The United States should do what Mexico is doing. Do not allow any to stay in the U.S., but bus them directly to Canada and force Canada to take them all.
Central American Caravan Solution
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They always start off saying they don't care
ends up with them caring a lot...
Canada should be forced to take all the mexicans.
Then we can just ship them straight up to Alaska
Dump them in Quebec
How intolerant leaf?
if we stick them in the same buildings as the muslim refugees will they remove kebab for us? asking for a friend...
Expand this idea to add my idea.
What a racist piece of shit
Fuck off
That is hate speech, enjoy your fine
they will behead or skin them alive
Canada needs more diversity, a fair share of spics needs to be represented there
fuck off ya jew licker
more tinder for the fire, bring it on
no need. Trudeau will OFFER to take them all
Yes! So much this.
please no
Get real. Mexicans may be able to survive in starving conditions, they will risk crossing barbaric executioners, but they will never mince with 40 below zero temperatures.
You're overthinking it, I've got your solution right here
not if we build our ice wall first
Just in time for winter. Maybe open a new refugee center in Churchill.
Let's make this part of our trade deal. Trudeau would be ecstatic