Explain yourselves, nazis

Explain yourselves, nazis.

Attached: 36253451155.jpg (450x664, 250K)

what's there to explain .. Hitler did nothing wrong, but he should have

Too me, they look more like Mexican intellectuals

you first, saturnian.

Attached: under your nose and in your face.jpg (1138x1080, 718K)

NYPD is looking for 9 Proud Boys after the beat up 3 antifa.

Attached: DpgQILEU8AAEXWM.jpg large.jpg (1024x682, 115K)

Is this seriously what passes as white in america?
They were so confident in their ''whiteness'' that they got death's head tattoos.
What a shit hole country

The inmates on Rikers island are looking for them too.

Attached: DpgTvN5XcAAEwIg.jpg large.jpg (1400x928, 178K)

back in the 70s in the bronx, gangs from all different races would wear any edgy offensive symbols they could think of

Now tell me what percentage of prisons are full of illegals and minorities and how that corresponds to the population demographics of the United states

Same in Chicago all the way up through the 80s and 90s. It didn't even phase most people.

Attached: Uptown Chicago 1981.png (638x548, 316K)