Mission failed, we'll get them next time amigo

A moment of silence for the Mexibros who bled for the United States

Attached: Strategic Mexican defeat.png (898x774, 1.19M)

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Mashed bean

They tried.

I think that means it is BAD.

Good effort Mexico. You did your best and thats all that matters.

the caravan is filled with refugee's. the refugee's are pacifists, this photo has no correlation.

Fuck off kike

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>refugees are pacifists
[citation needed]

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I say let em all in

Mexico you are our greatest neighbor. Not that their was much competition from the leafs.

>you wot

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This looks so bad for the pro-immigration side. How can anyone defend a mob of violent criminals attacking law enforcement officers? Do we really want them in our country if this is what they do when they cross the border into Mexico? Imagine what they'll do to Americans once they get here. No one will be safe.

Translation: "Mexican neo-nazis protest against central american caravan attempting to enter the country"

>unknown middle easterners

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mad respect

Like they give a shit. I'm sure Mexico is perfectly happy to let anyone travel through them to the US.



We need to go full Charro Negro on these invaders.

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many of them are staying tho

it means emergency, brainlet

So, if trump hold them back, is mexico just accept all those people?

necessitates H.I.E.L.O

Is there a better soundtrack to the caravan than this one? I'm surprised the media haven't used it while showing pictures of malnourished kids marching towards the US.


>They point out a ridiculous spelling error

I don't think so, videos in spanish about the caravan are filled with angry mexicans saying our government should kill all of those lazy parasytes.

Now it’s your job to gun them all down. We can’t let them stay in this country and they will obviously not get to the US so I say this is the only alternative

Not here in the north where we already have to deal with a small population of them begging in the streets.

At some point they're gonna come across some people who will see nothing wrong with shooting them

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how about we get them from two fronts
we will open fire and you lot will prevent escape

Would your faggot government even make the gesture? Fuck you, no we need this to come to a head sooner or later. 5,000, 50,000, 500,000 it doesn't matter our answer must be heard.

We really need to cooperate to finish off this problem.

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Sounds good now we have to get the governments involved. I'm from Mexico City so I can't do the job myself

we got you mexibros

Sounds fine, but can you tell Carlos to take his finger off the trigger, unless he has plans to shoot Pedro in the balls.

It quite scummy, they didnt let them use guns or weapons because they didn't went the police to escalate things or for it to turn into some huge news story about migrants babbies getting shot, so these cops were like the 300 fags, they knew they were pretty much fucked, but they had to hold their position with their riot shields.

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thats just a pic of dumb narcos posing like niggers.

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Everyone can shoot someone as long as that someone is part of the Central American caravan

He has the profile of Alex Jones.

Question for border state bros.
Can the government utilize its own form of castle doctrine, so we can legally kill this horde of Orcs the minute it steps on American Soil?

I don't get how these entire countries are being overruled by a mob of fucking spics

What the fuck is this clown world where a gang can just go around and do whatever the fuck they want

mutt pride worldwide

our better part makes us do it right, we are all samurai

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They also had teargas

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Poor Trump....buddy, you're still not getting funds for the wall.

Call Mexico and see if they intend to mail a check after the midterms.

Martial Law is being considered as an option, actually

Tlatelolco when?

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If they piss off enough people no one is gonna care about the law.

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>we build the wall at the southern border of Mexico to save money and they pay for it because they need our trade

what kind of fucking gay shit do you people listen to holy fuck

it should obviously be:


just imagine blasting thousands of shitskins from the gunside of a Blackhawk, laughing as the occasional burst from an A10's GAU8 gatling gun shreds their subhuman carcasses into mincemeat

just imagine it you dense fucking potatonigger

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Pretty honorary.

>it wasn't sarin
>Pic related

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I agree. Mexico for Mexicans. America for Americans.

Thanks to the spics who tried to stop this army of lesser spics

we wuz nazis
but honestly this shit divided my kikebook friends 50/50 pro refugee kikes and the ones who had their inner Hitler (pbuh) awakened

"We will build a wall and Honduras and Belize are going to pay for it"

Can someone please answer this question, WHAT THE FUCK IS STOPPING TRUMP FROM ROUNDING UP EVERY GOD DAMN ILLEGAL SPIC BEANER AND DEPORTING THEM IMMEDIATELY? He has ICE, he can scramble the national guard. WTF is the hold-up?

Are there 50,000 people in ICE?

Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas all have Republican governors so they would almost certainly call up the guard. The feds have options too.

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>forgetting the Carribean
I think Cuba is close to finally getting their shit together and Jamaica has been pretty legit for decades.

Nothing except maybe them hiding. I would do it honestly

The Department of Justice and lower courts are crammed full of leftoids.

The president doesn't have unlimited power. He has to work in concert with the rest of the government. Normally it's a good thing and stops dictatorial ruling, but in cases like this it becomes a hindrance when time is short

if you take a hard-handed approach too quickly, you'll spook them and a lot will disappear into the thick of it

you would need to positively identify most of the illegal beaners beforehand, then launch a coordinated attack all at once, across the entire nation

that's going to be a rusted chain link fence at best

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proven fake news, fuck off nigger

>castle doctrine
We're a NATION, we can do it before they get here since they have declared intention to commit felony by our internal law, or act of war by laws of nations.

Surprised it's not more. All the other Mexicans here are pretty open about their dislike toward chapines

This caravan will allow him to finally do it.

idea: introduce something viral into their food supplies.

who the fuck is even paying for food for 5000 people

>every last one of them are refugees
I’m gonna need verification of your claim

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>Italians are in the caravan

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its very fashionable now to be pro tranny, pro fag, pro abortion and pro refugee

I listen to a bit of everything, but if I'm going to gun people down, it'll likely be to hip-hop. Off the top of my head, some Nas.
> I got mine...
> Hope you got yaself a gun

>rusted chain link fence at best
They will get tetanus and die great plan, leaf

who do you think is paying for it? i'll give you one guess.

you guys should mine the border like they did between North and South Korea, it would be a legit great way to stop beandips from coming in illegally

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well we could crowdfund a cartel hit like an user suggested a few threads ago


There's about 20,000 ICE agents. There's an estimated 30,000,000 illegals already here. Gee, wonder what the problem is

the US and Mexico have to work together to stop the Soros hordes from invading our respective nations.

If someone starts a Change.org petition, how may people do you think will sign it

lmao I am pretty sure GoFundMe would shut down a page dedicated to having Sicarios slaughter the horde

besides, the cartels are sending in their own operatives with drugs up their ass, it'll be like finding a needle in a haystack

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there are twice as many illegal immigrants as there are gays in the us

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I honestly can't believe that such impudent people exist. These fuckers are intending to move to country ILLEGALY and on photo you can clearly see that they're carrying flag of THEIR shithole country they're running from. You can already see that they have no respect for culture and values of country they're heading to. They're acting like conquerers, not refugees.
What a retard person someone should be to demand to let them in?

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based Russia, you know how to treat dissidents and foreigners

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Do you think he has alzheimers? That word, and other times where he's clearly supposed to mean a word, but instead either spells it strangely (emergy) or coffee (covfefe); like he can't actually at the moment remember what he means to say, so kind of mushes words together. I'm kind of worried about him.

The Slav is right. Maybe you could also get your country to help us. I heard Putin and Trump are friends

Hey mexibros, when are you guys gonna like, ditch the cartels and start becoming a first world country?

the source they site is:

which is a two week old article where the president of Guatemala says they've apprehended 100 people with possible connections to terrorist organizations, including ISIS and dealt with them according to their laws, with some even being deported. He never gives a time frame for this, nor is the caravan mentioned in this article because it was written on the 11th, one day before the caravan had even assembled.

Why would they be happy with a 5k+ caravan of migrants rampaging through their country?

They'll be traveling through cartel territory and I would be surprised if they didn't encounter some opposition.

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that webm brings joy to my heart

>mased and beaten

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is it anonymous?
if so hundreds of thousands
if not then just a couple hundred edgelords

Wait, and what the fuck is mexico doing about this?

Mexico, don't get to Venezuela's level and control your damn people.

Damn. Imagine if the Mexico Riot Police had formed a fucking phalanx to stop the caravan. That would be absolutely insane

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I don't have much experience with it, but it's with e-mail accounts.

Holy fuck. It's serious now.