And you saying left can't meme
And you saying left can't meme
Other urls found in this thread:
someone fix the nose of the (((professional help man)))
These are great trans memes. It would be very sad if some trolls would edit them
>Had a psychological problem all my life
>Surely indulging it will make it better
I guess we should all start pretending to hear the voices around schizophrenics now.
Fuck property, amirite?!
ooooh a woah ummm geez yea uhhh that's gonna be quiiiiiteeee the yikes from me sweetie
So, HRT is basically suicide?
Slow and delayed suicide.
Someone put a NPC face on the tranny
more here:
He's got shoulders like a football player. LOL.
absolutely disgusting
this is now a fag hate thread
These memes are actually pretty lit
Transgenderism is is not a mental illness.
But apparently it can be cured by drugs that cure mental illness.
Middle aged white men have the highest rate of suicide in americs.
Does that mean that society is unfair towards white men?
This one is great when historically associations would categorize [gays] as a mental illness before
So NOW they're all credible apparently
telling someone to suck it up their life leads to repression of serious issues. In that aspect it is.
yes...blond men are so pretty...they must all become girls
This, but unironically.
I think one of the reasons the left can't meme is because of their arrogance. They assume everyone not then is a regard which is why they feel the need to label the guy 'professional help man' right after a panel where a character has just identified that's who he is. And even that panel came after another character forshadowed his entrance.
Or take this one. The fourth panel is not needed. If the point of your meme is to make a clever point, you can just end it there. We don't need to see a panel of the greater actually being smug about the point he just made. But I guess if you're a leftist, you can't help patting yourself on the back.
Do these people not understand how child consent laws work?
Why can a kid choose to change their life permanently but can't get laid
Oh wait because kids brains aren't developed enough to fully understand the situation they're in and make an informed decision with consequences in mind
I'll let them take HRT if the left let's me fuck em and put them to work in a sweatshop
2+2 = 5