How do we stop racism Jow Forums?
How do we stop racism Jow Forums?
Through forced separation instead of forced integration
murder all people of other races
exterminate nonwhites. that should give us a generation or two of no racism until we fragment again based on who is considered "white."
Race war.
Kill all niggers and kikes.
Can't fight hate with hate.
>Can't fight hate with hate.
why not?
Step one: Build the wall
Step two: don’t let anyone else in
Step three: bring back conservative American culture as employment and standard of living rise
Step four: stop talking about race
Step five: take over Canada and steal all their natural resources/means of production
Step six: 1000 years of the Trump Dynasty
Oh wait. Didn’t see your flag. Sneaky Jew :)
Eliminate non-Whites.
>why not?
Because you can only fight hate with love.
But Trump is literally Hitler.
What does me being Jewish have to do with anything? You sound like an antisemite, discipline yourself.
>But Trump is literally Hitler.
Don't even bother replying to this thread anymore.
Seperating the races.
by having each country habited by only one ethnicity, the ones who built it. multiculturalism will always lead to disaster
this obviously doesn't apply to places like latin america
Aggressive interracial breeding resulting in one unified mutt race. I'll start with khazar milkers here.
kill all humans, that is how one will stop racism
Stop shaming white people
I don't understand. Nice trips though.
I would support this but it goes against the principle of autonomy. Every individual has the right to choose who they wish to marry, provided the other individual(s) consent of course.
But we should come closer together, not go further apart.
Breed the lesser races like cattle until they become in par with the rest
Go back to your country
Segragation, apartheid. Or RWDS.
Alien disclosure.
It's really easy for governments to influence relationships, if they wanted to do such a thing, it would be as simple as substantial incentives given to interracial couples and even bigger incentives for interracial children. Personally I'd want it paired with the extermination of all niggers so the collective global IQ doesn't get too fucked.
These people HATE my race. I fight their HATE for my race by LOVING my own race. If a few of the people who HATE me and my race die, so what.
Let the violent duke it out and kill off whoever wins
That's a nice platitude, and I get that your just trying to get some (you)s, but you wanna explain why killing all the niggers wouldn't eliminate the 'problem' of people identifying as either nigger or non-nigger?
fpbp /thread
You can't stop it, you can only be aware of it and know when it's important to be racist (in prison or in a survival setting with a racist/schizo/stupid person who won't listen, or someone petty who thinks you are racist because you laughed at some memes before)
I wasn’t quite sure this was bait at first, but this here is a give away
But attaching a pecuniary number to marriage would be taking away from the intrinsic value of love.
There is enough love to go around for everyone in the world.
Some of the greatest meanings can fit into the simplest platitudes
I'm sure if we work together we can find a way to stop it.
What do you mean?
Wrong, Next
go back to twitter faggot
Disable parts of white peoples brains with magnets and drugs so they become docile and islam can spread like a virus over everything and eventually lead to the fall of the west and china's supreme domination over stupid shit skins?
If china was given the green light they would take over every country in the middle east and turn the people there into fertilizer. You faggots have no idea whats coming.
>eugenics to make the races equal in terms of average intelligence, fitness, and creativity
>promotion of healthy, nationalistic, specialized economies and countries
>celebrating the best parts of our different cultures
>encouraging intertravel rather than parasitic economic migration
This is the only answer.
Just to add on, Islam would destabilize the US and china would secure US weaponry. Islam would just turn everything into a fucking wasteland.
If you want to see china control the world, keep pushing islam.
winna winna
>I'm sure if we work together we can find a way to stop it.
I think we've reached the climax of this in the higher echelons of society and if we go past it any further it just becomes fetishising. Your picture made me clench my butthole.
Kill anyone who lacks reasoning, or empathy. Only allow those most intelligent to reproduce, so we can finally get to our transhuman utopia
It's pretty safe to say that there isn't one singular partner a person can love, and that there are many people that could work out well. If societal norms and opinions can be shifted so that people will seek out a specific group to look for a partner within, then It'll happen, and relationships will form. People are more compatible than you think. Say for example it's advantageous for you to look for a woman of middle Eastern descent to have as your wife, for whatever reason, chances are eventually you'll find a nice middle Eastern girl that you'll fall in love with, since you've been looking within that group.
Yeah this. This is what I was gonna say.
Delusional faggot. pic related
I recall that quote being a fake tho.
You can't fight human nature.
Why should we come closer together? What the gain in doing so? Here's another redpill for you.
Also white people don't want to live with non whites. Not even with middleclass asians asians.
Education about how language can hardwire people to perpetuate bias is extremely important. We are all biased. We have to fight unconscious bias at every step of our existence. We are not perfect, but the desire to be better should be our guiding prInciple. Listening to others is key, especially those who haven't had a voice.
The old “if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem” is especially apt here. Changing your language will change others’ behavior. Try it.
By keeping cultures separate instead of forcing diversity. NOBODY actually wants to live in diversity, people just want the perks of white culture, but none of us actually want to live together. Better to stay separate and keep our cultures than to blend into shit and lose ourselves in the process.