The Redpilling of Tim Pool

Anyone else here worried about Tim? It's clear that he is having a few too many confrontations with the sociopathic left face-to-face and is slowly realizing that a national socialist right is the only answer to lunatics attacking people like him in the hallway. The problem is that by the time this realization is fully percolated in his head he may suffer a mental breakdown by realizing too quickly just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Anyone else /concerned/ here?

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Other urls found in this thread:

multiracial white supremacy strikes again

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The IDW will adopt him. It's what they're there for, to catch the strays. I don't think he'll ever come to believe his leftist ideals lead naturally to the bitter harvest he gathers.

Bump because I've only recently discovered his channels and even I am noticing him constantly being pushed further right

We should send him to Mexico to check out the caravan. He could blend in. Do you think he’d remove his beanie?

what is he hiding under the beanie?

Has somebody post the video of Cenk verbally attacking him?

He's half korean

Male pattern baldness.

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He'll never come to the right. His heels are dug in so deep that he'd sooner die before abandoning his precious "center left" fence-sitting bullshit.

I think it's more like 1/4.. also like 3% jap, so by warren standards, totally japanese too.

My only memory of Tim Pool was watching a video about something where he was so objectively wrong, like provably wrong it was retarded. All the comments were telling him he was wrong and that he was being dumb, and it had like a half like dislike ratio. That is my only memory of Tim Pool

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If Tim every becomes far-right, I'll be surprised. It will be the longest conversion in human history.

I think he sympathizes with us, but pretends to be a centrist to keep family meetings peaceful.

This. He can get tortured in the street by his fellow liberals and he’d still disavow Republicans. It’s his half chink brain that can’t let go of leftist ideology.

I noticed that today and busted out laughing. I feel bad. You can see the struggle.

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Tim Pool is a reporter who reports that it isn't safe to report. Content free.

This guy and his fucking cap

"The left is the best recruiter for the right"
-Shit a fucking fucking Mexican once said.

There's nothing to do on this end. Just watch the fire and see what happens.

north korean right?

We could have had an /ourmoderate/
Now we're having /ourguy/
First they came for pedes, and i said nothing because i wasn't a frog.
Then they came for Felix, and i said nothing because i wasn't vidya.
Then they came for Tim, and i said nuffin because i wasn't a pool.
Then they came for my waif- Oh Hell No

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This, anyone?

Finally rid of the humble water filter salesman, notorious genocide denier Stench Booger sets his sights on the Beanie Meanie.

Don't ever say p*des again, faggot.

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I been watching him for like half a year and he seems pretty non-biased from what i have seen.

Probably balding, many such cases. Sad.

not a chance.

I've never seen him do a report in humid or hot weather, no excuse to keep the beanie on and hide his baldness.

He's letting that fucking thing cripple him.

he was trying to stop her from ordering fries, wasn't he?

It really isnt a big deal if he just shaves it all off like rogan

I like Tim, but he's a coward pussy for dismissing jewish influence in the West as 'identity politics nonsense'

I thought that too but the video was so dumb I was astounded and everyone in the comments was too. I really don't remember though.

It's called a web just because they're there to catch dissenters and hive them a "hope"


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Is that Mike Cernonish?

Tim is just afraid he wouldn't be allowed in the ethnostate, he's said this many times, that's why he won't abandon his center-left position.



Comon it's Cenk, he does this everytime he gets ass blasted by someone. This time it was Tucker.

The black/white shirt guy's reaction gets me every time.

that's a US Navy officers sword.


why contain it.

He is mixed race so he firmly thinks of himself as anti racist.... Poor guys world view is crumbling though.

I want to see him tackle this subject head on. You can do it Tim.

This study finds that 92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance. The results of this study make it very clear that biracial children with African American fathers are fatherless on a scale much larger than the public may realize.

I like how her cigarette is still in her mouth at the end

This is how I always imagined dwarf women in fantasy worlds.

When Don Lemon says that 70% of black kids don't have a father you know it's a problem.

Wait did the worst journalist of the century actually reported something that wasn't filled with leftist garbage, When did this happen?

Lol what happened?

What did she flick at him?

always be wary of the small and stout ones.

I just saw his video talking about NPC meme yesterday. I had no idea who he was until that vid showed-up in my Jewtube suggestions.

He seemed like a Sargonian centrist or something. He supported the NPC meme.

What is taking this idiot so long? Granted it did take me from like 2010-2014. But shit, Tim. Get it together

Tim is a civnat, there is no way he will ever embrace “multi-racial” white nationalism or whatever you want to call it, he has said this unequivocally.

You're gonna carry that weight...

Nobody will put their name on jewish tricks yet, you will instantly be labeled david duke

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A match, I think.

There's no way he hasn't given up on TYT and much of the left. Seeing former 'reasonable friends' screaming at you on a dime should be enough.

Still claims he likes some of their stuff, which is a lie obviously.

tim gonna be radical

Mother of mercy, he actually half reported something.

I think he already skateboards...

Fuck Tim pool and the fence he sits on

>slowly realizing that the national socialist right is the only answer

what is the problem with this?

top kek, that's my post! I didn't think anyone saw it.


So true.

I’ve seen full Koreans go far right. Are you sure it’s not his white half?

we saw, insert donald duck tossing a (you) meme here

>Fuck Tim pool and the dildo he sits on
Fixed it for you.

Smellington needs to wash himself. Cenk probably couldn't stand the smell of shit and piss.

aryan ubermensch

Lol best part is he's half mutt and half Korean. Never even finished high school. But I still like him. Him stumbling over words with more than 5 letters is kino and he has a good heart.

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The literal George Costanza cut

poor tim was so sad when chenk told him to fuck off

Sk8 or die my guys


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oh look another case of the left eating itself

should just shave it all and make it look intentional, instead of looking like korean george costanza

CivNats will just end up embracing multi-racial Hispanic supremacy if they don't do nuffin. lol

I subscribed to him about a year or so ago and it's been fascinating watching the effects of the red pill on Tim. He's breaking his conditioning. Almost every day a new crack appears.

Sad thing is it looks to me like she was kind of flirting with him.

The dawn of Tim: A Red pill odissey.

Tims a goof. He plays both sides for the shekels. I enjoy watching him get his jimmies rustled by the militant trannies and jews who's politics he endorses

they ran out of diet

highest laughter

perfect take. Also he's worse now. He doesn't even go on the ground at all anymore. He sits at home and reads articles and twitter.

Tim has been amazing to watch from the moment he took Paul Joseph Watson's challenge to visit swedish no go zones. He is on this cusp of consciousness and awakening from his NPC state and he's so genuine about it. It must really confuse him that we can see 10 steps ahead of him. We told him he'd be called alt-right over a year ago, and all his leftist allies would start to call him a nazi and now this is happening in real time and he can't quite put 2 and 2 together yet... that we've all walked the path he's walking, we're not prescient -- we've just done this journey already. We know exactly where he'll end up, it's just a matter of when. It must be so confusing for him. It's like neo screaming "no! no!" as the quicksilver matrix fluid engulfs him.

We support you Tim. You'll be a full on civnat libertarian in about 12-18 months. And 24-48 months from now? Maybe even calling out the jewish influence and unable to stop *noticing*. The rabbit hole is much deeper than you think it is Tim, just let go and stop struggling.

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A shitty horseshoe hair style due to male-pattern baldness.

He did a damage control AMA here after that mustached dude stole his beanie. He took a pic with his beanie off and wrote "eat you veggies" on a whiteboard behind him. He

Man, I'd almost want him to stay a lefty so i can have someone that isn't a libertarian to listen to lol

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annoying ass centrist Tim Poole. I have more respect for antifa.

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as a libertarian boomer, this is so hot

Screenshoted it as soon as I was done reading it, it's just a perfect take on that bald faggot.

Why go out and go through all of that shit with commie niggers when you can just stay home, read the article for retarded niggers, do some dumb stream or something and get paid? He got 1742 patreons, the lowest tier is 2$ per month, assuming all of them opted for the lowest tier, he's making at least 3484$ per month from patreon alone, not to mention jewtube ad money and super chats during streams. Now why the fuck would you go out when dumb goys paying you to read them articles and rant about stupid shit while absolutely doing nothing about it and instead do the exact same shit every centrist lefty larping as non-lefty anti sjw skepshit jewtube nigger doing.
Work smarter not harder.

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He's an admitted lefty and he doesn't try to hide it but his audience is mostly center to right leaning because the left can't stand people being critical of their side. He's just relatively recently realized how insane the left has become.

lol, that's just a closed club of "intellectuals" to pat themselves on the back and make profit.
They're all gatekeepers. Tim can't add anything to the conversation, and doesn't make profit (maybe for a Rubin counterattack on TYT).