Thoughts on Portland?

I've lived here most of my life, ask me anything.

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Why are you a leftist?

Are you pressured to be vegan, liberal, or gay and if so how many times a day? Also how many of the kids there have rich conservative parents from California paying all of their bills while they protest against ICE and larp as creative types?

I'm not

>thoughts on Portland
>I've lived here most of my life
You tell us then ya fuckin retard

How expensive is it? How much is a coffee from a Tim Horton's or Starbucks or whatever people drink, weed prices, bills etc.

Not pressured to be either of those things, I have seen a lot of liberal propaganda posters and bumper stickers on roads. I would most college kids have their parents paying for their college.

How's the onions lattes?

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I only go to Portland for the airport and Blazer games. the homeless have turned it into a shithole. also its the fucking rose garden in the rose quarter of the rose city fuck that moda shit

eugenefag here, might move up there next year. i don;t care what any of these NPCs say, the PNW is an awesome place to live.