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I dont listen to golems, sorry
You can stop spamming that pic, nobody gives a fuck—if you haven't noticed.
this changes everything
>Breaking News
>Jews and Muslims are fat
Wow what a scoop!
different boogie skins are now available?
That's the same person—a mossad spy posing as a Saudi…something(?)
This changes all fucking "journalist" killing.
The jews want to fuck the shit up. Get rid of Saudi king, and hit Trump with it.
Doesn't even look like the same person. Look at the nose it's a completely different shape. Mouth is different shape, chin is different shape. You'd have to be blind.
hollywood magic
>Doesn't even look like the same person. Look at the nose it's a completely different shape.
Have you heard of Hollywood? It's run by jews, by the way.
pic & link possibly related?
I have noticed that you golems dont give a fuck about the leader of your country secretly being jewish. sad.
Interesting theory.
Holy shit! Jared Kushner is Mohammed Bin Salman! Look at their faces!
Watched kushners sit down with van jones earlier, he didnt say anything that disproved the theory, for whatever thats worth.
Tell me leaf, who is this man and does he look Jewish? He is behind ALL of JT's rhetoric and political nonsense so basically is the head of our country.
I'll take a look at it. Kushner is allegedly very smart.
He does seem very intelligent and very honest/transparent. I know its suprising because hes a jew. But after watching for a while it feels easier to spot (((them))), and he doesnt seem to fit that mold.
Relevant part is around 17:15 fyi:
I'll watch this later. Thanks for the link.
i have always had the sense he is a genuine patriot and truly wants a good life for his children and their future children
Agreed. I forget where i read this, but i remember reading an argument saying once jews overcome their own internalized victimization they can become the strongest advocates of truth. It was compelling enough to make an impression on me. Examples including: Weininger, Fischer, Freedman. Or currently, this is how i feel about: Kushner, Rosenstein, Miller.
>from pic related
>At one point, in front of witnesses, Kushner swore at Dermer in his West Wing office, saying he wasn’t going to do his bidding just because of his Jewish background. “You’re not going to tell us how to run these things,” he told Dermer. “Don’t try to push us around. Don’t try to jam us.”
the thing about brainwashing groups of people is they don't usually ever realize they're brainwashed. jews, catholics, mormons, scientologists, transexuals, they're called social viruses and they spread on their own so the initial infection is very hard to trace and place blame.
Thats a fair point, but its my understanding that judaism is foundationally different than the other religions or cults you listed. Where by if youre adhering to Catholic, Mormon, Transexual, Scientologist beliefs, your beliefs arent centered around the idea that your selected group has been chosen by God to be vastly more important than all other groups on earth.
Pic related is from Weiningers Sex & Character, might be interesting to you. I recommend reading the chapter on Judaism, if not the whole book, if youre interested in the topic.
Catholics believe God chose them and all non-believers go to hell *except the Jews lol
Part 3!!! Of Based-Bellagio's ground breaking Mini-saga.
>part 1 was the ground floor, intro to the meme and the history
>part 2 was the radical conspiracy theories behind the meme
>part 3 is the grand Montage of CIAniggery, MKULTRA techniques that MAKE you a NPC
The NPC meme terrifies the establishment because THEY treat us as NPC goyim.
The CIA can reprogram and make you a NPC with drugs, movies, shock treatment, torture and many other methods..
Part 3
YouTube is censoring NPC videos and Accounts!
Yet the Jews will say SOROS made it.... ,.,.
love him or hate him kushner is one smart jew.
>chop up and peel the skin off of the face of some other fool and then take pictures to make it look more real
Its undeniable a strong jewish supremacist racism runs through the core of Judaism. How could you not expect bigotry to fester there
Kushner shills detected
>Kushner is allegedly very smart
Stop believing Kushner's PR team.
Kushner was well-known as an average student (at best). He got into Harvard only because rich daddy Charlie Kushner wrote the big "Harvard number" on a check.
What Kushner excels at is psychopathic ruthlessness.