Sweden Yes!!!

Finally growing some fucking balls

Attached: image.jpg (738x999, 122K)

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wasn't she only doing this because she thought the guy getting deported was some chad looking sand nigger instead of a crusty old pedo fuck that he ended up being?

>Sweden Yes
Should be Sweden No newfags

They don’t play when it comes to Airlines. It’s too important and expensive....fucking around with children can’t be tolerated

This, baka

This person is such a fucktard

Attached: F279E7E5-0020-460D-984F-4B437B98CC7A.jpg (222x392, 29K)

God I hate that bitch’s stupid looking face

The professional left's finest lawyers will work for her pro bono and she'll walk.

this, im not sure what about her exactly gets under my skin. possibly the fivehead, or having the teeth of that hick towtruck from the cars movie

I think it's that self-assured self-righteous smugness that comes from being a mediocre leftist white girl.