Syria General /sg/ - Teh Systems Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>SE Syria Oct 22
>Suwayda Sep 25
>Yemen Sep 25
>Idlib Sep 18
>Latakia Sep 12
>Libya/Derna Jun 28
>Iraq Jun 14

Devs Oct 22
>Idlib:Report that Jihadist rebels allegedly transport ‘chlorine and sarin gases’ to Jisr Al-Shughour
>Sy gov approves inspection by joint panel of UN experts&chemical weapons watchdog on two research centers
>DeZ:SDF backed by French&US attacks IS positions near Bukamal.They secured the Baghouz Al-Fouqani area
>Turkish, US troops to begin joint patrols in Manbij city
>Syrian Deputy FM:Army never used chemical weapons
>Afrin:YPG kills 2 Turkish-backed rebels in new ambush
>Damascus describes US led coalitions actions in Raqqa as genocide
>Lavrov:US not ready for cooperation in Syria
>Turkey gives jihadist rebels last warning to leave Idlib buffer zone
>Russian, Iranian officials to meet with Turkish counterpart to discuss Idlib buffer zone
>Tens of former rebels settle legal cases with Syrian gov’t in Quneitra after military draft decree
>HTS cracks down on ISIS sleeper cells inside Idlib
>Syria slams France’s statement on one year anniversary of ‘liberating’ Raqqa
>RU:87000 militants eliminated in Syria
>Large convoy of SAA reinforcements arrive in west Aleppo
>Houthi forces use attack drones armed with ballistic missiles in western Yemen


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Other urls found in this thread:

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>whitoid tourists

Yes, they pay in Euros, in this aspect they are the best tourists

Thanks for baking.

mMmm.... chees

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6th for aesthetics

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lmao what in the actual fuck a Syrian war video game.

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Deluded morons. I hope they get decapitated by terrorists

Thanks for baking.

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road to Hudayda, absolute STATE of the coalition

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yes but do you really want whitoids running amok? they ruin the aesthetics of shitskins and run down buildings and streets.

also does anyone here play wargame red dragon? is it good?


Vesti News
Sergei Shoigu and James Mattis held their first meeting. It happened at the 5th ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting-Plus. Russia's minister of defense and his US counterpart shook hands at the entrance to the conference hall.

heh, I'll consider it, you did your marketing job well enough

>It even has several DLCs
We truly live in a society

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Egypt was ranked safer than US/UK :^)

hmm, maybe you are right

that'll be a small fee of 999.99 Euros or US dollars

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That's just nonsense. White people who go to the M.E. deserve what they get I have no empathy for suicidal idiots.

we live in a SOCIETY.

at its core I despise tourism everyone should fuck off and stay where they are

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Qatar paid you to say this didn't it?

Tourism is the best way to scam white people out of their hard earned money though

you should visit Pakistan buddy take ur man jaw gf with you. you need some cultural enrichment, already more than what you get in the UK.

Truth is we lived in a society from the start

Fuck money, only acceptable income from whitoids is the ransom money you get for taking one in and giving him a free hotel stay.

ASIO please don't knock down my door im only kidding hehe

gang weed

on the scale of 1-100 with Sweden being 100 and Saudi arabia being 0 how bad is cultural Marxism in argie bro?>

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You're a funny one. Here's something funnier: 500,000 Iraqi faggot kids being murdered by based (((Western))) sanctions.
LMAO at black activists. Every single time.

>muh dead kids

lmao only the strong survive.

atleast there aren't any pakis or niggers running around in Iraq god that would be awful wouldn't it.

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Exactly. I'm tired of hearing about it too.
>Wahh muh West killed kids
They would've grown up to advocate for the Holocaust of Jewish people. Like I should give a fuck.

>atleast there aren't any pakis or niggers running around in Iraq god that would be awful wouldn't it.
No, they'd raise your IQ average by about 10 points

Someone post that gif of a black guy humping the british """"""""""police""""""""""woman

why so hostile buddy i thought we were friends :(

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why did it fail?

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You're shit at math for someone with allegedly a high IQ

what football team do you support curious. have you ever been to an epl game?

Fuck off antisemitic rat. It doesn't matter if there's one good Arab since there are 10 million bad ones to compensate.

Aussies watch the NFL?

No. Football is for poor scum.

lmao calling the semite an anti semite lovely innit bruv.
what do you do as a hobby then? genuinely interested.

The poor are Britain's greatest shame. I hate them with a passion and I hope the Pakis continue to rape them, preferably with impunity.

some aussies do but irrelevant I was referring to English football or soccer.
aussies have their own version here of australian rules football

Shut the fuck up, oven dodger.
You're lower than a rat, you're a fucking parasite, same as all your people.

You guys should support the Devs. The game is pretty redpilled

lmao police and woman do not go together.
whats a femoid shorta gonna do, nag me to stop breaking into a store?

live target practice is the preferred sport of Zionists, correct? so who's your favorite? honestly, i'm tied between Moshe Dayan, Ariel Sharon and that guy who build that one shitty wall that fell when we sprayed water at it


>live target practice is the preferred sport of Zionists
I read about Israeli snipers shooting Palestinian boys in the balls and I was repulsed but found it a little bit funny.

moshe dayan is pretty cool for a jew not gonna lie.

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Man, i can't wait for the Command and Conquer series remastered

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He had an eye for things

da bum tsss


I have to say fuck Egypt for stopping the advance during yom kippur war, you guys could have advanced and met up with Syria and completely BTFOd the kikes. fuck that nigger anwar sadat

poor boy, you must wonder how it feels like to have balls :(

Why, so you can LARP as a nation that wasn't irreversibly BTFO'D and enslaved by the West?

I love command and conquer so fucking much I played zero hour back in 06 was the first game I ever played.


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goodnightnight /sg/
keep the thread alive so I have my mornings read

nice trips.

GLA is the best and most OP faction in the game,

Fucking wish it was some marxist shit, that might make an actual interesting shitstorm
It's just your run-of-the-mill progressive liberal garbage
In regards to the question, I'll say around 50, you have your feminist, your lgbt guys and leftist (mainly because of how badly the current govement is fucking things up plus the IMF being here)
But you have the opposition, evangelicals (probably because they are scared they might lose their free gibs if the demands for a secular goverment get in motion) and a growing libertarian/anti-feminist movement being slowly spear headed by a dollar store Argentinian Ben Shapiro

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That's what they're wondering too. The imagery is very powerful: Israelis castrating Arab boys from a young age.

You have things reversed, Sadat ordered the advance against all the advice of his commanders and field commanders, which caused the troops to lose air cover, which caused the dersvoir gap to happen which allowed Israelis to get troops behind the canal again and surround the 3rd army


What did moot mean by this

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How are the lebs in aus? Are they as bad as the outerpol tards complain

I know, I saw a review saying that one of the complaints was that it was too pro-Assad and pro-Russia
The guy did gave legitimate criticisms like bugs and clunky mechanics tho

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funny story when io googled dersvoir to make sure I spelled it right the first two results were archived Jow Forums threads where i explained the same thing

But you already got it senpai

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At least they once had balls so they know what it's like, but for you, you've never experienced the feeling :(

With regards to your pic, some American rabbis did successfully lobby the US government to refrain from acting on the Holocaust for some time because they deemed some European Jews (Romanians in particular) to be of inferior stock and therefore worthy of slaughter.

I see not too bad hopefully. enjoy life argie bro
interesting I must read up more on it. I always pinned the loss due to Egyptian treachery
It depends where you are. In Sydney you have enclaves of them in shitty neighbourhoods such as bankstown etc. They have become degenerate animals with no/very few ties to proper leb culture and are scorned by almost everyone who is a non arab. They are also 80% maronite im pretty sure. Just goes to show Christian or muslim, arabs are always gonna be degenerates in western countries lmao


I have brass balls. Also, you were emasculated at birth via circumcison so don't project your feelings of inferiority onto me.

But don't jews also get the snip?

no foreskin gang unite

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>the call that ruined bin salmans life
Press S

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it was partly Egyptian treachery Tbh, if you want to study it more in boring detail look up "شاهد علي العصر-المشير الشاذلي"
it's 10 episodes but you can skip the first few because it's just about Shazly's life and career before 1973

shokran akhi :)

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I am friends with a few Arabs irl but I still hate them and would turn on them in a millisecond.


well guys that's it for me


gn all

You’re smart

You can't deny is a remaster of some sort

same here tbqhwy

Good night.

It's the least of your worries, inflation and the IMF is always at the center stage
But the dollar is slowly going down or being stagnant, for now

There was a hail storm in Damascus.

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What are people saying about the dam these days?

I'm just waiting for one of them to slip up and mention something alluding to terrorism so I can inundate the MI5 with phone calls

jej too bad the UK doesn’t have more like you, lad

not much, since Aby Ahmed got elected things seem to go smoothly, even positively if that's possible

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Tattletale nationalism when?

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You have been visited by Syrian-Arab-Republic-chan.

Unless you post


in this thread, a horde of radical Islamists will appear in your house.

what do you fags think about the cold war restarting?

I fucking love it
I wasn't alive for the first one, glad I can experience the second one

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If those radical islamists are all qt hijabis hungry for white seed then they can come right in