Sadly mexico is a piece of trash and can't be fixed

>sadly mexico is a piece of trash and can't be fixed
mexitards explain yourselves

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because of you the world thinks Latin America is useless

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sorry we can't even solve our own problems for decades and ((("they"))) throw another one to us, to be sincere this is planned and you should be angry to the mob of aliens and the jews that help it happen.

US citizens need to start shooting across the mexican border at anything that moves.

why don't we just send a small military force to work with mexican federales and stop the caravan. if they don't like it, well, who cares

I honestly love how he causally slipped in that there might be some mudlimes mixed in there. kek.

oh shit here we go

Trump is covering up the fact that his Jew pals are behind it.

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why dont we just take over the fucking country. its clearly run by cartels. fuck europe and the middle east. lets just take over the fucking continent


Must be sad your country gets mixed all the time with mexican food condiment.

Might as well be called Tajin, the country.

no need to come down here
just take over Central America

I'm all for bombing the shit out of mexico, but if we took it over then all the mexicans would be US citizens, and that is just not acceptable.

You're missing the point. They are behind it. And that's a good thing. Trump is creating a visual to humiliate Mexico and highlight their incompetence for all the world to see, this will give him the legitimacy to use military force, will turbocharge enthusiasm repub enthusiasm for the midterms, and give him a mandate for the wall.

This is a good idea. We need a twenty mile wide dead zone on the border where anything moving gets shot

Trump was honestly being ridiculous claiming you guys, or hell even the measly guatamalans should stop these hobbits when we can't even do it ourselves. He's just posturing at this point, but seriously what else do we have at this point.Central America can't stop it. Mexico can't stop it. The US can't stop it. The west needs to adopt the immigration policies of Eastern Asia, and FAST. You don't see Eastern Asian countries letting in literally everyone who wants some gibs do you?NO because they aren't fucking retards.

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I think Latin America does a good enough job of that on its own

pic related is the only solution

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This, bring back Manifest Destiny. It's our fucking continent, starting with the Leafs.

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HE SAID IT, THE N WORD^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

The US military needs to enter Mexico and prevent these fuckers from reaching the border. If they reach the border, THEY WILL BE LET IN AND THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE. They need to be killed before that happens.

>must be sad having to go to the us ilegally to get some money

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I can't understand why this wasn't done decades ago.



The US absolutely has the power to stop it. Some people from the caravan might break off and get in, but even then it's just a matter of actually deporting them when they're inevitably caught.
The US can stop illegal invasions, it's just that our ruling class wants the slaves. Government will never take care of this for us no matter who you elect.


>what about the women and children they will put in front of the caravan
>msm will explode if anyone stops them

Even if they legally apply for asylum as refugees, almost all of them will be given defacto citizenship. They will apply for it, go back into the shadows and never show up to their court hearings.

It's not a matter of we can't. It's a matter of our politicians won't. If we lined up at the border and shot every single one who tried to enter illegally the crossings would stop immediately. That plan of action works out really well for Israel.

Must be sad being trapped between a bunch of andino llama fuckers and poor argies. We went to war and lost to the greatest empire in history. You're at war with...Peru.

They just leading the charge

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Let them through, straight through to canada under military escort

can't you take them in the border and put them on a plane back to Honduras or Guatemala?
and make mexico pay for it

without smallpox blankets, it just doesn't have the same charm

We should organize an armed caravan and head to the border. If our government can't do anything about 5,000 unarmed parasites, they obviously can't do anything about an armed caravan of US citizens.

If you shoot a mexican in mexico while you stand in u.s. is it a crime?

>go back into the shadows
Illegal aliens get caught all the time but they usually aren't deported. Ever been pulled over by a cop before?
Almost none of them will ever be granted asylum or citizenship because then they wouldn't be good slaves.

lmao. it's cute you think we have a functional government. We are somehow able to get 5 million us citizens into prisons though.

It shouldn't be. It should be a sport.

>Must be sad being trapped between a bunch of andino llama fuckers and poor argies
Yes, it's sad not having huehuehues as neighbors

>Almost none of them will ever be granted asylum
The last "caravan" is still here, bro. If they make it to the border our useless government will let them in. They need to be killed before that happens.

But seriously what would it be? Would the u.s. charge you or would it have to be mexico?

>Unknown (((Middle Easterners)))
What did the president mean by this?

when Perú and Bolivia start chimpin out in the region
we just put some order
we're not useless like others

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That doesn't mean they were granted asylum, it means they are unofficially allowed to live here illegally because the ruling class can never get enough slaves.

Wall would require far fewer resources, but what good is that when all of Asia can now just wander down from Canada?

50,000 is an acceptable number. It will hurt, but the precedent it will set will enrage the country and cause us to win the midterms - possibly the most important election in history.

With Trump's enemies out of the way, the ability to change the nation's laws will finally be in his hands and the actions taken thereafter will be swift.

Is that a typo or and actual shortened form of emergency?

Honest question, what exactly where you expecting us to do? We can't simply shoot them and a mob that big would only be held back for so long.

We don't want them niggers here as well but what the fuck are we to do when the kikes are the ones forcing them through.

I'd probably put Texasito at the top when compared to the rest of that shitty continent, but that's really not saying much.

He means why wouldn't ISIS fly over some people to join the crowd if there's a chance they'll get past the border?

The lovely thing about illegal immigration is that you never have any idea who's coming in.

Yeah, 10,000 is a big number. There is absolutely no way in which they organized this by themselves.

Trump likes to over exaggerate and there's tons of confusion, i am sure that at least 40% of the Caravan has been deported.

But yup, we literally need a wall for our southern board.

we all know you are worthless
we all knew you would fail
you just can't deny it now
you can't say nobody asked you to do something
simple task
yet everyone knew you couldn't do it

I think I mentioned it before. Trump was just shooting the shit. He knew no leader from central america or Mexico would be able to do anything.He just wanted to appear tough. If anything you guys have tougher border laws than us.

Getting through our border might be the easiest thing a lazy nomad can do.nearly 100% of them will be let in, so the laws don't even matter at this point.

because it's probably true lmao

why does your police just stand there and help them with the papers at the borders? don't tell me that you are even trying to keep them out. also mexico could easily just kill a few and stop it and no1 will be surprised because everybody knows that if you go to mexicoyou get killed. there would not be any outrage from the media either because u are the jews little golems and they would never bring you in a negative ligth while they wanna bring you in.

fix your shithole instead of making stupid questions! sudaca

Pushing all the spics into South America? This is the best and only solution.

>Trump likes to over exaggerate and there's tons of confusion, i am sure that at least 40% of the Caravan has been deported.

Trump exaggerates all the time, but I highly doubt that anywhere near that percentage of those folks have been deported.

we don't expect you to do shit. Just like how we don't expect the US border control to do shit. This is all a game.

that picture means you take the land and the people in it

Why are Chileans so fucking concerned about this when they wouldn’t have done shit if placed in our position? If anything, Chile would have done worse than us.

Because there are not big happenings in our country

it's very hard to do worse than mexico

I wish we had a wall.


The migrants are NOT here for gibs, nor for the midterm elections, nor are they here for the "American Dream".

The migrants are here as a tool to destablize the US even more, but that's just a step to a greater plan.

Combined with the efforts of the alt-left and anti-fa, its an attempt to co-op and light up an American Civil War (((2))).

The goals of the left and the extreme left has been to kick off a civil war, in order to destabilize the USA, since that failed, the (((caravan))) has been dispatched to help create more instability within the US, they are comprised of unhinged and violent men and women, with no loyalty nor ties with the USA. They will steal, rape, and murder your sons and daughters.

They will be armed and funded by the (((left))) and co-operate with the (((left))) to destabilize and create a civil war.

The civil war is SLIGHT (diversion), the true goal is the up and coming multinational-war (WW3)
>layers upon layers

Once defeated or destabilized, the enemy can come in and kill your sons and make your daughters their playthings.



stock up, ammo, food, necessities, get closer to your neighbors (gather allies) build repertoire with neighbors (black and white), family, and community, but practice OpSec. (don't talk about what you got, or what you're preparing for)

>loose lips sink ships.
your family is your ship, don't talk about anything going on in your family, what resources you've got, shtf locations, etc., but be friendly with the neighbors.

exercise and look into some quick self-defense videos and PRACTICE.

strengthen your squad (family) and run a tight ship, instill into your family members a sense of Self (individual) Discipline, Loyalty (to family) and Secrecy. (keep family secrets, secret, OpSec)


keep tabs on current happenings.

in the north border?

what sort of wall?

>Sadly the police and military in Mexico cannot protect the US border

It's not their fucking job. ACT instead of fucking tweeting.

Both, a north border for wet-backs and a south one to stop Central Americans and sudacas

It's a precedent-setter.

They will make America just like Europe: an unstoppable, endless flow of 3rd worlders from the south.

If Hillary was President it wouldn't even be illegal.

Holy shit that’s not a bad idea (leave us alone tho pls and thanks)

But you guys are useless. Not a single one of you contributes to the betterment of society.
Stop blaming everyone else.

Donald Trump is a zionist and there is no amount of memeing that will cover up that reality. I'm voting democrat in 2020 just to spite you fucks.

all you need is a military government

Yet you’re the one being flooded with literal apefricans and Haitians, bang up job Mapuche de mierda.

Shut the fuck up, Shillomo.

why in gods name would you want a wall preventing fags here in the states from giving gibmes to your poor neighbors in mexico?

kek. literally 1/3 of el salvadors economy is people living in the US sending that money back(probably illegally) to el salvador. I can't wait till that that TPS is discontinued. Fuck those freeloaders

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they are leaving
they found out nothing is free around here

but you do. as a man and as a nation

So we can fix our respective countries instead of fleeing from their problems.

Why don't we just build a WALL?

Of course they are, you tried to fool everyone about being white, niggers arrived and they are not leaving.
Also all the Haitian niggers complain about the low level of your academia and they say that is good they arrived since you’re so fucking far behind the western world.

Weak bants man, you can do better

>there would not be any outrage from the media either because u are the jews little golems and they would never bring you in a negative ligth while they wanna bring you in.
Not in your media sure but in ours it would be a shitshow, to shoot up some centroamericans no one cares or knows about is one thing but to kill them now that they have been put in the spotlight to serve what would be perceived as Trump orders would be political and social suicide to whoever gives the order.


That’s no bant.

yup and they promptly pop out five (it's always five) shitskins.

>muh jewish star
>100% proof that Israel is behind it

no wonder Trumpkins have no credibility

The deal with Mexico is they will wait in camps there until their court hearings they won't touch American soil.

Honduras said they caught 100 ISIS operators in their country, there is no reason to believe that the ones they didn't catch aren't in the caravan.

Honestly this

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they're coming your way, Texas.

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Fort Mac will be your Stalingrad and your ambitions will end there

every polititian probably received a shipment of shekels to look away, thats how things work here in mexijew

>and the people in it
Haha, no

I think we should take Yukon and British Columbia so Alaska is connected.