Is blaming the fall of Rome on lead pipes a deflection to direct away from Jews?
Is blaming the fall of Rome on lead pipes a deflection to direct away from Jews?
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heavy metals are spooky shit
jews love radioactivity so I feel like maybe jews had something to do with the lead pipes
just like in Minnesota recently with those gas pipes exploding because the jewish mayor changed to plastic pipes
Doesn't lead dioxide insulate the pipe from the water?
The jews probably sold them the lead pipes.
Jewish people were involved with the Roman empire, there are a lot of tombs in that city.
Fun fact, many American cities still use lead pipes to carry drinking water. I am not making that up.
Romans were pharisaical talmudic jews before catholicism and chrisitanity were created.
It started before Rome even existed when it was still Shekelesh which is now Sicily.
This also explains why Ashekenazi jews share the same genetic markers as Southern Italians and Greeks because they were all in the Sea Peoples union, a name Ramses III called them by
who claims this outside of cartoons and idiots?
explains why so many americans are retarded lmao
Are you saying we'd have to be retarded to drink jew water? Have to agree.
Apparently not from the pipes at any rate as the interior of the pipes was quickly lined with calcium plaque from the water.
It didn't help. Although not as directly as you might expect. One of the negatives of lead exposure is headaches. So you have all these Romans with constant headaches getting high to lessen the pain.
Llamas this
Yup. The water in the area is too hard to make lead leach from the pipes. It was, in fact, the Jews.
ultrasounds, pumped with vaccines, infant genital mutilation and leaded water all contribute to the brain damage
>pharisaical talmudic jews
Uhh, the Romans believed they descended from Trojans and adopted the Greek pantheon, would they not be polytheists?
they used to use lead as a sweetener in candy
Jesus Christ was the fall of rome
There’s better correlation that higher lead concentrations built the Roman Empire and the decline of lead concentrations in blood caused the fall
>Is blaming the fall of Rome on lead pipes a deflection
The republic or the empire?
If you're drinking tap water you deserve to be poisoned.
It's a just a rock man why are you banning it?
I mentioned this theory to my CO in Germany in the early 90's. I said lead pipes and he said no, attrition.
So public school history is all bullshit as expected.
yeah, jews.
What water do you drink?
Red-pill me on how the Jews undermined Rome. Has it got to do with a red-pill that was posted on here how Christianity was a Jewish PSYOP to undermine the Roman Empire after they destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and led them into slavery??
Probably bottle so he can get plastic poisoning like a cuck. Drink from a well or go to hell
Probably by being parasites and enabling other parasites mostly. I suspect a lot of info on it was destroyed in various destruction of books over the years.
Why would you drink tap water when you can drink tap water that comes in a bottle for 100x the cost?
You really should explain that more thoroughly.
The Romans did not want to charge Jesus Christ. Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the entire thing and told the Pharisees that he would have no part in what they would do to Christ because, he, Pontius Pilate, found no fault in Jesus Christ and told the kikes that they would have to do their crucifying themselves.
It would logically make sense that that had quite a profound effect on the relationship between the kikes and the Romans and how they dealt with one another in trade and other things too.
it was bullshit. calcification would insulate the pipe pretty quickly.
We don't know. Most of what we know about that era was written by the Jews, so it's all heavily spun into stories about weak Roman leaders pissing themselves.
the term i learned was "Grecophile Pharisees" and there were also Macabean Parthian supporting Messianic Jews too.
You fucking retards will instantly believe anything negative about the Jews, holy shit. You people don't even stop to question it.
No, the Jews did not destroy Rome. The Gauls did.
Fuck, this board really is filled with historical revisionists.
Go to fucking college and get off your asses and stop making excuses you fat fucks.
Implying the Jews didn't open the gates as they did elsewhere.
I can believe they contributed to the decline. Look at a place like El Paso, touted by leftists as proof that Hispanics are peaceful, but trace amounts of lithium in the aquifer may have a pacifying effect on the populace. Take a place like Rome, where the people may be mostly cooperative, and give them lead plumbing and dishware, and the heavy metal may contribute to aggressiveness, madness, or make the people just that much more difficult to manage.
I truly believe that there is a guiding hand throughout history, one that is keep mankind in a continuous state of disorder. Some conspiracy theorists call them the Illuminati, the powers that be, the Masons, Jow Forums calls them the Jews. Whoever they are, I believe that throughout history they have used a NUMBER of means to create and destroy civilizations. Economics, politics, war, science, the media and popular culture, religion is a major one. But the more subtle means, like disease, swarms of insects, or a slow poisoning that leads the population to madness through mercury or lead, can sway the population in a direction they want them.
I think the use of lead in gasoline, paint and a number of things could have contributed to the spike of violence in the 60's and 70's. I think the increased in plastics, artificial hormones, and perhaps porn could have led to an increase in weak, effeminate men that think would their emotions rather than rationalism and logic.
I think lead was just one factor in a long list of things that contributed to the fall of Rome, and if you looked back at who was pushing the wonders of lead and who owned the lead mines back then it would be traced back to a Jew.
Only their mitochondrial DNA matches Mediterraneans. Their Y chromosomes go back to the east.
Tribe of DN helped the Gauls, and Goths
true, it's persian in origin and not semitic, ashkhenazi have an 88% ancestry match with Iranians and only 3% Levant
Healthier then high fructose corn syrup.
jews don't become actual soldiers though
which ones are you referring to, the ancient ones or modern day?
Rome, as a city and as an Empire collapsed because it succumbed to the parasite problem. It goes something like this:
>city is irrelevant
>city's population create a climate that in order to get ahead at all you need to fight for the city
>willingness to sacrifice oneself for the Glory of Rome/whatever allows the city to grow into a military and economic power
>with greatness comes territory, with territory comes wealth, with wealth comes opulence.
>with wealth and opulence, the parasites come to feed, the city has no choice but to implement social assistance and degeneracy becomes rampant (Roman Grain dole, etc.)
>social assistance grows from preventing the bottom line to taking up most of the state budget
>normal evolutionary controls disappear as safety and food are completely taken care of and the weak breed out of control
>strong die for the glory of Rome while the parasites flourish
>eventually the City/Empire becomes bloated with bottom feeders voting for and support self-service (by 200AD, more than 80% of Rome lived off the grain dole and was the largest city on Earth). This parasitism and destruction of the Strong through centuries of war and migration eventually has the parasites become too much for the host to handle
>egalitarianism become stronger and stronger, allow for egalitarian religions and social stances to take hold (christianity)
>civilization becomes so weak and decadent it is destroyed by foreign invaders
Greatness is paid for with the blood of the strong, but that greatness always creates an entrenched system of dysgenics that lead to total collapse. We're experiencing it right now in the West and our couple of hundred years of greatness are about to end.
Must it contain entrenched dysgenics? Can't we finally come to terms with protecting ourselves from parasites and bottom feeders?
Ah see this is what I thought since I have just read The Biological Jew. The Jews surely infiltrated Rome after the Diaspora and wormed into important positions right?
>Must it contain entrenched dysgenics?
When the strong are dying and the weak are breeding, you can't avoid it. When our reason gives way to our compassion, all that we end up with is a burdensome useless underclass. And yet we can't just force mass exterminations, our psychology doesn't want us to kill those weak who are a part of what I call our "in group". We may be able to avoid the weak breeding out of control in the modern age through forced sterilization of the weak and stupid, but our birthrate is low enough as it is. We would breed ourselves (or lack thereof rather) out of existence. It's doubtful this issue can be resolved.
>Can't we finally come to terms with protecting ourselves from parasites and bottom feeders?
Not with any system that can be considered Democratic. If you had a system where suffrage was restricted, then maybe. But there will always be demagogues that will use the political power than the weak do have (the power of the overwehlming majority/numbers) to seize power.
Well I don't think that there was anything grand about what the Jews did to Rome really. They merely did what they always do, and still do to this day: spread degeneracy, engage in usury, encourage intermixing between populations and take control of the economy. If I remember correctly there wasn't ever a Jew in any real position of political power, but as we know: there never had to be. I think Codreanu summed it up quite eloquently:
>A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.
Everything is deflection from blaming Jews. So, yes.
rome fell because it succumbed to empire and destroyed its aryan racial stock, i.e., they let jews in.
and what evidence is there that this jesus character even existed? or that yahweh exists? these sound like typical sandnigger fairytales.
jews promote racemixing and imperialism. same thing, really.
Don't forget boomers breathed in leaded gas fumes during their childhoods.
You're absolutely right, I forgot about leaded gasoline, and all the nuclear bomb tests which created strontium 90 and found its way into our bones (Baby Tooth Survey)
it does. they want to prevent people from looking at how massively lowering the bar for citizenship correlates with the fall of Rome i.e. precedent for multiculturalism destroying western civilization
>the Jews did not destroy Rome. The Gauls did.
>The Gauls did.
Damn, you are stupid.
Jews in Rome lead subjugating campaigns into Europe against Tribe of Dan AKA Gauls AKA White People AKA Rh Negatives.
Don't start shit and there won't be none!
Let your pets run around unsupervised then DIE WITH YOUR FUCKING PETS KIKES!