Uh oh, looks like you fascists really don't want this civil war
Uh oh, looks like you fascists really don't want this civil war
So if you're a supporter of 2A and 1A and want to be left alone to do your own shit, what's the problem then.
>communists scared into supporting 2A
I assume it shoots tampons.
There's something sexy about a girl holding a firearm.
And some, I assume, are good bullets
You have to go back, trannies.
>Guns are bad let's ban them
>Check out my gun in case right-wingers rise up
Count on a faggot to have the buttstock up too high, but not the worst form I've seen from these leftards who just picked up a gun for the first time in their lives.
Communists always wanted to get their hands on the guns they just thought this country would bend over and let them have it. Don't kid yourself if you don't think these brainwashed marxists won't start taking lives with bullets if it comes down to it. Their programming demands it
i literally do not care
whites do not like unfair fights anyways
if the other side is not at least a little armed
we will end up splitting up and fighting each other like retards....
yeah fuck these subhumans. i really do hope there's a civil war. there's no reasoning with these fags anymore. arguing with them is a waste of time. just nignore and stock up on whatever you can while the economy is still functioning. hard times in-coming.
This is fine. It's only a matter of time when doing things like this before they find what they lacked in the first place was not the opposite genetalia, but any kind of identity. Now all the leftwingers will find themselves enamored with gun culture and find themselves drifting further and further right as they realize what "come and take it" really means.
that is a man
how about she puts that buttstock in her fucking shoulder
not like they have an recoil to worry about
She's practicing her sec amendment right
What's the issue?
can't evolve unless you fight someone equal or better
Communists are just leftists willing to take it to the next level
implying it won't be like shooting fish in a barrel.
only jews and their liberal slaves want civil war. Others are willing to fight if it happens but its just jews pushing liberals to create it.
Oh booo. There's nothing special about a man with a firearm. Just a man doing man things.
is that a backwards MBUS rear sight?
I dare xer to try.
Shooting targets is not like shooting those people you wish you were. That is, white straight people.
Hopefully their enemies will stand very still and wear contrasting clothing
>being scared of a round that was designed to wound
Come back to me when you are shooting 7.62 NATO
>Come back to me when you are shooting 7.62 NATO
2hat if I only use .223 because I'm a poorfag
Yeah man, wew, a dickless faggot urbanite with a gun hes shot twice.
However will i compete with all those years of hunting as my only advantage...
Collectivist races btfo
>Le "designed to wound" meme
Day of the rake can't come soon enough
>designed to wound
Another retard caught by the filter.
I know this lefty that said americans have no reason to own guns but after kavanaugh got confirmed he told me he was going to join a gun club. Fucking faggots are asking for it at this point
Never underestimate your opponent. The commies won the russian civil war and even if there aren't too many commies in the US they still have the entire population of mexico to call reinforcements. This is going to be a lot more messier than people think it will be
His posture is garbage
all of your ayy arrr fiv-teeens will be no match for our large surplus of cheap and powerful M305s (m14 clones) that shoot the REAL MAN'S ROUND
Wounding is preferable. It's a greater drain on an enemy than dead bodies.
But always know that below your WalMart rifle sits a shriveled, twisted, bumpy, sad, used, disgusting, comical, beige tranny-penis.
And stop spamming the board with your shriveled tranny-penis posts.
Signed ~All of us
Nice fuddlore. 5.56 shoots lighter, flatter, and you can carry twice as much.
I don't even own an AR-15. 7.62x54r master race. I won't even have to repel you leafs from the border if you want to get some though. Once you pansies run out of Timbits and double-doubles you'll run back to Cuckada crying.
now that i think about it why are jews always involved in the main industries of civil war in modern/recent times.
i mean think about it
>germany literally lead by jews and even worse jewesses during german civil war
>us where they owned all the industries where the "rights" people were fighting about revolved around
>napolean where a jew last minute betted against him and got rich as fuck
>russian civil war where they got all kinds of merchant money from banks (i think it was multiculturalism that really did most of it though)
>uk where they rejected multiple attempts of hitler to become less autistic in his policy (i think what he did was dumb)
they love hanging around middle europe
funny how the place with the most of them are now the most resistant to them (poland)
also jews are ethic mutts
what a shitty world where all they do is reinforce each others power with force multipliers within the economic system (information, monopolies)
i am not surprised though merchants share many common traits with woman.
>woman hand out pussy passes to give birth to babies
>merchants for most of history handed out sheckle passes to give birth to ventures whether business or war
i am not surprised that they eventually got to this point of playing similar roles and attempting to influence sexual selection/futures as well.
i mean what they are trying to do is essentially history 101 for them they want the perfect host that will not question them (especially "thotery") like woman so that they can give birth to their" ventures" easier with more return and options. i mean the sexual selections must have been huge getting expulsed so many times eventually ones with certain skills that manage to hold on would win out. 0/10 shitty rant about long nose,
plus smarter race would be trusted less among them for selection
I bet these guys thought the same until they were hit with 5.56.
>want to be left alone
>attention-whoring on twitter about nonexistent issues
choose one
went to the range once; form is shit
went to the doctor once; vagina is shit
I see it went for the short barrel AR.
Smart move, it won't even need to use its toe to pull the trigger when it joins the 40%.
its over
Traps ain’t gay
From the first time this thread came around: Our shooter, up close. He's a Jewish hapa.
>clearly taken by somebody else
Is this some weird meta commentary on trans people and identification?
That stance made me throw up in my mouth.
I thought you couldn't own a gun if you're mentally ill...
I will turn this shit into belfast real quick. I swear on me mum m8. You thought the troubles were bad? I'll give you blokes the troubles super sized. Keep it up ya big nose cunt. Imma sip my pint cuz I cant be fucked ya bellend knob
where is that gif from? i swear ive seen it before
Jesus Christ, that is fucking scary. It’s like an acne-scarred inbred goblin.
>poor attempt @ weaver stance, also not conducive for wearing body armor
>buttstock not in shoulder pocket
>cheek weld too far forward for a consistent anchor point
>"chick" lean
Nah, it seems to be on right, pretty sure that's a straight out of the box Ruger AR-556.
I think I own that gun lmao. Looks like a palmetto state armory freedom rifle.
these faggots mentally ill faggots can't even work out which toilet to use...lol
Nothing wrong with PSA. They exist solely to make gun legislation useless which I can get behind.
Nah, I love PSA. Good shit for cheap.
As long as it goes bang when you pull the trigger, doesn't really matter how much you paid.
Sense when do "their" rights equal the same thing as your rights to the left? Just because they want something to help them achieve their goals doesn't mean they won't opress the living shit out of anyone they deem an enemy of the (((state))).
I think that's a Ruger AR-556, it looks like its got that threaded delta ring instead of the metal one that you have to pull down
>ypg flag
I cant wait for trannies to start doing mass shootings before they commit suicide
Back to the oven
Media will just spin it as a gun problem, not a tranny problem.
why are trannies being mad again what did i miss, gimie rundownplz
Lets see some clips of trannies playing paintball
mentally disturbed people should not be allowed to own guns
And it will be clearcut that mass shootings are a mental health issue not a gun issue. Its a result of inadequate mental healthcare. Whitman saw 5 psychiatrists who couldn't diagnose his brain tumor. Reagan gutting the mental healthcare system didnt just flood the streets with homeless crazies it tore down the infrastructure that prevented mass shooters.
Lmao rookie detected.
You put the toe of the stock in the pocket of your shoulder so you're not hunched over the stock to get a good cheek weld and still be upright
learn something new every day. I have a sheldon cooper affection for flag knowledge... apparently the top right picture is in front of a lgbt flag.
The antifa nigger flag is in the top left and the ypg is syrian curdish military.
None. I repeat, None of these things go together. At all. Even a little bit. What the actual hypocricy fuck
can this fag not get enough estrogen? Still looks exactly like a dude after how long
>That skin
Holy fuck, put some cream on it or something, Edward James Olmos has better skin
yeah, two countries that had great success against overwhelming odds but were eventually defeated can't fight
that's like saying joe frazier can't fight because he lost to mohammed ali
its easier to an hero with handgun, plus you are holding it wrong way round
the nazis were socialists
>Russian ammo
>protecting US republic
true multiculturalism right there
It's amazing how self absorbed they are.
>What's gun recoil
Ideology for uggos
What types of ammunition do you purchase in The United Cuckdom, m8?
>Isn't a chick
>still does the chick lean
Wew lad
K noguns the pic is shit but recoil is next to nothing with an ar15
rentals exist
Trump announced he is going to make it LGB
>chick lean on an ar15
I am very scared