Which one of you anti-Semitic fucks did this???
Which one of you anti-Semitic fucks did this???
OP did it
Hey I live in Westchester.
Heard anything we haven't?
Soros is a nigger, but I oddly respect him for not being a hypocrite on Israel. He's a kike, but he isn't as big of a kike because he wants open borders for Israel too. At least he's consistent with his jewry.
fuck off bam
Nah. He pulled funding for Femen when they wanted to spread that subversive horseshit in Israel. He's no different.
still not entirely sure he's not our kike. If it wasn't for his bullshit escalating stuff so fast, it likely wouldve just been a slow death of western civilization
Was it the Purifiers, or The Church of Humanity?
It's me Austin!
Fake and Gay false flag.
Soros confirmed as shitting his pants.
Moishekel Goldenblat did it.
Jow Forums is a board of peace. This a false flag. Very fake news.
Execute his sons
Undeniable. They all immediately got the memo to spread this story.
Yet another of “hey rabbi whatcha doin”
My thoughts exactly. Probably another kike false flag
user, they are ALL our kikes.
Without the Jews, or Satan, or another negative power, we would be stuck in a perpetual state of naivety and spiritual shallowness.
In this universal experience of conciousness development, the most difficult way to evolve your spirit is though free will, yet it gives us the highest upside.
Look at us. Though our free will (and meme magic), we manifested a reality where Donald Trump is the president instead of hillary.
That was not “supposed” to happen according to (((their))) plans.
As long as we recognize our power as a focused collective conciousness and know how to use it, we can literally accomplish anything we want to.
This is the “game” that we play and NPCs simply exist in. We create the game.
Indelible in my almond area.
Allows himself to be photographed while melting. The American people deserve better. Very disrespectful