So Trump called himself a nationalist... apparently this is a big controversy

Seriously, what the fuck is going on, Jow Forums? Apparently nationalism is racist???

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>Apparently nationalism is racist???

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Jews are rootless

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>globalist is an anti-Semitic phrase!
what the fuck. have leftists gone completely insane?

Shill detected. Only a shill would use left vs right terminology this late into Trump's presidency. The NWO is over kike. You slimey disgusting vile filthy Jew. ZIonism is dead. Accept it.

why are these mentally ill people obsessed with calling everything a dog whistle and trying to re-write language?

globalist & nationalist have dictionary definitions, why can't they be used according to their definitions? As far as I'm concerned a "nationalist" is someone who loves their country and puts it above all other countries. Nothing more, nothing less.

Because they are JEWS

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Loyalty to one's own is Another Holocaust! It's like when George and Fred Weasley are killed by Voldemort! I'm literally shaking!