Thank Christ this was made before the age of (((diversity)))
There will never be another all-white fantasy epic made ever again
that move fucking sucked anyways
there was the chronicles of narnia
>t. subhuman
your skin is shit colored isn't it
Better than the books at least.
>and were walking. And walking. And walking.
maybe Harry potter too if you consider it fantasy
It had plenty of brown people
I’ve never watched Harry Potter - just looks like shit imo
Do you want to get torn a new asshole? Cause that's how you get torn a new asshole, asshole
It should be remade with Aragorn and Gandalf as black men. This trilogy was shamefully racist.
now this is retarded. I guess it didnt have enough action scenes of legolas using a shield as a surfboard
Pick one.
I can smell the fried chicken and grape drank on your breath all the way over here
pick one.
nothing of value was lost
>all white
What about the orcs and Southrons?
Yeah the implied homo relationship between frodo and Sam was gay and subversive
I read silmarillion like 10 time you uncle tom
Lord of the Rings was shit
most characters were white
P O O ' D
I think like Netflix purchased the rights to make a TV series on this, so it's going to get blacked
>the implied homo relationship between frodo and Sam was gay and subversive
No such a thing, Samwise even marries and has children by the end.
there are at least 10x more books published a year today than in 1950s.
chances are their have been multiple better "all-white fantasy epics" published this year alone that have never been read by more than a few hundred people.
And netflix is going to make a /series/ based on it.
You just know it'll be pozzed af though. Humans and Faun pairings - you know it.
Narnia Web on it:
Samwise is all over frodo's dick and frodo is grateful for every minute of it
I agree, black people need their own trilogy.
We should listen entertainers often. they're pretty based and wise.
aww not enough brown people and faggots of various sexual preferences for you Jamal Silverberg?
Planet of the apes
Amazon actually. So it will fare better, but probably not by much.
I for one am looking forward to the day some stupid, classless nigger like Snoop-Dog plays a cameo role as an elf on the LOTR tv show.
That's racist!
It was just pure normie trash. The US has far more foreigners than Denmark fwiw.
We need to talk about the elf-problem guys. This is a very very problematic situation.
But by C.S. Lewis, or J.R.R. Tolkien? Find me their contemporary equal and we'll talk.
The ginger that the hero marries got BLACKED in the 6th one
Yeah not enough interracial porn and gratuitous swearing and gore for my mature tastes.
> tfw you realize Hermione was a Jew.
Don’t be so hopeless. Maybe if you watch more foreign films or read books you’d be a lot happier.
I read Philip K. Dick. He loves Jews and black and he’s a commie faggot from SF, but his stories are all white
The actor that played gimli is based
I kind of feel sorry for you. You've clearly never survived something you shouldn't have through sheer will along with the herculean effort of another man.
The bond that comes from such an experience is what those who will never understand it mistake for "gay"
But you will never truly live, and so you are to be pittied
its pretty white
If they made it now, Gandalf would be asian, Aragorn would be black, Legolas would be a woman, Merry and Pippin would be Hispanic and Gimli would be italian
You only think that because your perception of a male friend has been perverted by the jews
Is this thread always made by the same person, or is groupthink this real? You're not wrong, but I still feel like this thread pops up strangely regularly
I love these
we need more demographic progress in Gondor and Rohan guys.
Whats the matter? Someone stole your sweetroll?
t. Orc
Also, the orcs were black
>Elves, dwarves, hobbits
>No diversity
Pick one.
Is this a honeypot?
Yeah I've had those adventures. Never got gay like depicted in those movies. Was waiting for them to start making out the whole time.
gondor was hit by a mysterious plague in early 3rd age. which caused it to become weak because it killed everyone. Total coincidence that the Witch King moved in to an abandoned Gondorian fortress.
How was this allowed?
Especially the jewish star at 0:15
Wow fuckin BASED! I guess we should support Israeli genociding of Palestinians! They're only subhuman goyim like us anyway, and Israel IS our greatest ally (and they're God's chosen after all).
kiwi here with family members who worked on the film. can confirm it's shit.
What should we do about young elves and men extremist?
Yes, you retard.
Dwarves aren't white
ok enough actually and it was made before joke rolling became a sjw attention whore and now she tries to rewrite her own crap lolol
Whenever I think about how insane the multiculti push has gotten in media, I just remember that no matter what happens, I can still watch the LotR trilogy in all its huwhite glory.
Game of Thrones is pretty much 100% white. There are a few darkies thrown around, but they're not main characters. Even Jason Momoa is half Hawaiian, half white.
Someone post the pic of the maori ranger
And almost all of those people are dead. There was even a big battle scene where shitskin invaders where slaughtering the white natives.
Look at the men after about 30 seconds vs the women. They stop cheering when they realize they'd be the ones getting killed while the women around them cheered. All part of the plan for (((Benioff))) and (((Weiss)))
The LOTR film trilogy is literally the most significant thing to ever come from New Zealand you filthy mong.
Are you retarded? First off the Dothraki aren't exactly shitskins negroes. They are either Mongolian or arab like savages. And yes the Dothraki are savages and their culture sucks, but right now they are fighting against the Lannisters who are basically the villains. If they invaded the North and fought the Starks they'd end up hated.
get back in your hobbit hole you bingo baggins hillbilly
spoiler tag that shit you nigger
It's been out for more than a year, you inbred.
post all you want but you will never feel peace from having to cope with your shit taste
I think what is interesting about these shows is that if they LEGIT thought that minorities are cool, they could make the casts extremely diverse. Yet they never do this. It seems like they always have only a bare minimum of ''token'' coloured people so they won't get called raycist.
They do prefer white people. They just don't admit it.
i waiting for the book
btw wtf is wrong with you americans?Why are you people freaking out about some fiction show?
>Thank Christ this was made before the age of (((diversity)))
It really is an amazing movie that showcases the beauty and honor of white culture.
These are the kinds of movies that would be produced regularly in a world not controlled by (((them))).
Movies that teach people good values and inspire them to live virtuous lives.
just watched the fellowship again and its still amazing. Nothing has been made in fantasy that comes even close to the moria scenes or the comfy shire scenes. the cultivation is unreal
based and redpilled
You are what happens when boys are raised by single mothers.
Esteros and Le girl powa Targaryen dragongurl absolutely ruined what could’ve been a decent fantasy series. Absolutely wasted opportunity for the best grimdark series.
I could never understand why game of thrones show became so popular. it was so terrible. They turned brienne of tarth unto a total fucking asshole
Game of thrones is meaningless nihilistic shit.
>humains are da real monstas
>so deeeeeeep brah pass the joint
>*cough* *cough*
shit books written by a morbidly obese nihilist that larps as a commie
the show were based on shit books and written by jews
you fucking nazi lies