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God I want to bash this little prick so much
Levi Murphy
Other urls found in this thread:
Andrew Price
You're angrier at him than the actual Caravan. Seems to me like you just have anger and you're using them as an outlet
Zachary Sanders
OP is literally Krassenstein.
John Clark
>our ancestors
Cooper Williams
Open borders for Israel
Angel Martinez
Jow Forums...this faggot has been getting a free pass from this place.
Xavier Barnes
lets march ten dudes to his house and through his front door to live there, see what he thinks
Jason Perry
You should always be angrier at Jewish agitators than you should be at their brown minions.
Xavier Long
Have redpills been dropped in the replies yet?
Zachary White
Great. Then they can go do it in any of the other countries they walked through.
I wonder how many he is prepared to personally take in. How many w/o he sponsor? How many will he take responsibility for directly if he cares so deeply?
Christopher Ramirez
Feeling lonely Eddie?
Jack Martin
I don't buy into the Jewish conspiracy.
Leo Cruz
Never forget
Ian Hall
Its NOT welcome
David Martin
Yeah except my ancestors fallowed the laws of this country when the immigrated, they didn't bum rush the border and demand citizenship.
Leo Russell
>Faggot admits it's not an emergency.
Send them back Tijuana way motherfukers.
Christopher Hernandez
If all they are looking for is to get away from violence why don't they stop? No one is being violent to them right where they are.
Kevin Barnes
I wont, still can't believe it to. be. honest.
Brayden James
It's your right to be blind but it's not going to help you.
Daniel Powell
Good, you can personally host all of them in your home you lying sack of shit
Hudson Johnson
Nicholas Jackson
Caleb Diaz
(((Krassenstein))) gonna' (((Krassenstein))))
Josiah Miller
doesnt this dude believe that founding america was done with genocide
Adrian Gonzalez
quick rundown?
Tyler Sullivan
Mine weren't fleeing violence. Mine came to kill Indians and take this continent for the white man.
Xavier Flores
You best be believing in Jewish conspiracies. You're living in one!
Julian Watson
if I say words it makes it true
Wyatt Myers
They're not innocent. They're being paid by george soros and being moved by israeli trucks. Hundreds of ISIS are among them.
Jaxson Smith
What does believing in it do for your life? It makes no difference to me because it's not like whoever is in control suddenly going to not be in control anymore just because I don't want them to
Ryan Hill
Gabriel Howard
>our ancestors
fucking kikes, i swear
Isaiah Torres
Eli Cooper
Camden Watson
The caravan is literally a time traveller psyop to create public sentiment to build the wall
Matthew Lee
go suck off your brother's mutilated dick krassenkike. you post threads of yourself every time you make a fucking tweet trying to drum up a feud with Jow Forums so you can label yourself a victim. just fuck off already.
Jose Torres
It literally is an invasion. When you have tens of thousands of people marching through other countries to forcefully enter ours for our wealth then that's an invasion. A country is under no obligation to feed and shelter every poor person in the world at the people's expense.
Michael Lewis
Jewish people are like aliens trying to use mindcontrol on people.
Imagine some worminfestation alien, before the marine exterminates it, they send voices to the marine "pllsss dont harm us dont harm us we are innocent".
For any weakminded homo here, remember what the jews are and what lower creatures the brown hoard is.
Here this should help you remember
Adrian Perez
You really think George Soros is dumb enough to recreate the exact same optics as in the EU?
Mason Clark
Brayden Harris
>focus on the symptom goy
>not the disease
Connor Morales
Kikes gonna kike
Ryan Smith
Fuck sake.
Thomas Powell
Jace King
>"our ancestors"
did he just literally admitted to THEY WUZ KANGS?
Ryder Cruz
How would you define the "Jewish conspiracy" and why do you believe it is wrong?
Justin Perry
Many of the unelected officials in Latin America are part of the Spanish Judeo-Aristocracy. Pic related is an example of the dual loyalties blatantly on display in a country who's indigenous people are ignorant of Jewish deception
John Hill
what the fuck is that painting?
Aaron Howard
Cooper Roberts
People need to spread the news that HUNDREDS of ISIS are among them. With them they are bringing tons of ammo and firearms for mass shootings.
Austin Johnson
And why did they decide to come now all of a sudden? Is there some fucking crime wave going across south america? And if so why the fuck would we open our borders to a bunch of randoms from a violent shithole?
Owen Flores
Good thing he's not in charge nor reflecting the sentiments of his host nation. He should pack for israel and shit post from there
Joshua Reed
Caleb Phillips
>OP is literally Krassenstein.
He is a faggot who loves baiting us into attacking him. The smart ones know to ignore him.
However, IF they were looking to flee violence, they should stay in mexico where they are required to check in. They are breaking international law by continuing through....and there is nothing wrong with mexico per international law.
They know this, and continue to proceed, and that is what makes it an invasion.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Literally any reason to hate Jews just for being born. I don't care about the details I just want to know why my life would be better if I believed in it for cared for that matter
Eli Jones
ISIS is supported by Israel.
Evan Perez
>And why did they decide to come now all of a sudden?
Isarelites and Soros are behind this.
Cooper Brown
and they can do that in mexico where they speak Spanish fluently and have more culturally in common with the migrants
but those people are so shitty even beaners are no
Carter Lewis
got a link?
Michael Gomez
Easton Wood
Brayden Jones
how are we supposed to figure out if they are the innocent people and not the violent ones
Elijah Collins
The (((Krausenstein))) brothers are literal criminal kikes running wire fraud scam. Literally praying on the most vulnerable members of our society. The elderly the feeble minded the young and naive. They are leeches. They have the audacity to criticize the president.
This needs to spread
Brayden James
Landon Perez
Hi Krassenstein! Have some dictionary!
noun: invasion; plural noun: invasions
an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
"the Allied invasion of Normandy"
synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More
storming, incursion, attack, assault
"the invasion of the island"
antonyms: withdrawal
an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.
"stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans"
synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanche, juggernaut
"an invasion of tourists"
an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.
the latter two definitions are viable, while the first one would require proof. Either way, 2 out of 3 makes the term 'invasion' a perfectly valid description of current events.
Robert Gonzalez
Jose Cook
they don't need to bring weapons and ammo if they're going to the US of fucking A. I'm sure ISIS/Mossad/whoever have local contacts in the US, all they need is more fanatics ready to kill themselves.
Julian Flores
All muds are violent and want white people DEAD. There is no such thing as an innocent shitskin. They are all complicit in every death of a white person.
Jace Moore
Mason Gutierrez
>i don't care about the source of the problem because I can't stop it, so I'll just get mad at all the problems caused by it
Carson Hernandez
Why don't they go to Mexico or Panama or even Guatamala if they want to escape violence?
Julian Green
Find his address for me
Colton Ramirez
Most likely the work of an Israeli Art Student. I hear their work is popular on the office walls in centers of power around the world. Many times with embedded listening devices.
Jonathan Morgan
We all want to bash you as well Ed.
Asher Jackson
wtf is this video im so mad
Carson Jenkins
I see no evidence that jews even exist
Anthony Gray
unironically based and redpilled
Levi Martinez
Its fixable, you stupid shill:
Educate as much people as you can about the facts regarding the issue
Remove ALL jewish GROUP power (ban dual-citizen politicians and judiciary, ban jewish interest groups, ban religious circumcision, ban halal meat, ban hate speech and hate crime laws)
Joshua Thompson
You're putting words in my mouth I never said anything about getting mad by problems caused by something or anything even like that
Noah Martinez
Reminder that this webm and abortion are basically the same thing.
Adam Smith
>the work of an Israeli Art Student.
Every time.
Brayden Diaz
your life wont be better but maybe your childrens will
Tyler Scott
I love how quickly a jew or their sycophants, the left, is so quick to call white people racist; yet they treat these 'refugees' like nothing more than a bio-weapon. It truly transcends racism to use people like nothing more than something that's gross, to try to piss their enemies off.
Ethan Rogers
Jokes on you faggot, my ancestors were not innocent and they came here to cause violence
Jace Gomez
Sounds to me like I should marry a jew and make sure my children are rich
Owen Kelly
These migrants are only doing the same thing European migrants did when they came to America.
>But muh illegal migration!
Guess what, guarantee many of your white ancestors would be considered "illegal" by today's standards because it is a lot fucking harder to come here.
Aaron Reed
Fuck off Ed. It's not nice to make innocent Australians look as retarded as you.
Nolan Lee
>Don't demonise these people of other races and nationalities.
>Proceeds to inform us they're fleeing their own country because the people there have made it into a hellscape.
If they're fleeing a hell of their own making why do we want them here?
Dominic Lewis
I don’t hate Jews that are born.
I hate and distrust Jews that are practicing and believe in the Talmud, one of the most revolting rule books on religion I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading.
John Hernandez
His ancestors were probably busy counting all the shekels they made after tricking england into thinking the french won at waterloo
Alexander Miller
I'm getting increasingly annoyed with these kikes. What the fuck do we do? This place has been zogged for over a century and a half it seems
Lincoln Cruz
There are only 2 ways this shit is going to end up going:
Jews accept that their group power is taken away and from there we rebuild our nations and prosper in peace; or
Don't accept that their group power is taken away, so we have to kill and/or expel all jews from the West and from there we rebuild our nations and prosper in peace.
I want for number 1, but won't mind number 2 even a bit.
Grayson Flores
Owen Hernandez
Why don't they just stay in mexico then? isn't it a peaceful place huh?
Dylan Fisher
Your whole argument is "why should I care whether X is true if it won't directly improve my life?". Why is happiness more important than truth? Do you ignore and disbelieve everything that you don't like because it makes you sad or angry?
Anthony Hernandez
My argument is quality of life. Nothing's going to change if I Harbor hatred for Jews.
Dylan Murphy
I have more resentment to the puppet masters than the puppet. The caravan is useful idiots.
Angel Anderson
(3) Samson Option
Leo Torres
Educate as much people as you can about the facts regarding the issue
Remove ALL jewish GROUP power (ban dual-citizen politicians and judiciary, ban jewish interest groups, ban religious circumcision, ban halal meat, ban hate speech and hate crime laws)
Christopher Gutierrez
I can't even become angry anymore. The only thing left is slow-boiling rage that never cools for a second. That caravan needs to be dealt with, but when fags like that muddy the waters, it's just hopeless to become angry anymore.