>SQLite pressured by subversive degenerates to adapt their fat ugly CoC
>Declares they are using the Christian philosophies of Saint Benedict as their CoC
>SJWs and atheists impotently rage and cry, claim they "won't participate"
>Everyone laughs at them
SQLite SELECT * FROM salt_mine
Other urls found in this thread:
None of the faggots complaining about this based and redpilled code of conduct have the skills to write database code in C anyway.
>None of them have skills
reminder that SQLite is one of the absolute best FOSS projects out there, with outstanding testing, unsurpassed
relevant, by the lead dev
Who cares. Entry level will always be MySQL because it's the most famous free DBMS ...
and more
> All current committers to SQLite
approved the CoC before I published it. A single dissent would have
been sufficient for me to change course.
thus proving the professional outrage actors follow a well planned agenda
brainlet detected
Fucking based
Try to put mysql on a tiny soc service
And MySql is for street shitters and faggots.
>dongles to charge a phone
why the fuck do people buy macbooks
>has a goodgoybook
>github faggot
> a motherfucking visual learning tool for children
as if open source projects did not have enough problems obtaining quality code without democrat agenda configuring narratives coming along and ruining their submissions
each and every person who agrees with a code of conduct being needed for an individual not representing a company is an absolute NPC.
>with that jawline
>read that it is a fucking tranny
Sweet jesus
That just confirms my assertion.
Also, building the database is not a DBA's most *important* responsibility, weirdly enough.
If you knew about database job duties you would know that.
do you think his wife is okay with him being retarded or did it change him to be cleaner in some way? imagine if you were okay with that purely because he brushes his teeth now
> Rule of St. Benedict.
Based. We need more Christians to expose Liberals.
> hurr durr you just proved my point according to my deflection and goalpost shifting
this is you, faggot
now get lost
trips of truth
Based and breadpilled.
It says homeless. Look at the stickers. Nigga stole that laptop
I dont found photos she and her wife reciently
but ...
Ah, this made me laugh quite a bit. To witness such pathetic cries. It truly is a bittersweet.
> that filename
Absolutely perfect description of what it's like being a web (((developer))). Fucking faggots don't know shit about controlling a computer.
MySQL sucks fucking ass. Take it from someone who's used it for almost 20 years.
Only recently in version 8 has it started to actually get decent.
To the spic, imagine studying sql and dB just to work on some peon pissant shit like that. Beaner wetback
To the us faggot, your choice in dB sucks dick your like mother who is a whore for African dick
Good night bitches
This actually pops up on reddit occasionally which makes me wonder if we're not doing enough to spread memes over there.
Jesus Christ. Think of the children
waiting for the triumphant return of holy crusader linus
>To the spic, imagine studying sql and dB just to work on some peon pissant shit like that. Beaner wetback
back in 4.19
but I'm afraid he'll never be the same
>autisticly polyamorous
good God they take themselves seriously too
Not exactly interchangeable brainlet. Sqlite is for single user, MySql is for bigger multi user projects. MySql is depreciated anyway by MariaDB.
>anime girl avatar
Makes you consider.
If you knew a goddamned thing about databases you'd probably have some fucking clue as to the 6 gorillion excellent use cases for an embedded, lightweight, extremely-performant SQL DB with an unencumbering license
but, whatever, go piss up a rope with your MS SQL Express install or whatever you're into
Oh. I report them for spam.
It's what he would have done.
I hope it kills itself tonight
>doctors cant say this is mental illness
too soon
starting with every phone out there
It's never too soon for the Lord user.
Sr BI Engineer here
lol @ SQLite
This is just a last ditch effort to stay relevant by a team of aging executives clinging to what will clearly ne their last jobs
As long as there are CIAniggers on earth it shall be too soon for a good christian to join god's side.
i used to watch this dude sell beanie babies
RIP my holy genius.
>Sr BI Engineer
So, not an engineer at all?
This is the best timeline
BI is for uninspired faggots who act as if they like programming, or anything for that matter, when the truth is that they're painfully dull and mediocre programmers at best. they tend to choose the right profession for them in the end, but that's only because they're losers who lack a soul
you lack a soul
>BI Engineer
A faggot then?
And Mysql is on the long way down now.
Learn Postgresql or suffer the consequences.
Oracle is coming for your asshole fucko.
I still miss him
Ooohh sick burn still there isn't a single relevant large Enterprise using MySQL let alone SQLite for their stack.
The world runs on MS/T-SQL, or Oracle.
I think Jow Forums runs on MySQL. At least, it used to back when it broke all the fucking time. Maybe Hiro installed a real database
you lack a soul
OP seems really interested in Coc
Fucking BASED
>there isn't a single relevant large Enterprise using MySQL let alone SQLite for their stack.
That isn't what it's for you mongoloid. lol it even has the word Lite in it.
Carmack has defended Christian ideals before. He said something about the ideals being aspirational even if they were unattainable.
Link please. I'm a fan of John.
kek the assmad codefags
>homeless dev
nigger needs to focus on important shit
Googled what I remembered and found this.
There's more I'm sure he's said over the years. He is too old school and actually intelligent for the current shittery.
>Love chastity.
>Hate no one.
>Respect your seniors.
>Speak no useless words or words that move to laughter.
sounds like the liberal bible to me
>everyone uses dump trucks so buckets are obsolete now!
How to spot a retard.
I have a MySQL database sitting behind every microservice API I have running right now. My largest database is currently sitting at 49mb. I am totally fine with burning the rest of the week to transfer over to SQLite; no reason I shouldn't at this point.
that's because you lack reading comprehension
someone needs to sqlite-edit that "wicked flee when no one pursues" webm
what is templeos's coc?
Who's the mastermind behind this brilliant bait-and-switch? He should quit programming and start a right wing PR firm.
1- Dont be a CIAnigger
That's my point.
SQLite is for nothing. What are you going to learn on it? SELECT statements?
The constraints on SQLite use up too much memory, triggers only work on the record level and not in the statement or object level, indexing is a fucking joke, and the approach to temporary objects is fuckin weird and rapidly destroys your CPU utilization.
So what's the point of the fuckin thing? Learning how to write bad code? Use Fiddle for that
how do i implement my coc into my gf's head?
did you actually read anything in the thread? it's just a joke
OSS has largely always been a Marxist shithole of suppressing software wages.
I mean I appreciate what they do but what is the endgoal? I'd actually like to get paid for programming.
Why is this field so fucked up. You don't expect accountants to give away their services for free
Openstack is garbage and the whole docker phenomenon is trash, nspawn is superior and even rkt works better.
The AWS implementation of "serverless" technology is ripped off of the Apache OpenWhisk project.
It's starting to come together how these trannies manage to talk their way into these positions.
where is this he/she's code?
Webm is kinda what I'm doing now.
I've decided to try to convert my simple static website to a Gatsby website, I'm now using so many tools that I don't understand it's ridiculous.
>telling Carmack that something isn't funny
on what authority?
He's so great. This post makes me happy. Thanks user.
>ree how dare you refuse to use my satanic coc
It's a honeypot
Discord just changed their ToS to disable the user's ability to sue them in a class-action
they're going to leak everybody's dox
>it's a bunch of losers fucking each other in the ass and pretending to be women
He may be a faggot for using apple, but credit where credit is due. He's atleast making an effort to produce something, which is far more than most africans.
Those never hold up in court
I'm using this on all my projects from now on.
But how else will you run a minecraft server on your home NAS?
>it's a bunch of losers fucking each other in the ass and pretending to be women
Too Real