Anyone else here LOVE the current political climate?

Anyone else here absolutely loving the current political climate in how it's so filled with barbarity and brutality?

I truly enjoy how every aspect of society has been utterly saturated with brutal political disputes, and how totally inescapable they are.

I take pleasure in seeing brutal proxy battles being waged over hobbies that have nothing to do with politics. I like turning on the news, and seeing that Trump is having yet another feud with some celebrity. And I love how whenever I get bored, I can turn on youtube and see live footage of antifa and alt-right duking it out in the streets.

But even more to the point: I love how everybody regardless of political affiliation is expected to submit to all this. I love knowing that an alt-right vs antifa brawl could break out in a restaurant at any time, and the owner would have no other option but to pay for the costs of broken glass, plates, windows etc. I love seeing apolitical interests ripped to shreds as they are converted to fodder for political proxy wars. I love the look of fear in an average person's face as he tries desperately to avoid the brutal warfare that is waging all around him.

Most of all I love what this represents: the rise of a new warrior class, that is ready to turn any forum, coffee shop or nursery school into the battlefield for its latest war--and the tacit expectation that everybody else put up with it. This whole idea that the violent, the bold, the fiere, reign surpreme over the meek. Regardless of your political affiliation, you must agree that the general idea of this is excellent.

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I totally agree.

I find pleasure in watching things in my country deteriorate. I want things to continue to spiral out of control until eventually a break point is reached. I’ve found myself creeping away from fascism towards a semi ordered form of anarchism. I don’t want things like hospitals, school systems, or water and electric plants to be destroyed. However I am tired of these old boomer fucks in office. I’m not condoning violence..but I’m also not saying I care if someone else does. I think the West has hit its climax and is now on a downward curve towards the either destruction of our nations or at the very least a civil war. I don’t want to sound larpy but I want there to be a civil war. I don’t want to play Rambo and I know if one existed it’d be highly likely that I’d be killed in the fighting and people would suffer. Good times crest weak men, and weak men create hard time. Hard time create strong men though, and strong men create good times though. I’m tired of our disgusting two party system that simply subverts the population into thinking things have to be one way or another. I’m tired of the media misreporting the news in order to further an agenda. I’m tired of the old bastards that sit in office doing nothing but filling their pockets with money from lobbyists. I want a hard reset. The sooner the better. Until then I continue to work out. I continue to go to the range every week. I continue to prepare myself waiting for the day that I may help fight this tyranny or at least become a martyr and die having known I committed myself to something greater than myself.

I'm ready to kill anyone who infringes on my rights

I think a lot of us are getting to that point, brother. I may not know you, but you aren’t alone in the way you feel. Stay prepared and be ready. Some day you might have to do just that.

It's called Accelerationism, and it's the only way

I didn’t know there was a way to describe it. I thank you for the new information I’ll definitely have to do some reading on it.

Joker, is that you?

It's exciting desu senpai. Neoliberalism was not the end of history. I feel delightfully villainous.

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I wasn't really talking about accelerationism I just kind of find violence entertaining. The sentiment I'm trying to get across here is more like roman spectator in the arena seating area, not social revolutionary fighting tyranny. I just love the happenings man.

I think leftists are starting a war they can't win.

I mean do you want to have the destruction of the west come simply so that nothing is left or to be rebuild a stronger society from the ashes?

I think there is something that can be sad about the human psyche in that sense. I agree that violence can be interesting, but I want the destruction of my nation for a more meaningful reason. I just want to be able to help rebuild something better.

I agree. This is the most fun I've had in a very long while and a lot of it has to do with politics. Since Trump came down that escalator in 2015 things have gotten intense, and the intensity has only escalated. Here's to hoping it ratchets up.

Protip: If you want to see things get crazier, the Republicans have to win the midterms. Make the left believe they have no recourse at the ballot box. Extra points for making them think it was rigged through gerrymandering and Russian interference.

I figure the only way out of this multicultural mess is civil war. It's too damn late for politics, especially in my country. Too much damage has already been done.

Also, toxic feminism has truly taken root, and I very much doubt women would cede any of the extortionate power they currently wield in society. Could you imagine the backlash?

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>Muh warrior class

Stop playing video games you fucking faggot

They’re going to come to the election with everything they have. IF we show them it’s not enough it might cause a deeper chasm to form between the moderates and extremists.

Fuck no.

It's hate-filled to the point of being unbearable but there's nothing we can do about it.

If we could go out and kill our enemies in the streets and expect others to follow our example, I'd be happy, but right now? We're living in the worst of both worlds.

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All it would take is someone at a rally to shoot at the other side.


Ideally the latter. But right now I'm too obsessed with what yields maximum lulz.

Nice save.

I can understand this.

Yeah no I was mainly talking about like say some Antifascist retard decided to simply shoot at a proud boys protestor or trump fan. I would imagine there would be retaliations by both sides similar to gang wars. The media on the left would defend Antifa while the right would defend anyone who retaliated.

So, ahhh, brutal, huh?

Shit is glowy as fuck in here. FBI BEGONE

If you like this shit, read a bio on Andrew Jackson and that general era.

I wouldn’t think a president would be interested in the destruction of a nation

If he had believed that the country's government had become corrupted beyond repair, he would've been the first to take up arms against it.

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I think the problem is getting others to realize the state of our nation. A lot of people like to be ignorant and hope the issues just go away.

>This whole idea that the violent, the bold, the fiere, reign surpreme over the meek. Regardless of your political affiliation, you must agree that the general idea of this is excellent.

I wouldn't say its excellent, but right now its needed. Civilizations go in cycles. After a few generations of prosperity, the people of a nation tend to grow weak and degenerate. Then things start to break down. And thats when conflicts arise, and hopefully a group of strong men who aren't afraid to fight will restore order and discipline. Otherwise, your civilization will die.

Violence isn't needed all the time. In a healthy society it should be rare, but in a unhealthy society it may be necessary.

We haven’t had a civil war in almost 150 years I hope we can change that soon. Could you imagine the state of the world if the worlds largest economy were to simply cease to import and export the same amount of goods? It would destroy the worlds economy.

Unironically, I agree. Politics were fucking boring until recently. Now I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the next big thing, the next mass riot, the next happening. I don't want things to deteriorate like the accelerationists do, I want the current state to last as long as possible. Occasionally getting worse, occasionally getting better. I like this chaos. It is a good chaos.

Also might I add think about the state of the US right now. Think about how fragile politics are. Imagine if our country hit another major recession. People out of work. Unemployment at almost 15%. Inflation rising. Cost of goods sailing up. Loans stacking up with interest. Retirement accounts a quarter of their value leaving some without the funds to survive. That would be the catalyst.

That was beautiful leaf. They thought white civilizations were going to peacefully fade with mass immigration, but that is against reality. White civilizations will be painted red with blood, and we will all be trapped in a nightmare. I'm not even saying whites will "win". I'm saying it's going to be hell.

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We're being forced into a process of revolution that has been a natural part of society since the dawn of time, but the dynamics of post-industrial civilization are making this process very slow and difficult to take in all at once.

Collapse is inevitable. Chaos is guaranteed. Unless we go extinct, someone else will pick up the pieces and carry on.

Best Bond villain desu.

Don't you think this degree of division is what victory looks like to (((them)))? I agree that it's exciting and novel but it does also represent the cultural Marxist's end-game i.e. division to the point that violence is breaking out and the opposing sides being happy to support politicians/laws/ideas purely because they'll piss of their ideological opponents, regardless of actual merit.

Regarding the latter, I suspect this is how some leftists are able to stomach the backwards shit that they do (e.g. trannies, rapefugees etc.) - they don't think about it critically or necessarily have a preference for it but they know it'll piss us off and that's enough. Looking in the mirror, I can support Trump with confidence because even if his policies are sub-optimal/shit, I know he's the medicine the West needs right now and nothing BTFOs the Left more - it's win-win.

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How about Weimar Germany?


NO. It is all mouth on no substance abuse. Get Bricks, Throw Bricks, Kick the shit out of the police. People do something more brutal that call names FFS. This era of talking people to death is as dull as watching painters wash their brushes.
I have seen more violence on sesame street.

I will admit this Jap has a point. I just don’t think we’ve reached that point yet. I think something bigger has to happen that would throw things into motion. People have jobs, make money, support families semi-well enough right now. The media keeps the masses stupid. All it takes is a catalyst like a recession or shooting at a protest to push it..this caravan of illegals might even just be enough.


>thinking arrested development millennial dipshits getting into twitter arguments and occasionally slapping each other at a protest is "brutal warfare" and is causing "rise of a new warrior class"

Most violent thing to happen so far is some fat retard drove his car into a crowd of people and only managed to kill one fat woman.

Meanwhile if there was actually a violent environment you'd be too scared to leave your mums spare bedroom since you're most likely even more useless than antifag/aut-righters who LARP irl.

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>Meanwhile if there was actually a violent environment you'd be too scared to leave your mums spare bedroom since you're most likely even more useless than antifag/aut-righters who LARP irl.

You'd surprised the kind of spine "cowards" can grow when in tightly-knit groups and well-led

t. the Red Army from 1943 onwards

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It's certainly more entertaining than the national felons league or anything coming out of hollyweird.

>the owner would have no other option but to pay for the costs of broken glass, plates, windows etc.
That shit is insured, KID.

>I don’t want things like hospitals, school systems, or water and electric plants to be destroyed.
The first things to go when fighting gets real.
This board is full of fools.

>red army
>Jow Forums
>dixie flag
you wouldn't be useful as fertilizer, no troll, one look at you and it's obvious your corpse wouldn't even nourish weeds.

>missing the point this much

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I can't see Proud Boys and Anti-fa going past the street brawl for youtube stage.

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The people who fight are the ones who have nothing to lose. At the moment that's a bunch of frog posters and bluehairs.
As the rot sets in, people on higher and higher rungs will join the festivities.

Let's all hope for a better outcome.... If we do not have to kill, that is better.

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The Left will take power again, maybw not 4 years, or even another 8, but they will within a decade. And when they do, they will be sure to shut down every inch of the right in every platform they can find, and PERSONALLY make it their mission to fire you from your job and indoctrinate your children against your will....

Then the violence will commence.

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