They are storming our southern border. It's an act of war. Why can the military take them out?
It's an invasion force. why can't we just shoot to kill?
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It' s mostly young single males. That's an army. Stop beeting around the bush already. What the fuck?
much more effective with say malaria
If Trump wants my vote he must promptly MOAB this infestation out of existence.
based mosquitoes
I'll be down there with my rifle. This is the hill we die on lads.
In addition, should he fail to repel this invasion he should be put on trial for failing to protect our sovereignty as a nation.
>It's an act of war
Calm down kid.
I'm sure your Cheeoto in Chief will fix everything by cutting aid to their countries of origin.
>no luggage
>no food
i think they're zombies
look at this idiot, too much vidya.
We can stop them by force and we will if they take it that far
They won't though because it's just a big psy op
Which orgs are trafficking them? They're trying exactly what happened to Europe in 2015.
Stop false flagging you retard
Our government will keep them out
>assemble 5k+ people
>flee from “violence” and “poverty”
>walk a few thousand miles through multiple countries that “aren’t good enough” to settle in to go somewhere you’re not wanted, while burning that nations flag and waving your own
>couldn’t be arsed to march the same crowd of people a considerably short distance to their country’s capitol to deal head on with the people creating the conditions they want to “flee” in the country they’re so proud of
Everything about this makes me angry. Fuck Trump threatening bullshit on Twitter. I want fucking action and results.
>I'm sure your Cheeoto in Chief will fix everything by cutting aid to their countries of origin.
I think it's gone beyond that. The military needs to invade mexico. Drop a few cluster bombs -- that's all it would take.
why cant we have a few A10's just appear out of no where and practice some strafing runs
it would psychologically destroy them, scatter them, slow them and make them think twice for a few thousand dollars of JET-A
the military MUST put on a show of force NOW before they closer and larger in number. FACT
it's so fucked up europe didn't notice
we need accountability, now
the demonrats would sue you for impeding the commie vote
All Trump has ever done is empty threats on twitter. When is this faggot gonna take some real decisive action instead of banging hookers and getting away with it?
Where are they coming from? Where are so many people getting food and fresh water?
The first problem is that they are noncombatants. Even though this is effectively an invasion, they are not a belligerent power or an armed force (as far as we know), so they are not legal targets. Our military would have to use escalation of force, and only fire for self-defense. That's not an insurmountable problem--you draw a line in the sand, put up a sign, yell at them and show them your rifle, then if they cross the line you can shoot them. There are places in the US where they can shoot you or me for crossing a line. But we can't target and attack them proactively.
Certain people have opened up an exploit
Now this exploit is allowing invading forces in without any force being used against them
Whats worse is certain other people are funding these armies to invade & pushing others to join them.
Trump uses drones with cluster munitions.
Digits say YES!
Need some more angry tweets from Trump to stop them I guess.
we have the technology:
Kinda like what Israel does to the Palestinians, but in that case the kikes actually shoot and kill many of them.
>they are noncombatants
>expects trump to preemptively bomb a country
you guys are retarded
>le UN
your answer. now dull that edge, faggot.
(((Those aren't our values)))
this wave of worthless shits is a blessing for Trump.
1) free ammo for the wall
2) it makes libs praise a fucking horde of invaders as good, BEFORE AN ELECTION
this is a HUGE blessing for Republicans.
They're trying to force trump's hand right before midterms
Red wave confirmed, checkem
This whole thing is a trap to put trump between a rock and a hard place.
If he does nothing then he’s weak and doesn’t live up to his promise.
If he fucks them up the he’s “literally Hitler” and they now have the proof.
I really think this is going to start the war.
When did we ever say to bomb them dumbfuck? All we said is do more than cry on twitter, go suck off your orange man some more fag.
They can, the jews just shut them down, just read the constitution where it says "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."-The preamble of the US constitution. They have no rights under the jaw and when the government fails we must excel especially when it comes to borders.
>The first problem is that they are noncombatants
They can be classified as pirates or guerrilla by international law
Wouldn't be American enough, you have to run over them with a monster truck as well
Actually if he doubles down his approval will go up. Always. Double. Down.
Oh shut the fuck up faggot. you won't do shit but shitpost like the pussy boi you are while your woman continue to suck off bbc and vote left.
no but he could do SOMETHING ffs
What are you going to do about all of the trash in your room, including the collection of bottles with piss in them?
>Always. Double. Down.
They're zombies. No one cares about these "people".
The shill are out in force, keep to it brother and save our people, these illegals have no rights here and it is completely legal to kill them all as an invading force.
Trump should preemptively invade Mexico it's the best option
>do something!
>i don't know!
you sound like a woman
Why do we pay so much for the military when they're utterly fucking useless stopping these shitheads. If they open fire on them on use any kind of force, we will be denounced by the whole world even though we are well within our rights to stop these invading fuckers. What has our military done besides fuck with some Iraqis in the last decade really?
incel detected
Found the cuck.
he can't do anything when they are in mexico, he has to wait till they are close enough for full deployment of the armed forces in order to gun them all down.
lol that will make it ten times worse
That all you can do now, post pictures cuckboi?
i'm laughing at all you wh*iteoid cucks
what are you gonna do when we all move in to your disgusting mayo suburbs? wear more red hats? write on twitter?
lmaoing at your life gringos
If you at Least show up you will give others the courage to stand with you. I'll be there also.
Give me an APC or killdozer
I’ll take care of this
I will be the martyr you need to start the genocide of the goblino
You live in a shithole country, I laugh at you everyday loser.
actually we can gun them all down under the constitution when it says "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." so you are wrong, we just have to start shooting and use the constitution as an out of we get charged with anything.
I thought of this, however there is no possible way these people are going to travel 1000+ miles in time for this to swing the midterms. You'd think if Soros was more intelligent he would have ginned this up to a conflict just before the elections. Something else is going on here, and honestly if Trump doubles down on his military threat I could only see this boosting his support.
Only the most radical of leftists would support letting these people in, and there's no swaying them towards Trump anyway.
Can't just shoot 'em because msm would push the Nazi labeling to the hilt. This is obviously political and organized.Special Forces will deploy and BTFO the organizers.Sonic and Light weapons and probably a mix of non-lethal gasses will break up this string of vermin before they hit the U.S. Border.
>i'm laughing at all you wh*iteoid cucks
>what are you gonna do when we all move in to your disgusting mayo suburbs? wear more red hats? write on twitter?
>lmaoing at your life gringos
If he does gun them down, what are the odds it’s starts a war with South America? What if liberal Canada sides with them? I mean this could escalate out of control really fast.
i work at a job that was taken by a pathetic wh*te cuck from the usa, and i get paid for it
i've already won, our own moving into your borders and raping and stealing all your disgusting white pig women is just the cherry on top
I’m gonna start shooting you DC sniper style until Your entire race is scared to be seen outside
If all of South America, plus Canada entered into a war with the United States. It would be no contest. South America and Canada would be defeated, badly.
You live in a third world country, enough said faggot. Enjoy living in your shitheap of a country for the rest of your pathetic life lol.
>places that have liitle to no military against the sole military power
guess we just have to annex and ethnically cleanse it all.
Don’t worry Beaner ,
Were gonna use psychological warfare and propaganda to make sure everyone hates your worse than niggers
never really understood how right wingers could be cucks, but I acknowledge that those that oppose us are mostly retarted, so we cant expect them to insult well
AWW NOICE and saved and checked
t-t-thanks.. a-user..
Hey Boy....
Bring me a Margarita with ICE and Salt !
Bitch your people live 14 to a house on the extra bad side of town. You can't approach the cost of living where I live.
This is my kitchen table. What's on yours M8? Oh yeah, you're not even allowed to own weapons. I'm already on the Mexican border, literally 10 minutes away
I can't help but think this is all a setup. They are trying to force his hand ,and at a very crucial time too ...
Say he deploys the military on the border, and the illegal migrants try to force their way in. Some get shot and killed. Then the media will be all "he's literally Hitler" mode and start to incite riots and possibly even some "flower" revolution to force the governments hand and let them all in... But he can't just let them enter because if he does, it sets a precedent where if they can do it, the whole world can too... This might be the last stand of the West, and it depresses me how many traitors are there enabling it...
Trump has a very hard decision to make and it will require him to be very firm and to stand his guard despite the worst possible PR backlash that's about to happen.
Just having complete white skin makes you a cuck, it's in your DNA
similar to how having brown skin makes you a subhuman? hope i get to beat you in the street ese
When you can't dodge a killing blow, you can find a way to let it glance off you.
Says the beaner whose people were entirely culture-fucked by men on ships.
>and it depresses me how many traitors are there enabling it...
Why not hunt down the traitors? Dems would be no more if they all get killed.
I wouldn't laugh at them, pal.
Excellent idea. I'm here on the border, and you can't believe what a target rich environment I see every day
I'll see you there friend.
Just accept your nature like the liberals have, gringoy
you're gonna need a lot of ammo
reminder; it is legal for a US citizen to form a militia and fire upon invaders
Unless you live in a big city like NY, LA, Austin, etc., you have access to the same shit as us.
I guess Fidel Castro won when he sent all cuban prisioners to USA and the smarter-than-niggas cuban criminals took over the country with their organized family-like crime organizations.