourself

Ron Paul, and friends I guess? They were redpilled way ahead of me, like age 15

>For me it was during Trayvon. I saw the media lie every step of the way and demonize a great man who just defended his life.

I wouldn't say he is a great man, but this is what did it for me too. Saw the media that I trusted constantly lie and distort the truth. Started wondering what else they were saying wasn't true.

For me its the mcchicken

No, For me was during high school.
>go to fairly nice magnet program for high school
>magnet program is heavy oriented toward black struggle, immigrant struggle, as in thats all we learn about. of course women and gays.
>have cry sessions, yes, cry sessions in high school on class time where second gen immigrants talked about struggles their parents faced
>it wasnt all bad, pretty heavy stuff was shared
>but of course the worst side came upon us
>school discourse turned into a epeen contest about who is the most socially conscious
>i shit you not the most stereotypical libtards were born in that school
>watched them all behave like monkeys
>watched all my classmates flap their gums about shit as if they were civil rights lawyers
>wasnt an autist, had friends and a couple girl friends
>kept mouth shut during all 4 years
>misanthropy grew in my heart as i saw some kids excuse some terrible fucking behavior just because they were more woke than others
>school has ties to UC Berkeley, no doubt helped me got in
>UC Berkeley was less chaotic than my magnet program
>tons of majors who didnt give a shit about rioting, faggots, and/or antifa
>had a chiller time at berkeley
>still occasionally meet a leftist parrot
>look through them because I understand how they are made, I watched people like them become born from being normal human beings
>i am impenetrable to the leftists
>they no doubt notice
>leave me alone
>live in belly of the beast without much hassle

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the crazy thing is, this is almost exactly what happened to a tee.

He defended his life from a nigger that was casing the neighborhood was spotted then ran away from a direct confrontation then in typical bitch nigger fashion attacked him from behind. The moral of this story is well known here around niggers never relax they are impulsive animals that see that as weakness to exploit.

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Has anyone seen an increase in these “what changed you pol” threads? Almost as someone is doing research. Use to they were few and far between.

so delicious... the Traytini

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>In a 5–4 decision, the Court held that the general benefits a community enjoyed from economic growth qualified private redevelopment plans as a permissible "public use" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

It's your land until somebody tells the government that they need it worse than you.

obama and his 2008 campaign.
>these people arent paying their fair share.
>if they bring a knife -bring a gun.
>well slow the rise of the oceans

Started when Bush was going to give Dubai Ports World control of major US ports.

I want to make one so bad....

can I use a shot gun round? xD

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Nothing worse than niggers you massive cuck faggit

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For me it was Michael Brown. I remember listening to talk radio when that shitshow was going down:
>"one of them is lying and the city is burning for it".
When Officer Wilson was acquitted and the nationwide chimpout began.

Post sandy hook when Dems went full anti-freedom

Not using the niggeriest pic of gayvon possible

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>"great man"
Hardly. The shooting was defensive and completely justified but he manages to do nothing but attract more problems into his life, and iirc he used to beat his ex. Guy's a basket case.

Gamergate, I just wanted to play vidiya games
Now I'm actually trying to get into politics

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