Why Jow Forums, why doesn't he use this simple trick?

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Are you the famous lolberatarian bot?



I'm not sure he actually wants it to be dispersed right away. I think both sides are convinced that a literal horde of smelly brown people demanding handouts is going to be an important political issue that wins them the midterms. They're both doubling down, at the moment.

"If this caravan"?! Fucking "IF"?!
No, sir. We want to hear and witness,
"This caravan WILL NOT reach the USA"
You have one damned job, Donnie.

Why don't you keep then from entering in the first place Donnie?

Like 5000 subhumans is a good price for requiring IDs in order to vote. That twit would be like saying "The democrats are bringing them to vote", so if the caravan evaporates, it gets proven, if the caravan reaches, he enforces ID's. Its the best strategy.

Why do you faggots never post the link?

Because it's a fake twit, just read the post text you faggot. Its something he HAS TO TWIT.

Because doing that would require killing thousands of innocent women and children that don’t even understand that they’re being conned. Personally idgaf if he carpet bombs that caravan but it’s not going to happen, it would absolutely vilify the dems.

That would be amazing.

why does it have to be fake?
why can't he actually fucking do this?

voting is led by the states and not the fed. god, take a civics class.



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post by this id
wow thats embarrassing. you were wrong. im cringing so hard at your comment

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Trump: *threatens to do what I should actually do without question*

Also Trump: *gargles Jew cum every night before bed*

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Anons need to get out there to the polling stations and get video evidence of illegals voting.

Also this

walking a 1000 miles in nikes and flipflops doesn't seem viable

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>mfw my country already has one
>it has never gone as expected

sad times ahead

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Carpet bomb them too.

i've seen people saying this kind of forced migration/invasion is what will tip them toward the closed border side of the debate. i'm not sure it's a winning strategy for the dems at all

that's what the liberal media is saying. you can be rest assured it's at least 3 times that size

You get 15000 in. You make 11million unable to vote. Brainlet.

It's sad when niggers like you post tweets without source. It makes me have to type the twitter url to go verify.

KYS Faggot. Read the text beside the pic.

but my only question is does Trump have the authority to require ID across the board for midterms? i really hope so but am not sure. any lawfags?

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If Trump is retarded, what does that say about his followers?

You know what else would be a useful political issue for both sides to harness for the greater good?

Another school shooting.
Some kind of IED going off.
Trucks of peace.
Harrassment of a politician while they eat.

Your government system is a joke on steroids.

why not?

It started out 2000, then when they went through Guatemala it grew to 5000. Now it's 7000+ as mexicans have latched on to it. By the time they're at the gates it'll be 100k

how come the "greatest country on earth" doesn't need ids with picture to vote

>Your government system is a joke on steroids.
Meanwhile in Australia, Jews just caused hung parliament and early election to get Labor, aka open borders party, in.

Also, It's NOT okay to white in Australia.

>its da wentworf joos
Righto mate.
>labor government incoming
Unironically going to be better than a split liberal party.


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It's obviously okay to be white in Australia; what isn't okay is that we have brain-dead senators wasting tax payer dollars to try and convince the rest of the senate to ACKNOWLEDGE that being white is okay, especially when the phrase is used a race baiting dog whistle.

This is pretty simple stuff.

I hope you live to see your country become 3rd world. I'm leaving this shithole.

>third world
Wake up idiot.

NO. our plans!

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Sounds like a big job. Ice taking volunteers? Willing personally deport anyone without an ID.. to hell

Could FDR issue an executive order to require all the gold of the US. People? No. But he did it.

Fuck you.

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we should let them in on the condition that they have to go to California and live in the rich lib neighborhoods.
especially the mansions of those funding their travel.

Because elections are run by the States, not the Federal Government, and he has no authority to do so.

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he can't. i've been saying this for days and I said it tons of times during the last caravan. our current immigration policy is fucked. we have NO power over our borders. anyone who wants to enter WILL enter. even if they are arrested they are not deported immidietly unless they have a felony (even then liberal courts try to release them into the country). they are arrested, processed, given a court date (2-5 years from now) and released into the country to wait for their court date so their refugee claim can be assessed.
they of course never show up for the court date.

that is how it works. that is our immigration system. if he sends the military to the border the military will just grab them and escort them to the immigration office to be processed and given a court date.


Tbh yeah, most americans would accept 5000 spics in exchange for voter id.

How has no mysterious outbreak of k of typhus or cholera broken out among them yet?

Asking for a friend: Could he surround vote stations with ICE police?

This desu
If Trump will keep his word then bring them in
Not only will voter ID be enforced but the violence and chaos the caravan will create will swing a lot of people Right

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Surround voter stations with ICE police. Isn't it voting as an illegal a felony?

No we shouldn't. We should kill them before they get anywhere near our border.

He can send ICE nearly anywhere I believe. At the very least he has the authority to send them anywhere within 100 miles of the border at any time for any reason thanks to the patriot act. As this covers 90% of the US's population, he could effectively send them to nearly all polling stations.

Not having voter ID is the stupid thing democrats advocate for.
Canadians have to show two pieces of ID to vote for the fucking town dogcatcher.
It is plain as fucking day why democrats advocate for it, it's because they don't want there to be any accountability and it gives illegals a vote.

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The trick is putting federal troops on the border, not tweets

>1000 miles
>if you only knew how far is really is

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>why not?
voting laws are left to the states

He's going to let them in like he's been letting them in by the millions since he took office. He's also been letting in record levels of h1bs and chain migration since taking office.

He's. A. Fraud.
All. Talk. No. Action.

>"muh gotta let them in because of DEMOCRATS!"

Wow, so inspiring. I'm not voting. It's pointless

Honestly just shoot them. USA is spineless these days. If this were the 1700s we would just shoot the assholes

uniparty needs illegal votes to stay in power (uniparty=democrats/neoconservatives) (neocons=registered republicans who are warhawks and as far left as possible without being democrats)

Part 3!!! Of Based-Bellagio's ground breaking Mini-saga.
>part 1 was the ground floor, intro to the meme and the history
>part 2 was the radical conspiracy theories behind the meme
>part 3 is the grand Montage of CIAniggery, MKULTRA techniques that MAKE you a NPC

The NPC meme terrifies the establishment because THEY treat us as NPC goyim.

The CIA can reprogram and make you a NPC with drugs, movies, shock treatment, torture and many other methods..
Part 3

YouTube is censoring NPC videos and Accounts!
Yet the Jews will say SOROS made it.... !

>lowest refugee numbers since 1977
>tightest regulation on h-1b visas ever possibly stopping h-1b holders spouse from working in the US.
you're a lying fuck whose gone from thread to thread making shit up. try not making claims that can be countered by even CNN you stupid kike.

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No we should just nuke Mexico to the ground, then any illegal would have to go through a wasteland to get to America

You don't need an ID to vote in the US? literally why?

Counter it then faggot.


The migrants are NOT here for gibs, nor for the midterm elections, nor are they here for the "American Dream".

The migrants are here as a tool to destablize the US even more, but that's just a step to a greater plan.

Combined with the efforts of the alt-left and anti-fa, its an attempt to co-op and light up an American Civil War (((2))).

The goals of the left and the extreme left has been to kick off a civil war, in order to destabilize the USA, since that failed, the (((caravan))) has been dispatched to help create more instability within the US, they are comprised of unhinged and violent men and women, with no loyalty nor ties with the USA. They will steal, rape, and murder your sons and daughters.

They will be armed and funded by the (((left))) and co-operate with the (((left))) to destabilize and create a civil war.

The civil war is SLIGHT (diversion), the true goal is the up and coming multinational-war (WW3)
>layers upon layers

Once defeated or destabilized, the enemy can come in and kill your sons and make your daughters their playthings.



stock up, ammo, food, necessities, get closer to your neighbors (gather allies) build repertoire with neighbors (black and white), family, and community, but practice OpSec. (don't talk about what you got, or what you're preparing for)

>loose lips sink ships.
your family is your ship, don't talk about anything going on in your family, what resources you've got, shtf locations, etc., but be friendly with the neighbors.

exercise and look into some quick self-defense videos and PRACTICE.

strengthen your squad (family) and run a tight ship, instill into your family members a sense of Self (individual) Discipline, Loyalty (to family) and Secrecy. (keep family secrets, secret, OpSec)


keep tabs on current happenings.

mow them all down

>Soldier, go 6000 miles away to shoot these random brown people in this inhospitable desert
>Sir yes sir! *murders 1 million afghanis*
>Soldier, go to the border and stop these invaders.
>hurrr durr can we DO that? i'unno just let em in and we'll give em a court date n shit


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Already made a counter claim. Learn words retard.

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>claims = proof

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>One simple trick
>illegals HATE him

Democrats want the illegal vote.
That's literally all there is to it. Same with "sanctuary cities"

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We should park our military and a handful of large military cargo planes at the border. Load em up and fly them to Israel

>countered a claim
>asked to provide proof when the claimer did not.
You asked me to counter claims and I did. If the ability to search for things online eludes you then I'd suggest you kys.
>refugee historic lows
The cap for 2019 is set to 30,000 down from 2018s 45,000 and in 2016 was nearly 200,000

Requests of tighter regulations to include a more comprehensive background check and spouses of visa holders are to lose the right to work i the US.
You and your whole demoralizing kike squad should fuck right off. Lying sacks of shit.

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>actually provided sources

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Even my corrupt shithole requires you to have ID to vote.

You expect too much if you think the underage here have already taken their civics class.

It's still illegal to enter the country without at minimum a passport. It's still illegal to live here without permission.
The ruling class just doesn't want to do anything about it because they want the slaves. It doesn't matter who you elect.

I wish he did say this.

Don't worry they only walk for the cameras, their buses are just around the corner.