Does he think we're dumb?

Does he think we're dumb?

Attached: the truth.png (677x454, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews don't have to think youre dumb to lie to you, it's just what they do.

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Tweet the clip at him

>Jewish financiers are scheming to replace you with brown people
Where's the lie?

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Gaslighting 101

>Does he think we're dumb?
they call us animals

This is the kinda shit they overhype the holocaust in order to do

can't frug the krug

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You will not replace us. Charlottesville will not hide your treason.

He doesn't think we're dumb. He's hoping that too many people are too conditioned or dumb to look into it.
He's using the NPCs as tools of pressure to shut it down.

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He's going to let all of them in like he's been letting them in by the millions since he took office. He's also been letting in record levels of h1bs and chain migration since taking office.

He's. A. Fraud.

All. Talk.

>"muh gotta let them in because of DEMOCRATS!"

Wow, so inspiring. I'm not voting. It's pointless

No. The kikes are scared.

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They don't really want to replace you, they just want you dumb and complacent, like a good happy fat cow that gives them milk and doesn't complain

They import brown people because they are cheap laborers, just new age slaves

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Is there anyone on the entire fucking planet who takes this dumbass seriously other than 2nd year students taking a macroeconomics survey course?

Look at his eyes. Does he look well?

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We goofed this guy into tweeting the sentence "Jewish Financiers are scheming to replace you with brown people". When people read that, they will think about it. Some people will internalize it. It's an interesting sentence that makes you start to think.

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>Krugman was born to a Jewish family
Who'd have guessed?

Attached: How about that shit.jpg (1235x486, 128K)

Fuck you anti-Semite, Krugman is a man with true moral character

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He knows it's a proven fact that more than enough people ARE that dumb and you cocksucking cowards who pretend to not be that dumb won't do shit about it except complain.

You fucking piece of goddamned shit, fuck you. Your cowardice is a worse crime than everything Paul Krugman has ever done. What are you going to do, cunt? Whine and cry every day, all day long, fucking forever and a day, all the way to the goddamned kill chute?

I hope the Jew does slit your throat! I'd help hold you down! Then I can let the Jew slice mine next, because you fucking doomed us all! Fuck you!

thou doth protest too much

Yes, so does the majority of this country.
A little more than 2 years remains for the Trump shitshow. Unless the Senate finally has enough of his asshatery, but that's doubtful at this point in time.

Pretty sure it's both they want us dumb and complacent, and replaced. There's enough historical precedent for this to not even fall into question.

Attached: dostoyevsky on the jews.png (598x728, 88K)

Don't mind me just doing my job

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wait, Jewish financiers are scheming to replace us with brown people??


Isn't this exactly what Jewish financiers are trying to do?

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Is this how activated almonds feel like?

>We goofed this guy into tweeting the sentence "Jewish Financiers are scheming to replace you with brown people"
I love how he jumped right into it too. How did he get from "Soros funding X" to "Jews are paying for it". It is like they go out of their way to try to make everything antisemitic....people will see this and question it if they aren't NPCs.

Soros funded the first caravan, it's common knowledge.

>"jews are funding popultation replacement"
the thing that confuses me about jews is that when you call them out they immediately amplify it

This guy is the dumbest intellectual alive
Anytime you point out the countless economic issues he's been wrong about, people cite his nobel prize like it means something

He doesn't care. He is a kike and programmed to lie.

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Why don't they just stay in Mexico? Seems like it would be easier to communicate in a language they knew.

> Soros


Attached: Level1.gif (310x760, 22K)

I used to deploy that tactic on my parents.
>Dad: Are you using drugs
>Me: Yes dad. I'm literally doing lines of cocaine in the bathroom. I sell drugs to all my friends. I'm a drug dealer, dad.
It was surprising effective, until I got busted. I dont do drugs anymore. Dad, is fine.

no no no, you don't understand. the fact that they are jews doesn't matter you see, these jews are just acting independently, not on behalf of jewry, only on behalf of themselves. their jewishness has nothing to do with their desire to kill you.

Importing brown people desperate for handouts is importing voting machines to keep them in power.

The Jews and their lies.

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The lady doth protest too much

Makes perfect sense!

"Flowerman [belonged to] a series of interlinked battalions of Jewish
psychologists and sociologists operating with a kind of religious
fervour in the fields of “prejudice studies,” opinion-shaping,
and mass communications between the 1930s and 1950s, all with the
goal of “unlocking” the White mind and opening it to
“tolerance”... Flowerman, a fan of post-Freudian psychoanalysis,
possessed a background in both the study of education and of mass
communication, and this heavily informed his thinking and activism...
The combined result of his research and thinking in these areas was
his argument that it should be desirable for people like him to obtain
control over the means of mass communication. Not only, argued
Flowerman, should this control be used for blanket “pro-tolerance”
propaganda, but it should also actively reshape in-group standards
— thus reforming peer group pressures to become antagonistic to
in-group ethnocentrism. His (then) highly ambitious goal was a
culture that policed itself: a politically correct culture in which
Whites, via peer pressure, conformed to new values — values much
more user-friendly to Jews. His views and goals were later summarized
by Herbert Greenberg, a colleague and co-ethnic in the same field, in

Flowerman de-emphasized the value and effectiveness of propaganda as a
technique for reducing prejudice. He also agrees with the conception
that techniques based on group structure and inter-personal
relationships are the most effective."

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Yes, he does. Krugman claimed the national debt and trade deficits were unimportant under the Obama administration as well.

I can only english for a few sentences. QRD please?

Jesus Christ.

Hes talking to his golems, not you.

Jews are getting so bold that they’re acknowledging the obvious. Show every shred of evidence and they’ll still deny it and call you anti-Semitic.

Its almost like someone wants to flood white/European nations with a sea of brown.... its almost like it's been happening for decades. In some cases organizations have been set up to facilitate (((immigration))) befor large groups of shitskins pour over the borders. If one could find evidence of a certain type of people involved in all of this (((immigration))) it would only be a coincidence.... right?

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>They don't really want to replace you, they just want you dumb and complacent
Yeah, but how do you dumb down Europeans to the complacency level? Race mixing and outbreeding. They DO want to replace us - we're the biggest threat to their eternal rule.
Ironically if they got their wish they'd all be as retarded as their slaves in 500 years because their genetic stock is so inbred already. The smart ones are like 70% European, it drops down significantly the closer you get to that sandnigger stock.

Yes, because his fans are.

>black hat in front seat
>Orthodox Jews literally busing brown people to enter the US illegally with a Star of David truck

This shit looks like a meme made by Jow Forums that was intended to be symbolic, but it's reality.

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They form their own communities here and speak Spanish. Half the signs in the city near me are all Spanish. They don't assimilate.

Ben Shapiro says that too. It's one of the main jew lies.

Trump is doing something worse. He's blaming everyone BUT the Jews who are clearly responsible.

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If you don't like it, why don't you run for office yourself?

And/or this.

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Jews brainwash goyim

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literally defending a faggot Jew that sold out other Jews to literal Nazis. ahahahahahah for free

Checks out.

>no one mentions the Kalgheri plan that the EU is based on

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Oy vey

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They are so innately evil and self-serving that they probably earnestly believe that multiculturalism won’t destroy whites and then Jews in that order.

We need a white nuclear armed country that promises to nuke the fuck out of New Zealand so when these globalists and their cabal run for cover as SHTF, their private jets land on an irradiated glass parking lot

whoops forgot to turn that off

>Jews brainwash goyim

Wish they were washed. They are conditioned and programmed. Even the kike brainwash MEME is a deceitful lie!



Neo-Conservative principles are not right wing

I'm sick of hearing about that muslim brotherhood faggot. I hope he died in agony.

Used a translator, but I know a little German and the result looked okay enough. Excuse me if it doesn't:

Es geht um das Thema Waffenpsychologie. Einige glaubten, nicht ohne viel Forschung, dass der Einsatz gruppeninterner Kontrollmechanismen wie Gruppendruck und Scham das wirksamste Mittel der sozialen Kontrolle wäre, in diesem Fall zur Bekämpfung von Fremdenfeindlichkeit.

I was just joking about how long your post was.

What has Trump ever done that os equivalent of killing milions on wars?

Krugman just admitted it boys.

Attached: PaulKrugman tweet.jpg (669x252, 34K)

Welp, never mind.

I'm glad I was on this board to see the video and prove it to myself with my own damn eyes so I don't react like some newfag skeptical that this screenshot is fake news.

Someone tweet that pic at him. I wanna see him squirm.

My sophomore year of college we had to use this Jew faggot’s textbook. I think I learned economics wrong.
So what have you done, Lieutenant?

The fact that Krugman is even tweeting the phrase "Jewish financiers are scheming to replace you with brown people" is good news for us, even though he's attempting to negate it.. This idea is now in the main stream (sub)consciousness.

Oy gevalt!

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oy vey how antisemitic of you goyim

I dropped the white genocide pill on my family last night.

I'll just leave this here

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It's cartoonish at this point. It's really amazing how people can be brainwashed so easily.


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It's no use in trying. Even if they accept it, you're in no way bettering their ultra normal life. I've been down this road

They are ALL criminals. They are illegally marching across boarders in defiance of laws and police.

No, my family is pretty redpilled at the moment. They all vote straight R no matter what. But over the past 2 years I've been slowly dropping big pills on them.

Saved. Have one

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link to video?

Did Trump really call out Soros for the caravan? This is the best time line

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Awesome, thanks

He throws in the word Jews, Trump never mentioned that.

Just like when Musk said this shit is bad, named no one and all the jews start screaming.