60 years old

>60 years old
>hangs around with 15 year olds on the internet all day

this should be illegal desu

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Has the health of an 90 year old
>Thinks he has the right to make fun of manlets

Imagine being an Israeli shill that's so threatened by anyone or anything that isn't controlled by you at this point that you're attacking Metokur nonstop because Sargon is a controlled opposition kike.

imagine being as dumb as OP

Cuckle away cucklefuck

The constant anti-metokur threads are actually making me like the guy.

You know what's even more fucking annoying? Metokur was streaming and the mods kept taking down all the threads. They are THAT THREATENED by this guy.


Can anyone honestly explain what they see in Jim? He was funny for 5 minutes but rapidly turned lame. And why on earth is this even a politically incorrect topic?

Sargon you're not as smart as you think you are and you wear that suite like a pile of dog shit.

Attached: the Mountian Sage Speaks.jpg (1329x456, 199K)

>15 year olds
>not in school

blame the parents.

All of these wannbe talk-show faggots are all fucking gay

Maybe because it has nothing to do with being politically incorrect?

We don't have endless threads on any other high school-level edge lords, so why him?

IS HE RLY THAT OLD? ? ? ?? ? SOURCE !!!!!

Well these e-celeb threads are off topic. It's basically internet soap operas at this point. They aren't even arguing politics its just middle school drama now.

i KNO rite!
he's been gettin like TWENTY K for his sunday livestreams lately!
what the fAAAAAAAAck!

>over 9000 years old
>never got all the dragon balls
>why not?

Fuck your shitty threads, Sargon-brainlets.
I'm asking the hard question here.

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I still have no idea who this guy is.

OP is a shivering kike who works for JIDF, how does it feel juden, not having control over someone with a voice hahaha!

You cucked rogan, and a bunch more, not Metokur! PS, your mother was a whore sucking rabbi dick in the alley!!


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loOoo o Oo o Oo oO oO o Oo o Oo O oo ool


>t. 1 Post by this ID
Newfag never learns

Liberalists on full shill mode after being turned into a complete lolcow movement by James O'Patrick MacShaughnessy

What kind of wish would he even give a shit about? Universe's most delicious sandwich?

>eceleb drama shit on Jow Forums
>not politcal

this should be illegal desu

Fuck off sargoy, faggot

>butthurt babykin angry that they're getting buttblasted while jim will always be laughing
The best music.

*chuckles* ha ha oh my god. Just wow. You really did it this time haven't you jimbo. I mean you've gone off the far end now. You think anyone outside your army of teenagers cares what you think now? *chuckles* Wow I really did a number on you didn't I? See this is what happens when you hang out with alt right people, it just turns you crazy! Jim...Jim I hope you stay sane maybe delete your account or take a break because man my boy veeh just DESTROYED you ha ha.

>while jim will always be covered in shit

source on age NOW !!!!!!

Jim could be strangling kittens and raping orphans left and right and I'd still watch his videos. Your gay little smear tactic isn't going to have any effect.

>that literal boomer who hangs out on Jow Forums.

How can one fall this far?

*smug chuckles*
We are so smart applying Edward Bernays teachings to destroy our enemies. Im speaking of all the people mocking me of course, not jews.

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Jannies the time has come to end the e-celeb youtube drama threads.

real DEDICATED FAN rite here...
bet you give a sh*t about "CHRIS-CHAN" too.
fuckin weirdo

>owns a suit

Honestly it has better plot lines than most of TV now a days.


"I want Sargon to stop fake laughing and thinking he's really smart"

Why are you liberalist trolls doing this? You’re literally going to have to keep posting these slide posts every day for months just to possibly have a chance or turning public perception against Jim.
Literally a dude who just plays video games and trolls internet celebrities for sheckles.
Sargon must be really fucking hurt to go to all this effort. Hope he’s paying you guys.

Why are y'all faggots posting in a slide thread?

What the fuck is going on here?
I don't follow e-celeb shit to closely, it turns you into a faggot.

source on age bitch source on age bitch

oh look jim's income is posting on Jow Forums

thought the custodial staff was removing this spam

Stop making these threads, Sargoy. Fuck off.


It's just some soigoi shills, Jow Forums actually likes the guy


Calm down boomer. Heart medication is expensive and we know you shouldn't get too excited.

Go take your bass boat out and chill for a week. We'll still be here.

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because he says things that are by definition politically incorrect and pisses off all the right people
ask me how I know you are a tourist (it has nothing to do with jim btw)

So DONGA and trout were clearly gay ass ops men but now that veeh has #bringbackdoxxing I can't wait for what shit the don of applebees himself has gotten into. You know I actually liked watching his videos a couple years ago but ever since he refused to cover tommy and showed his true colors I hope the guy gets whats coming to him. Burn this shit down.

Not even by O'Shagnasty, by Andy fucking Warski.

maximum manlet COPE

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there's a reason he sucks Destiny's dick so much, Tommy said on stream today that Metokur had been in contact with Destiny recently

Yeah we need proofs.

Not white. I only care about facts.
Yes I'm aware of the bellcurve.

he made a video where he said he watches transformers toy reviews he can't be 60

........... WAT?
just want that SWEET-SWEET SAUCE on his AGE
are ppl just GUESSING based on his voice?
aw naaaaaa booooo hssssss faaaaaake

This says he was claimed he was born in 1981. 36/37? That wouldn't surprise me.


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ah....... ah yes that makes sense. thx ppreci8cha

how is a meme historian and e-drama politics?

why do these threads keep getting spammed

.........god e.d. is so much more cringe-worthy than like ninety-two percent of the things they half-assedly lampoon

Unless Sargon is paying people to do this, I’m assuming it’s literally Sargon and his buddies desperately trying to defame Metokur. Vee, Quartering, and whoever else he associates with.

He's an aging manchild and onionslord. Just look at his fucking face lmao

Attached: Jim face reveal.png (781x690, 762K)

He's a late 30's boomer.

gotchu. 'tsnot a fucking boomer bitch stop calling that boomer bitch its not boomer fuck you

imagine being at least 50 years old and still making a sport of trolling ppl on the internet.
that's literally jim, and subsequently, he is grooming children.

If Jim and Destiny turn out to be related, it would be the greatest gayop of all time.

>why do these threads keep getting spammed
Liberalists discord fags astro turfing Jow Forums in an attempt to hurt metokur. It's all so gay and petty. It reminds me of "Anonymous" if reddit founded it instead of /b/.

wh--wat....... wat no thats destiny.
destiny is fuckin BA-HA-HAAASED. really PULLED me BACK from the edge, politically. i chortle at how much impotent hatred he garners from these corners of the internet. literally unassailable.

Sargon really really wants to be a politician and wants trump to tweet gamergate when i am pretty sure that he already did it during election.

You need to go back

speaking as a 30 year old boomer i think the meme is fair

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sargon and his dumb fucks are in damage control
they are even ddosing metokur to shut him down
so much for free speech

Sargon is done. Tonka is done. Tommy C is done. Kraut is done. You glow in the dark centrist cucks are all going down. Leftists and Jews BTFO'd eternally...

You can’t blame Jim getting DDOS’d on Sargon. Dude has a lot of enemies, and his address is public info now.
These slide posts that specifically keep dredging up the e-drama between Jim and Sargon, though? Yeah, this is 100% Sargon&fwends.

yall funney :}}}

Who remembers that time Jim OBLITERATED the money badgers? I hope the same thing happens to sargon

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how is his landline or social media getting ddos'd again?

It leaves me confused. I don't know if carl or jim is cooler. How will I ever get rational news without listening to infamous boomers on the internet ?

That really him?

duh, of course

the voice doesn't fit the guy in the photo

no that's DESTINY, the man who will SINGLEHANDEDLY make your MYOPIC WORLDVIEW come CRUMBLING DOWN the INSTANT you witness him DEBATE all the LEADING ALT-RIGHT THINKERS. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you want to SWIFTLY JETTISON all the PETTY HATRED you harbor for brown people et al.

Mexican here, I like white people. I hate the Jews cause they raped my peoples.

Do you not know what acting is?

jim was 26 years old back in his stage six days
and in 2007 he had the same voice as he has now it can't be acting



that's exactly how you know it is acting. People's natural speaking voice changes constantly, do you talk anything like how you did 5 years ago? Jim's putting on a voice like any radio host does.