New Jersey hate thread

>be black
>live in Philadelphia but work in New Jersey
>White people in New Jersey are the most racist people ever and give me dirty looks
>was driving home today and some bitch cut me off and almost got into an accident and yelled nigger at me

Fuck New Jersey. Especially Cherry Hill and Evesham

Which part of America is the best place for blacks?

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idk chicago?

You seem like NPC too. Look into Mississippi.

>which part of America is best for blacks?
Mt. Saint Helens

>was driving home today and some bitch cut me off and almost got into an accident and yelled nigger at me
Same shit happened to me. Every bit of it and I’m white. I live in East Iowa. Don’t come here I guess.

Go to Atlanta

Dearborn, Mi or Detroit, South Side Chicago, Atlanta, GA, Prison, basically any hood. But the best thing to do is to go to Africa and make Africa great again. Go make sure you help Wakanda Rise to Greatness based friend

We can't get away from you, even in the cold and mountains and shit you still fucking follow like a little lost puppy


Definitely Atlanta. They have actual large middle and upper class black neighborhoods that you don't see many other places.

If you think people from Jersey are racist never come to Maine nigger

> Be black but constantly seek to be around whites

Fuck off nigger

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No jobs there, I actually have a career and don't want to live in some rural poverty stricken state.
I was starting to think this. A lot of people I have heard from say its basically a black mecca. Where I live now in Philly, most people work shitty jobs and act like savages.

Getting a job in another state is so hard though.
I don't want to live in a flyover state.
I work with mainly white people. The pay is good. Try to stop me.

>constantly seek to be around whites
Why do they do this?
They are already destroying the few white cities in brazil because of this.

Definitely check out Atlanta then aka HOTLANTA. It’s off da muthafucking chain yo. It’s basically like a Wakanda within America. I had to catch a connecting flight at the Atlanta airport and it was bumpin. Place was packed with niggaz yo. They were being racist towards me because I am white. I was a couple hours wait til my next filight and it would been nice to get a hot meal but didn’t trust any of them around my food because of their racism, so I just had to get a prepackaged snack.

Liberia. Go there. Don't come back. You will not be missed.

do you think we'll go red this year? I'm really excited. Also fuck niggers.
t. NJfag

California. The South hates you just like the North. Go West.

come to Ohio, we'll embrace you my bother

>be white
>live near niggers right on the other side of Tacony bridge in Philadelphia
>wish niggers would move to New Jersey

this, my walmart has free BB guns for you to carry around

Those are Italians. Not whites.

Go back africa subhuman nigger

I hate New Jersey almost as much as I hate niggers in Philly

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People are racist.

Didn't we make Liberia for you? Go 4th and prosper, my negro.

>Which part of America is the best place for blacks?

Move to Lakewood. They’re really nice people over there.

harrison arkansas

Maybe you'd enjoy it more living, or rather, chillin', somewhere like Trenton, Newark, Jersey City, Paterson, New Brunswick, etc. Tread carefully though, one wrong step and you could easily find yourself on a gentrified college town block

Ive heard that white NJers are the most racist whites in the North East. Closely followed by Bostonians.

Opinion discarded.

Weird to see my random ass NJ city being mentioned in a pol thread


>White people in New Jersey are the most racist people ever
that's racist to say!

not surprised given how many shit (((mminorities))) we have. But don't think we're based, we're completely overrun, especially with poos, blacks, and illegals

Apparently Delawarian whites are pretty racist too.

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No don’t come to Atlanta we already have enough blacks and the white people would hate you, go to California

Take it up with the niggers not us. If 85% of your race werent retarded savages then no white people would ever be "racist" to you

Unironically the south.

Cherry hill is basically Israel. Evesham (really just say Marlton) is pretty decent and the further east from here, the greater the whitemans paradise

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Just go to any big city where niggers congregate, and stay there.

be guy from the deep south. grew up never ever hearing nigger. move to trenton NJ start hiring black people. those niggers gave me the red pill so hard I drop N bombs on everyone.

All the jersey girls at my school (small grad school) fuck niggers

morgues and graveyards
ships and planes on one-way trip to Africa


wakanda would be fitting for you

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come to canada , all the blacks are weeaboos

tri state jokes

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Trust me, I've lived in NJ my whole life. No one here is friendly, especially on the road. and if you have plates from other states we'll prob say some rude things