trans speaking truths Jow Forums how do you respond?
Trans speaking truths Jow Forums how do you respond?
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did it suicide yet?
> I am a girl because I know I’m a girl
Impressive argument.
>Trump is saying gender is biological
uhhh.. because it is?
We'll just see about that
can't hack off your Y chromosome
>be girl
>call yourself trans
Mentally ill people dont have fire arm rights. I am not afraid.
There are only two genders. Its science.
Can’t wait for that thing to an hero. 2 years tops.
He say he isn't worried.
He looked worried as hell.
Press E to erase trannies.
Every last one of you subhumans needs to be thrown off a building.
did not watch freak with puss oozing front hole made from poop pipe
I wish she would reveal benis.
He already multilated it.
Apparently the surgery didn't go well either.
I m here just to lmow it
Also how is dilatation going on
Why is he so ugly? Like he'd be ugly even if he didn't fuck himself up with female hormones. Jesus what a disgusting subhuman.
I keked my ass off.
His mouth looks like a crooked butthole.
Get ready to be erased sweety.
Should've been a trans nazi.
When the illegals are all deported or executed and Molesta is in a torture cell at gitmo, I will give a fuck about trannies.
Until then, I will just watch the Brazilian videos like the goddamn hypocrite I am.
yeah i noticed that too there’s something wrong with her mouth
There is no such thing as trans anymore. Just mentally ill people pretending to be the opposite gender. As it should be
How does jazz urinate if he cut his dick off? Does he leak piss from out of his franken-vagina?
"fucking faggot" - Jow Forums
i mean it's probably not hard to get the minimum downward angle, even with the worst dick amputation
How is it possible to fuck up so quickly? He doesn't even have his own narrative straight.
it's too late for xer. (((mom))) and tranny forums already made sure of it.
>rant video
>no autosuicide video
Pls kys fgt.
Its sad that mental illness can ruin so many lives. Lets focus on the cure not encourage people to mutilate their bodies as if to match their minds. True kindness is in helping them back not feeding them hormones and cutting them.
God she’s cute. If she had just kept her adorbs little benis I could see myself marrying her in a few years.
Still looks like the ps triple guy to me.
Call them a transtrender because transsexuals are born with a female brain not faggots who are born male and TRANSFORM into a female.
Fuck off cd faggots.
gender is a social construct
you are all using gender when you mean sexuality
congrats on being fucking stupid
they are doing that
gender is a meaningless word that can mean anything
hes in pain from a recently made massive open wound
>There is no such thing as trans anymore. Just mentally ill people pretending to be the opposite gender.
EXACTLY Its all fetishists who are ashamed of being called a crossdresser or a transvestite and want to be le unique snowlake attention whores
>implying 3 million people have a fetal development disorder
try 30,000 out of 325 million americans
I wish retards would use some fucking common sense
>gender is a social construct
you are all using gender when you mean sexuality
congrats on being fucking stupid
so why are these freaks sperging out over semantics? what the fuck is their problems lmfao
Her only redeeming quality was his feminine penis now it's gone
What's sad, I get transvestites. Men's fashion sucks ass.
These people are mental
>by saying sex is ugh..biological
lol what a dumb bitch
>mentally ill teenager on supplemental hormones trying to tell adults what to do
why is this dude pissing down the back of his leg?
All i see is a shit eyed manlet mexican faggot who chopped his dick off and can't pass on his vile genes anymore. The fuck is wrong with pol to argue with these faggots all the time? Go breed the women they have given up on by cutting of their own balls haha.
How hard is it to just shorten it to Frankengina?
Or just Frankengein
Hold that thought, this guy at the local psychiatric hospital is telling me how he's totally Napoleon, I want an autograph.
>unable to discern cultural roles from biological ones
kek. why does he have a permanent mustache? Seriously.Shaving your stash can't cost more than a few cents.
biology a bitch
what happens when it doesn't want to be
a girl anymore and wants to be a toilet.
>inb4 suicide
>its Trump fault
>incoming blue wave
cocky little FREAK!
Of all of the videos on the internet of trannies user had to post a video of one just talking.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
Look at this dude live-streaming how much he hates trump
He even quoted nyt lmfao
>Not hurting anyone
>Cuts penis off
I'm an A-10 Warthog because I know I'm an A-10 Warthog. Now where are some hajii's that I can bbbbrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttt
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
it sucks to be me
I was a 14 year old boy with nonexistant T
It sucks to be me
Now I've cut my dick off on national TV
Oh it sucks to be me
Your not born with a male or female brain you fucking moron.
Her Jewish slave masters forced her to memorize those lines.
when i was little
i'd play with pink dolls
my sisters have dressed me up since i could crawl
and now I've changed my name and protest on national mall
(fuck trump)
it sucks to be me
I was a 14 year old boy with nonexistent E
it sucks to be me
this. very well written.
Race is a social construct.
Species is a social construct.
Everything's a social construct, right?
>NPC's in full force on the internet
Notice how we have no proof that such a thing is even happening. Someone supposedly reviewed a draft of it. That's Alex Jones-tier journalism and he was called a conspiracy theorist due to lack of evidence to support his claims.
They're all jumping all over it too. Everyone is commenting as if it is fact. Even the headlines state it is just "reported". People declined to comment
>Can you tell us about this new proposal?
>What proposal?
>= no comment on the bill
wew lad i think you hit the nail on the head
the anormality in jazz's life is too mundane, Lynchian is spot-on, very good post
Every cell in "her" body is still male.
Who are we looking at here? I see a fat slob with welfare check!
>implying most cells in her body even use the y chromosome. Its probably turned off in the majority of the cells. The y chromosome gives you a dick and a little bit else. Most female and male characteristics are caused by hormones.
Men and Women have a lot more differences than a cock and a vagina, and not all of those differences rely on hormones
nah, the most significant differences are hormonal. it's why women can merely inject T and pass as men.
Male and female brains are so different that brain surgeries have to be changed depending on sex of the patient. Injecting hormones does not change this.
You moron.
Jesus Christ! You are stupid. Were you educated in an American public school?
>women can merely inject T and pass as men
No, they cannot.
They can never get rid of their feminine bone structure and it's a dead giveaway every time.
>Like ratio that high
Normally these videos get bombed to hell.
I prefer poop-pipe or front-anus
He took so many hormones that his dick was too small to turn inside out, so he opted for an experimental procedure to turn his colon into a vagina instead.
...Fuck /tv/ for teaching me this shit.
im sorry youre fucking stupid
I dont agree with people pretending to be transsexuals but I dont agree with people being bigot faggots making shit up and attempting to pass it off as biology.
If you say stupid shit that has no basis in scientific fact in any topic, then Im going to call you a stupid ignorant uneducated nigger faggot regardless of my stance on said topic.
If you dont want to get hurt feelings and get upset about being called stupid, then dont fucking make shit up and let shit fall out of your mouth.
Science doesnt care about your feelings faggots whether you want to pretend youre a little girl or if you want to pretend that you can "catch the gay" by giving your son a pink toy.
Youre both fucking driving in opposite directions on Dumb Fuck Ave.
Dude chopped his dick off, LMFAO.
Yes, yes it is happening.