Is race mixing with Asians really that bad, i mean you're just making higher iq more fit children

Is race mixing with Asians really that bad, i mean you're just making higher iq more fit children.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>higher iq more fit children
whilst having no identity and realising that they are products of their white dads fetishization

Mixed race kids have problems with identity
also I don't want my boys to have half my testosterone levels

all race mixers will be deported with their non white to their country of origin. You like Asians so much ?! good you'll be living there

It's bad if you're white, don't taint the east with your plague infested genome user

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you are going to have source me on those asian milkers
White men are superior to you. Deal with it.


>whilst having no identity
You just need to breed a town

its not that bad
higher risk of genetic mental illness, insanity and such. but the risk is sill very low, statistically insignificant even.

obviously we dont want to breed the entire species into one single race though so theres the longterm to think about if you care about that. but whatever

hapas are not execpted by whites or asians, have no place no identity.

>White men are superior to you. Deal with it.
fetishizing women from a race of men you hate and want to kill... nice

Intelligence is based on mostly nurture. Those 2 cultures have good pro education ethic compared to others. Dont fall for the mongoloid scheme. Stay with your own and raise right.

Pretty soon whites won't have any places either so what's the big deal?

You can get that yellow fever out of your system without impregnating one, user.

pure japanese

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I love asian people. I don't hate them or want to kill them.
Sorry aznmasculinity the problem is you. Go take your meds azncel bitch.

Fuck that. I'm so pure-bred roman/italian its shocking.
And living past 95 is common in my family.
Let the gooks and zipper-heads fuck each other.

gooks live to super old ages, the Okinawans live to like 110.

You can’t even post a full sized pic yet you think your opinions on race mixing will sway us?

no.... you hate us. especially when you see AMWF couple... which is rare and you have the audacity to get mad...

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japs only. other asians are bug people.

if you want good pics than google asian porn degenerate.

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koreans aint bad

based and redpilled

This is a stupid question, but why do pure bred dogs have so many health issues but nonmixed people don't?
I know dogs aren't people but how does it work?

>race mixing

one user said the best way to estimate somone's fitness is to look at their entire lineage. but most asians were living in mud huts just a few decades ago, with the exception of the japanese.

This is a honeypot. Join at your own risk.

It’s not porn if it’s posted here.
Try again!

pure bred dogs are pure bread like the hapsburgs are pure bread

No I don't hate asians. I hate you though.
>waaa stop fucking our women
>but amwf is ok
All you do is project you are an enemy of the white race and must be destroyed.

They are accepted if they are attractive. But there's no guarantee your half Asian kids will get the good looking genes so better to play it safe with whitey

ugly hapas are not accepted be ause they are ugly no one cares they are asian

The longest male average life expectancy is Australians.

Vegemite is high in vitamins

Projection. Tenda Spencer memes are all projection. Tenda is a Leftist, hates white men, but worships white women. He has no rational reason to hate white men, just like we have no rational reason to hate Asian men, which we don't.

But Tenda is a half jew, so then everything makes sense. His shill campaign to make a war between us. His war against eurasian children, to make half white children look as deranged as he is. He is the classic jew: calls himself white when it benefits him, but truly not white in any respect.

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As long as you are not a mainlander chink drone no one gives a shit except for incels, if they see a girl walk a dog they get jealous

there aren't many koreans or japanese here. otoh we're overrun with chinese. i can never truly respect a rootless person who just up and leaves when they feel they can make more money in a foreign land among a foreign people. this mindset is completely alien to me. i dislike them and have no respect for their shameless maneuvering.

Case in point
Keanu Reeves

hes an azn incel. They come from aznmasculinity sub reddit and post illogical accusations anons hate asians if they like asian women

the sort asian i'd most likely to get along with is the one i'd least likely ever meet.

Chinese have always had civilization. They may have been destroyed by crazy people a few times, but they had civilization nonetheless.

>illogical accusations
Because they all come from Tenda Spencer comics.

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its funny because all the asian girls I fucked were disgusted by asian men

Tenda absolutely hates white men, because that is what a jew and Leftist is wont to do.

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The dude looks Mexican or do Mexicans look Chinese? Fuck.


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The big media jews are exactly the same.

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i don't like globe trotters. there are probably asians i'd get along with, but they're in asia.

I want asian women with asian men.
Your pic related is what we white people call a "gold digging whore". There's an epidemic of them here in the West.
My condolensces that our problems have spread to your people.

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It's true, Elliot Rodgers exposed that Jewish people are inbred and are more predisposed to have schizophrenia/bipolar once you have the tiniest bit of Jewish genetics in you, you'll most probably experience some mental disorder in life. Have a look at all the most sickest serial killers, notice many of them were jewish.

I honestly don't think race mixing is ultimately the problem. the problem is isolated race mixing where the children feel disconnected from everyone else around them.

>implying colonial europeans weren't globetrotters

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>race-mixing isn't the problem
>the problem is that races exist

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>implying european colonialism was a good thing from a european perspective

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Definitely not pure Japanese. Can't put my finger on exactly what's mixed in there but I'm getting a mix of white and bug race but the good and bad genes are equally represented. Definitely a little white in there.

inbred Khazar and Kenite genetics...

there was nothing here when the euros arrived. they carved an existence out of nothing.

chinese people don't belong here. they don't speak the language, they don't really integrate, and there are way too many of them.

>We want to breed Asian QTS
Can whites fuck off. Breed your staceys

White men and asian women is just a complimentary pairing.
I'm not surprised degenerates recoil in fear at it.
Anything good and wholesome is verboten in degenerate post modern society.

why not both?

>Is race mixing with Asians really that bad
Yep this is your future child

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>“He can’t even get a regular girlfriend, he’s got to get a gook"

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>mental breakdown because he's not like the others
Are Americans really this retarded

Typical Aussie guy and his asian girlfriend.

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As long as you teach them about the Jews and their ways, I don’t care.
On a related note, you might want to let them know who Jesus Christ is, considering He is the one that told Jews to fuck off with their perceived genetic superiority as they tell Him that they are the seed of Abraham.

you see this?

There's another proxy.

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Asian and white produce children like this guy in the pic. Mixing Asian and white was never meant to be.

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Just Asian girls and black girls for me pls

Bullshit, there are no snakes nor crocodiles in that image, and I don't see a single fucking dropbear.
You lying bogun.

That guy is a jew.

Even the National Socialists of Germany under Adolf Hitler, who recognized the quality of the Japanese volk, did not promote White-Asian hybridization.
Its just not a thing that should be done.

Dachsunds are great.
Great Danes are great.
Breeding them together is a fucking retarded idea.

Race mix with Asian...
Wonderful thing to do to your daughter as she will be a half-asian hottie.
Horrible thing to do your son as he will be an endomorphic nerd stereotype with an extra layer of fat he'll never get rid of.
Don't racemix. It's shitting on the children.

it's not bad. Ops to make you hate white women. Ops to make you hate Asian women.. the only threads that support having relationships are a white dude with nigger bitch ... your white wife awaits and kys OP

>did not promote White-Asian hybridization
He did not disallow it.

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>Chink btw
Chinks are not human
Chinks are rats
Chinks are evil

What's the difference between a kike and a white? They both have white skin and making interracial nigger cuckold porn.

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I have so much natural test and masculinity any hapa son i would have is probably gonna be masculine.

Yes, he did. In very explicit terms, no less.

I implied no such thing you fucking imbecile
historically when two ethnic groups met and mixed it wouldn't be one off couplings living amongst a homogeneous population like we have today, it'd be many people from the two groups coming together and creating a separate third community, or it'd be the entirety of the two groups coming together and becoming one new ethnic group.
my point isn't that we should all blanda up and turn the world brown. my point is when some guy in rural alaska imports a thai wife and she's the only asian in town, their kids will likely feel secluded from everyone around them. I doubt that happened in the historical situations because they were large groups of people mixing, so you don't have that feeling of isolation

>What's the difference between a kike and a white?
As different as a leaf and a human.
>They both have white skin and making interracial nigger cuckold porn.
So does ur mum.

>Wonderful thing to do to your daughter as she will be a half-asian hottie.
I can't bang my daughter and having a son is more valuable than a daughter.

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You ever seen second-gen Chink hybrids? They feel no connection to the East or the West and thus fall into the secular materialism corrupting the American spirit.


>I implied no such thing you fucking imbecile
>I honestly don't think race mixing is ultimately the problem. the problem is isolated race mixing where the children feel disconnected from everyone else around them.
>race-mixing isn't the problem
>the problem is isolated race mixing
>where the children feel disconnected
Meaning the only context wherein they would not be 'isolated' in a situation wherein massive exchange is transpiring, ie the end of races.
illiterate is what you are.

sigh, I'm so tired.

Just your typical Aussie and his hapa girlfriend.

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He literally did not, though.

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Get your shit together, Bruce! We ain't falling for it.

You're American. You fucking homos are the ones who created and export your Jew porn to the world.

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>no crocs
>no snakes
>no dropbears
Stop lying faggit.

He literally did, its right there.
I bet if you date those photos you'll find I'm right.
Go on. Do it.

anything to justify your fetishization

Nah m8, that's jews did that. Ameriac stopped existing in 1965 anyway, non-human leaf.

lol they are just making them look more Japanese.

Why even you are against race mixing?