How much alcohol do you think was involved in this conception?
The million dollar question - is the father the cuck or the bull?
How much alcohol do you think was involved in this conception?
The million dollar question - is the father the cuck or the bull?
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Come on Jow Forums, finding a trad girl isn't that hard. I found one and I think I am going to marry her.
>White, blonde, blue eyes, tall, beautiful
>Virgin, only kissed one other person before me.
>wants to have lots of kids
>helps out with house work and Financially as well
>lacks confidence
>can be vain
>Doesn't exist
>Parent are really annoying
how can a man be pregnant?
So happy shes pregnant, now we will have another comedy prodigy
She's just saying she pregant to hide the fact that she's a mtf
>Doesn't exist
Is every user's destiny to die alone?
When a Jewess gets pregnant its not a matter of conception, it happens when the female touches water or eats a foreskin before midnight. The Jewess will lay between 3-16 jew eggs which will hatch 6 months later
>Doesn't exist
My sides
Mother of God what has this place become
Why is she having kids?
It will ruin her body.
I thought she was a cool wine aunt.
Why did she have to sell out to the right wing agenda?
Muh baby.
>Doesn't exist
HAHAHAHAHA Topest of KEKs user
who fucking cares? this board is fucking garbage. Kill yourself, OP.
She should immediately have an abortion to prove how liberal she is.
Seeing your picture and reading your post had me like >tfw can't seem to make it even tho others do
But then I saw that your dream girl
>doesn't exist
And your post brought a hefty smile to my old worn out face.
Fucjing this. Disgusting nasty whore.
Maybe it has to do with everyone on here being narcissistic and baving high standards, go fuck a fat chick ffs
Glad I could brighten up your day, user
I’d give u a kek bc I feel bad for u... but instead, just go ahead and kys, gay boy
Nice photoshop
So, I just got done fucking my wife and nutting in her eager and wet cunt. I was going to shitpost for a minute while I enjoyed my post coital cigarette and brandy but, alas, here she is again. As I type this she's standing in the doorway, naked, except for a look of ferocity, staring at me with her piercing green eyes. In 30 minutes I only made her come four times. She knows I can do better. Looks like another 45 minutes of pussy and opium is on the menu, boys. After I make her come another 4-5 times or so, I'll probably have a double mojito, too.
Anyway, I dont give a shit what my usual standards are or what you faggots might think but, if I came across this slampig at a bar I would bury her face in the pillow and doggy hate fuck her so hard she would have permanent bruises in the shape of my hips on her fat ass cheeks.
I can't wait for 13 years from now when we can absolutely spam her kid with all of her mom's nudes and cringy content
I'm dying alone.
Amy Schumers literally a child molester. She's going to do what she did to her little sister to her child. It doesn't matter what we do to her kid in 13 years. That things going to be hissing in a corner puking like the exorcist.
meant for u user
>pls be patient im autistic
Several gallons.
The guy who fucked her cosbyed his own drink
Thought that was lena dunham with the sister molesting, not schumer
Mixing up your lefties bud
$100 Says the kid is black
She will probably have an abortion to try to show the world that there is nothing wrong in killing your own son inside your uterus.
Australia will never cease to deliver top quality banter.
What a terrible world, where beasts like amy schumer can replicate instead of being euthanized.
well im sure schumer will have a spirit cooking orgy with barack obama and harvy weinstein as the rabbi
>is the father the cuck or the bull?
What does Seth Rogen count as?
You’re close on the guess, what’ll actually happen is the kid will be born black and her husband is white so the point she’ll be trying to make is that it’s okay to cuck the man that’s devoted his life and trust to you as long as it means you’re trying to repay black people for enslaving them 150 years ago.
>How much alcohol do you think was involved in this conception?
How much money? You'd have to pay me to hit that.
Lena Dunham was the one who finger banged her sister, not "HPV Postive" Amy Schumer
Gross monster
An even better question:
How can anyone tell?
MFW she has a son
Will she give birth to a piglet?