Corey Booker wants to give up to 50,000 dollars to each black kid for free.
Give blacks free money
I don't think his kike handlers are pleased to do that
No richer blacks means more mixed babies so the good goys love it
Lol it would be hilarious watching all of the niggers showing their cash off on social media and the ensuing robberies and murders
>More people buying houses
>Demand for homes goes up
>So does the price
>Americans as a whole have a harder time buying a house
I'm not a politician and I thought of that. Why can't he? I didn't even address where this money is coming from and I already found a huge flaw.
Niggers are dumb as fuck. Free money will buy their allegiance.
Ideals don't appeal to low iq.
let me know when this will happen so I can buy some nike stock and a few beat to shit escalades with 250k on the clock
Cory Booker tried to rape me. I was in a bathroom stall just doing some coke with my pants down when he burst in shouting "Spartacus fights for what's right and what's right is your pretty mouth!" He then got on top of me and pinched my nose closed and I thought I was going to die. At that moment I think it was Maximus Waters who turned up their bathroom radio. She kept jumping on and off the toilet sometimes making Cory fall off of me. During one such instance I got free and ran across the bathroom and locked myself in a urinal. I can still remembet the sound of them shootong ping pong balls out of what I can only assume was every orifice as they left the bathroom. I heard them laughing and talking to other democratic leaders like sqee and my best friend, Leland Palmer. I ran from the bathroom and down some stairs and out front door number 2. I could hear them laughing about fffffing my devil's triangle. I was so scared my memory then shut off. I know it sounds weird but I assure, this is indelible in my hippocampus. I never shared this story before because I was afraid people would think I was some sort of gay prostitute.
Sincerely ,
Christine Blasey-Ford
Bathroom Booker
Fifty thou... That won't be enough for my purple pimp mobile.
saved very funny user
Giving every black kid 50K gets more votes than saying you'll give every black school 50K a month which would solve a lot of their issues.
>claim you support blacks
>use blacks as a tool
>continue refusal to address problem
>continued refusal allows you to continue to offer them help
watching blacks throw all of their money away on stupid shit and immediately become ultra-poor again would redpill the fuck out of literally everyone.
too bad it would cost over a half trillion dollars.
then again, it's probably still worth it. it's not like we were going to use that money for anything important.
>wants to give money
>for free
Socialism is a helluva drug.
I identify as a black kid
*Invests heavily into frito ley and music recording equipment companies*
>give all black kids $50000
If this passes I will buy stock in Nike and KFC.
And all these money will be held in a fund for the (((treasuary))) to play with.
If i had a big nose this would reek of jews.
Jesus Christ. Tax money to niggers for just being nigs.
lol not even jews will get behind reperashunz politics. they will talk about it for votes but at the end of the day they won't want to give up there federal gibs to niglets.
According to my geneticist I'm 1/1024 West African ... is that enough to get some gibs?!?!
>100 trillion
liberals and niggers are turning the white race into slaves, and we're just letting them do it.