I used to come on here a lot because I thought you were all joking and it was hilarious. Now, I see many, if not most, if not the super majority, if not all, have really toxic views. What gives? Do you ever look in the mirror and think about how hateful your views are?
An oldf*g returns
Let me red pill you
You are objectively an evil person
It's likely most, but not all. I'm not a hateful person.
A lot of manufactured threads tonight. I wonder what they're sliding?
What's with the leftists and attempting to blend in for defeatism?
Please, you wouldn't be saying that if you were.
There never is good reason to say that, but you want authority on this matter, on an anonymous image board.
Fucking cringe.
I think the caravan is a distraction, What else have you found that's going on currently?
I don't hate anyone other than niggers, kikes, spics, faggots, sluts, wops, micks, frogs, abbos, pakis, fatties, pajeets, mudslimes, gooks, indians, and the Swiss.
prove that youre an oldfag.
All the oldfags left Jow Forums years ago, all thats left now is newfags pretending to be oldfags, cancer, and reddit.
I wonder if Snacks is in prison?
He was the kind of guy to get Chris Hanson'd
my early days were the exodus and moot being mad at Jow Forums
No. Please end your own life
Please stop posting this NPC crap...it's beyond childish now.
>It's childish to point out people don't think for themselves
Very much so, yes.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Some of the people on here agree with me, but prying even a little reveals that they too are NPC's, repeating information they got from infographics, and not researching anything for themselves.
NPC's are not exclusive to any side, but changing their viewpoint is nigh impossible.
Not proof retard
Does anyone else always hear this in Kyle's mom's voice?
You unironically think that saying Gray man bad will do something to stop this, when so many already get the gist of how to use this to help break the conditioning of accepting authority without the merit of logic.
I just started coming here and learned to laugh off what i disagree with. Why is everyone so offended by others opinion.
No no, user, the world is controlled by jews, cultural marxists are merely their puppets
This was over 4 years ago. I don't have the same phone or computer, you melon.
Pic related.
Bullshit. Go home, kid, you are drunk. And dont come bsck until you have aids.
>I are an oldfag
Do tell?
>Who cannot be cornered
>Who cannot be flimflammed
>What is long
>What is the answer to bear cavalry
>What makes gun chan cry
I don't drink. I don't like the hangovers.
Longcat is the only one I can answer out of those.
Am I right, I could have sworn that meme came from here, or newgrounds, and came here.
>Jow Forums was a liberal oasis
>I know because that's how it was according to me
>you are all racists!
>not my Jow Forums !
This might be the worst narrative you speds have tried to create. Attempting to convince people that lies are true doesn't work when they're also the subject.
no, shut up faggot
When was the last time you were here? Longcat is circa 2004-2005.
>admitting to phoneposting
confirmed newfag. if you really were an old Jow Forumsack you’d have been exposed to enough redpolls to make you a veritable antisemite. you’re just a low energy shill sliding else probably
I said I thought everything was satire. It wasn't. Most of you genuinely think this and it is fucking crazy and I genuinely don't understand what happened and why you think this way. It isn't right.
jesus christ I miss this meme shit
On and off.
I knew about most of the stuff you can now find on Know your meme about Jow Forums, I wasn't really an active lurker, and was underage.
I lurked for 8 years before posting, and only when I was old enough to post.
Lotta people need to lurk more, nowadays.
You left supposedly and now are sad to see the views you stopped posting here aren't held by the people who have never heard it. Hate is a tool, it builds societies and crushes them. Love leads to decadence and disrepair. Seek God if you must, but it will not save you.
I lurked for a year and then posted for a year and then lurked for three more years
What made you decide to lurk more?
I realized I was dealing with fucking morons
Like you
get dunkd on son
That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me on here, user!
Jk honestly I just got bored
>Using the word toxic
>self censoring the word fag
Do you people think we buy this?
We need a real happening to set people straight.
I'm tired of the daily grind of retards like OP, and the degenerate sex drugs and worse that seems to grow by the day.
Have you ever thought about not being a faggot?
can't corner the dorner
i rly wish he made it.. :(
What isn't right? That some people might be racist? It doesn't matter if they are or not. What matters is if what is being said is either true or false and frankly once you stop preventing people from speaking openly you will find people have thoughts you say isn't right. So please feel free to explain what is wrong or "toxic". When truth telling and directness are looked down upon and shunned in society you can expect that society will lose the ability to recognize it.
The truth is hateful only to those who live a lie. If you lack the eyes to see it or the heart to accept it that is a failure of your own character.
shut up faggot
coming from 2014 era isn't an oldfag
What is wrong with hate? We don't live in a children's cartoon full of rainbows and unicorns.
The best part of the NPC meme is all the inevitable “no u” posts that fall flat like OP
Like this?
I agree that there’s a lot of cringe on here.its Mostly the incels spewing hate towards women and minority’s. To criticize is one thing to aimless disparage people without backing it up is pointless and stupid. I get it Though they feel marginalized by the media being virginal socially awkward white men. They feel attacked by the media and they are attacked by the media, but being hateful against an entire sex race or any group makes them no better then the people they hate (((liberals))). Don’t fall for it Not all women are vapid selfish whores, not all blacks are gangbanging nigger not all gays are sperging mega faggots even if the later is true most of the time. opinions should be judged for there content. Truth is truth
Excellent, yes.
Learn to spell.
Claiming the voices you hear are all coming from kissless virgins who can’t get any pussy is just as disingenuous.
Being calm and nice and obedient are not the ideals you should be striving for.
Instead: If you're a man, you should strive to be the protector of your offspring and descendants and your kin.
Anger, and Hatred, and resentment and violence is the only moral response to some situations.
>claiming all the voices you hear are coming from lossless virgins
I’m not saying that at all I’m saying whenever I see baseless hate. It’s almost always directed at women sometimes minority’s. Jow Forums isn’t one person but I know when Jow Forums incels got shut down this place got flooded with reddit refugees
being an oldfag is like 2006 or 2007 you dumb faggot
It is a propper meme that makes sense and helps remove the curtain for normies who arn’t gone yet...you cannot stop the liberation through meme magic....is that childish enough for u niggerfaggot
Man I've been here on and off since 2012 and all I got is long cat is long and zimzam. I miss the trayvon threads they were fun. Also early examples of media white washing.
Holy shit are you for real!? God i hope you are larping...if not lurk or leave but don’t post for awhile
Oh no, hear something you don't like? Ree get off my board?
False flag incoming
Our kind cant go down without some form of a struggle. Nut up or fuck off.
Are you a white supremacist?
No one cares. Beat it.
thinking only leftists are npc is npc as fuck.
yes, in a white man’s burden sense of the term.
Truth be told I thrive on hatred, intentionally undermine myself so that I am hated, and have found a way to transmute hatred and pain into psychic extra-dimensional power, which I use to harm and kill the very same people feeding into it.
It burns up my life force though. Not sure how to stop. Hatred feels amazing.
This is a legit cry for help btw. I'm constantly tapping into some sort of psychic reality-imprinting power but it's incredibly fucking negative and I've become addicted to the emotions of fear and hatred.
If anybody knows of any kind of hidden wisdom to save me, please let me know.
You are not an oldfag by any means, you are fucking retarded.
I don't believe you.
Almost guarantee you found out about Jow Forums from some comment on Reddit, fuck off nigger.
And this will help too.
29 yo Boomer here
Jow Forums wasnt as shit back then. Youre no (((old fag)))
Thanks user. I guess I just have to make a solid choice to change.
I wish I understood more of what has been happening to me in my life. Maybe demonic possession or whatever.
Ideally, I wish to somehow, if at all possible, turn this thing around, make it positive, and help my Nation.
Good man.
I wish you luck in your endeavor.
>toxic views
the irony is too much to bear
ive been on Jow Forums since at least 07 btw.
Do you have any occult knowledge that would help me in my quest to transmute my condition into a better one? I think, for better or worse, I do have reality imprinting powers, considering the long list of victims I have under my belt.
But it punishes me. Eats me. I am almost dead at 32, I wish I understood what the fuck was happening so I could better change.
I look at myself in the mirror every morning when I wake up and I feel perfectly fine about myself and my opinions.
Yeah, no.
I know enough about esoteric occult shit to say don't use it.
Seek guidance from God, read the Bible, and ask him for guidance on the matter, I think that's how that works with him, anyway.
Are you literally shaking?
Keep these threads up bud, hopefully nu/pol/ will learn to stop bumping this shit
Schlomo here.
I just dropped by to say hello and to say to you fellow white people that you are evil, racist, homophoic, islamophopic, transphobic, nazi, ignorant, toxic.
> hateful
know how i can tell you're not really an oldfag?