How do you convince everyone to leave their homes to go to their respective ethnostates?
Hardmode: No commie-tier "lol we'll just shoot them" answers
How do you convince everyone to leave their homes to go to their respective ethnostates?
Hardmode: No commie-tier "lol we'll just shoot them" answers
>1 post by this id
Yep. This one’s going in my slide post compilation
you are a marxist
Those people are just like you. You're interested in your own interests and not them at all and it's the same for them. They don't care about your interests
>1 post by this id
Yep. This one’s going in my slide post compilation
>Jow Forums avoids the question because they have no answer
I gave you an answer ya faggot
fair enough
care to elaborate?
you set up a false narrative to prevent the correct answer from being the "hardmode" (redditcancer terminology) answer.
Too much trouble
Mass graves is fine, just close off the border.
>donesn't like free bumps
I'm honestly curious too. But I don't think its possible with how globalized we are today. Unless WW3 happens and everything changes.
The answer is what you're asking is impossible. It's just as possible as some immigrant convincing you he should stay
Send a bunch of nogs to their electrified fence like they did to my parents in zimbabwe
Well I'm an american citizen, but if you want me to go to south korea, youd probably need to give me a fuckton of money. if not and you want to forcibly remove me, then I do own guns. And my rights shall not be infringed. My house also has a roof. Put 2 and 2 together.
Free Asian waifu
This. It's human nature to want to make the most comfortable life for yourself, even if it's at the expense of other people. They aren't going anywhere.
Bastards. I wanna kill em.
Women, children, and dogs killed. Savages I would like to see all those niggers shot.
It's the exact same thing your average tankie tells you when you ask them how they're going to implement socialism- i.e. "lol we just shoot anyone who doesn't agree". In this occasion, "doesn't agree" is anyone that doesn't pack up and leave immediately, or gladly let themselves be shot.
is a good example. What the fuck are you going to do when people like him start shooting up the death squads? You can't pay millions of people to GTFO of a country unless you're planning to short-change them or bankrupt yourself, and if you try to clear them out at gunpoint you either need a commie hellhole government with no freedom of arms, or the willingness to enter a prolonged, brutal civil war over it.
theres your issue, moron. this isnt a debate nor is it an argument.
turn them into second class citizens as most ethnostates do already.
I would suggest that they go back home to their respective homeland and join together with their kind to evolve their country past (most likely) 3rd world status. Remind them that this is exaclty what the U.S.A.'s revolutionary war was for as well as the civil war. If they want to grip on to their heritage so tightly, they should be willing to fight for it back in their own country.
Otherwise, they should prepare themselves for the day of reckoning that looms around the corner.
Are you retarded? "doesn't agree" doesn't mean these people saying "I don't like that". It means them shooting at you and planting IEDs like any population under attack with access to armaments will.
This defeats the purpose of the ethnostate.
>"come on, go back to Africa, you can make your own country there"
>"the people there are a standard deviation below me in IQ and believe electricity is magic, they behead people regularly and drink ox shit"
>"okay we'll just fucking kill you"
>them shooting at you and planting IED
alright well without marxists like you subverting the military that will be a cinch to deal with.
insurgency and guerrilla warfare only work when the big boy side holds back.
Nkt everyone would need to leave.
For those who have to go: pay them.
If they refuse payment, ban the, from owning property, having cell phone service, being employed, etc, then try to pay them again. If they still reduse, when they invetiably tresspass on property arrest them, then deport and pay them.
*Not everyone
Well then Liberia happens. You have a bunch of American blacks in Liberia constantly fighting with the tribes. It doesn't work. My parents are Cubans and I feel a major disconnect with other people that are Cuban from my age. They call me white even though I have black hair and brown hair. I'm essentially in a completely different class than them.
Your most realistic solution is limiting immigration to a crawl, killing off all government subsidies, and letting people self segregate to the point of ethnostates until you reach pre-1965 demographic levels and because of intelligence and resources, whites will eventually become a majority again.
as the world becomes more interconnected, ethnostates will start to disappear. I think looking at history one can observe an inverse correlation between the number of ethnostates and computing power.
While some black nationalists would go back to Africa, a lot of the focus should probably be on getting them to the Caribbean- thats a lot more enticing than Africa to most people. Altermatively, or in addition to that, a black homelamd could be created in the deep south or from other US territory.
The sad thing is the locals were on our side when the (((war veterans))) came to the gates. The vast majority of people in zimbabwe understood that the farmers and the other local whites were here to stay and provide work/economic stability for the community but the government just decided that "whitey was bad" and that whites owning businesses in the country was racist. So they had their useful idiots go around to the farms and harass the workers and farmers until they had no choice.
My family lived in a suburb of harare but they came for us as well. I was too young to really remember but my dad had been waiting for an H1B since before I was born.
So far, the rising powers in the modern are overwhelmingly ethnically homogenous or, when racial pluralism exists, still has a clear "core" leading ethnic group. Its the racially pluralistic mass-immigration countries that seem to be falling further into debt, social dysfunction, and relative marginalization compared to their previous pefels of global power. China will soon be a far larger econoly than the US, and its going to stay that way.
You do realize you're literally repeating the "but muh drones" argument, right? That shit didn't work in Vietnam and it certainly isn't going to work anywhere in the US (or indeed any other country), much less so if Vlad and Chang take the opportunity to fund some rebels.
How are you going to enforce that without sparking mass protests and riots? How do you suppress the latter without armed force? How do you suppress the subsequent rebellion without it becoming a brutal civil war?
Congratulations, you're literally the only person in the thread to propose a functional and reasonable method of accomplishing this.
How do you convince all Swedes to give you 66% of their sallary so they can finance a gigantic welfare state and extreme levels of immigration from the third world? You force them. Faggot.
>tiny self-contained wealthy scandinavian state with very little armament disseminated among the people and a large quantity of government oversight
I believe you're mistaken.
How do you convince people not to park in handicap spaces? You fine them, if they refuse to pay the fine or submit and go to jail when the cops come after them you shoot them. Obey the law or get shot.
>Congratulations, you're literally the only person in the thread to propose a functional and reasonable method of accomplishing this.
That post didn't address your question in any way, it said literally nothing about getting snyone to leave.
>How are you going to enforce that without sparking mass protests and riots? How do you suppress the latter without armed force? How do you suppress the subsequent rebellion without it becoming a brutal civil war?
In a hypothetical scenario where you have enough governmental control to take the sort of measures I described, you would already have control of the military. In years leading up to what I described, one could start removoing non-whites from military and law enforcement positions.
The only two populations that would really need to be addressed in the short term from a demographics point of view would be mestizos and the blacks. You would start by simply aggressively deporting 100% of all illegal migrants, and then stepping up arrests to unprecented rates. A huge percentage of the black population could be neutralozed just from imprisonment.
Then, slowly amd imcrementally, you could ramp measures up- since birthright citizenship would have already been removed, you could declare that anyone who got citizenship via that process after a certain daye needed to go back to their parent's country of origin and re-apply for citizenship, and increase deportations.
The sub-Saharan population doesn't have the capability to organize on a large scale; the mestizo population could be reduced incrementally and even at its maximum size it wouldn't pose a threat to a United States military that is fighting completely unreatrained by rules lf engagement.
Also, you seem to be vastly overestimating civilians' willingess to fight and die- most people, pffered 300,000 dollars to go have their own country, will opt for that over war.
>"but muh drones"
no im not. i am saying that the insurgents and their families will be executed for suspicious activity.
america has never done this before. that doesnt mean it cant happen.
Make the country absolutely irreversibly unbearable for anyone to live in that they leave, but prevent the desired ethnicity from leaving the country
Promise we'll give them white rulers. I'm 2/3 serious.
To be clear, this is just to answer your question of "making people leave who don't want to leave". There are other ways to pursue a white US:
Ban birthright citizenship; deport all illegals ans enact stroct border controls; have private billionaires (or government-funded people pretending to be private) provide loans and paymemts to white couples based on the number of children they have; have pro-white media and promote white natalism and the conception of the US as a white nation; return to a mostly white-only immigration policy, work with Latin American, Caribbean, and African governments to increase stability, create work programs and streamlined repatriation systems for non-white US citizens, and generally incresse feelings of nationalism amomg non-white Americans; vastly imcrease the strictness of law enforcement, much more blacks and mestizos imprisoned and lots of life sentences; no welfare benefits with drug use.
Eventually if you have enough power you can hold a "Grand Constitutional Convention"; a "reset" to reassess our amendments and temporarily revert to only the original 10 in the Bill of Rights, voting on wether to keep or reject all others; ensure that you get the results you want and end female suffrage, possibly strip citizenship from the former slave population.
If you have a pro-white sovereign with monarchical power there are a million things you can do; the question is how you get there in the first place.
People make the ethnostates where they live. It occurs naturally. We segregate ourselves with others like us. You see it on Jow Forums. Reddit. High school. Lunch breaks at work. Gender segregated schools. Most people date within their race. white leftists even as insane as they are still like to date white men. Only problem is certain types of people forcing diversity which is unnatural.
This is a kike slide thread
Controlled opposition designed to divide
To truly restore free association and end "anti-discrimination" policies, you'd already need to be in a level of power that would ne capable pf doing far more than that.
I don't see a viable liberal path to getting the power to do what you propose anyway- the Dems would fight it tooth and nail, and the only group in the country that votes majority Republican are whites, soon to be a minority.
At any rate, what you're proposing would still be a problem because everyone is still living eithin the same national polity- now you've just created an empire of different nationalities, and most non-local elections would just serve as cold civil wars for competing races to fight for control of the levels of state power. The only question ever really debated would be "to whom, from who ".
To truly restore free association and end "anti-discrimination" policies, you'd already need to be in a level of power that would ne capable pf doing far more than that.
I don't see a viable liberal path to getting the power to do what you propose anyway- the Dems would fight it tooth and nail, and the only group in the country that votes majority Republican are whites, soon to be a minority.
At any rate, what you're proposing would still be a problem because everyone is still living eithin the same national polity- now you've just created an empire of different nationalities, and most non-local elections would just serve as cold civil wars for competing races to fight for control of the levels of state power. The only question ever really debated would be "to whom, from whom".