The past you chase after that never existed is just a Norman Rockwell painting. Like all great works of art, it turns the real into the ideal, so when I look at Jow Forums's political leanings all I see is a bunch of retarded idealists. As we all know, the ideal is not achievable. It is nature's trick, the carrot on the stick that keeps us from realizing that existence is pointless suffering. Chasing after it will only lead to animal behavior.
>1 post by this id Yep. This one’s going in my slide post compilation
Aaron Morgan
>1 post by this id Yep. This one’s going in my slide post compilation
Ayden Hill
kikes are really fucking stupid if they think they can make us believe that life was a neverending horror show until they began their post-war tyranny.
Oliver Wood
>1 post by this id Yep. This one’s going in my slide post compilation
Joseph Smith
>until they began Nothing has changed.
Jordan Cooper
>1 post by each and every ID
Adam Bell
in the 50s niggers hung in the trees, and women were in the kitchen. The world was not like a caricature, but it was better than what it is now.
Aaron Sullivan
anecdotal evidence
Zachary Phillips
People were still solely concerned with chasing earthly desires. You people paint the last century like it was sort of renaissance when it was really just a consumerist hell. Don't you have any concern at all for the eternities?
You're a stupid asshole, in the 50s the Negroes knew their place. And none of these monkeys dared raise their heads.
Jonathan Powell
>People were still solely concerned with chasing earthly desires youre a fuckin retard, dude. im sorry the television tells you these things but it isnt true.
Logan Phillips
I always love when lefties try and cover the bad optics of only loving some future vision of their country that doesn't exist by accusing conservatives of loving a fictional past
Jordan Gomez
im sorry the television tells you these things but it isnt true. Then what are you after, you fucking faggot? All I see is ressentiment for other races and wanting a family/family environment. The "aesthetic" images are the cringiest shit I have ever seen and totally miss the point of aesthetics. You all act like retarded animals. But Russia, you are the nigger.