Wanting to create an ethnostate when mass communication, internet, fast global transportation...

>wanting to create an ethnostate when mass communication, internet, fast global transportation, and massive trading systems are the technological norm

Why do white people want to turn into a closed off society like Japan was until it was forced to accept the technological realities around them?

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We aren’t japs.

That is all you got out of my post?

It's about survival.
White population of the planet is dropping and only one threatened to no longer exist. Their soon wont be any majority ahite countries. America stopped being majority white in just under 50 years. Extrapolate and think about it.

Japan is a technological society but is still an ethnostate

Why do we need PoC to have a technological society? PoC barely operate smart phones

Japans economy is also stagnate while ours grew in leaps and bounds

all of those things were invented without the help of POC, didnt need them then, dont need them now

Japan was perfectly literate and safe as a closed off society though.

In order for science to function you need scientists to collaborate together. You can’t have a good science program when you won’t let other ethnicities join the scientific conversation. The main reason why Germany never got the atomic bomb is because they kicked out all of there Jewish scientists and the US took them in

pretty much this. they're here because they help break up white hegemony in the west. that's literally the only reason, and i do resent them for it.

Not technologically advanced though. The US could have crushed Japan since they were still in a feudal state while the US was in a industrial state

Funny, people in the 1930s never would have considered Slavic people or Southern European white. It’s almost as if the definition of white keeps changing

That's only because the Rothschilds central bank enacted a contractionary monetary policy when we didn't import that many 3rd world workers in the 80's unlike most white countries.

Technologically backwards yes, but thats only due to the lack of trade, especially information. Also, Feudalism has nothing to do with technology: it's a social system.

jews are pushing diversity and gay parades, the tokyo mayor is already a soros plant

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>duh Jews fault

You are not getting my point. Japan had to change its culture to accept the new technological innovations that were going on. Your country decided to change instead of cower in a hole

You do know they were less than a decade behind despite having their cities regularly flattened, a completely isolated economy, and no natural resource access.

Conversely, if you relentlessly import scientists you greatly lower the economic incentive of your own people to study the sciences and make yourself beholden to foreign intelligence and education services. Data may still be exchanged while permitting local genius to enrich their homelands.

Restricting immigration =\= isolationism

Isolationism involves not trading or engaging in commerce with the outside world. No one is advocating for isolation. We can still trade. But each white country should be at minimum 90%+ of its original stock.

You don’t need immigrants in order to trade with China. Literally a boat filled with American shit unloads in China, then loads up with Chinese shit and comes back. There is no immigration involved, just minimal contact for trade purposes. The world worked this way for hundreds of years.

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Yes, they pragmatically accepted elements of foreign cultures. What you're talking about is the exact opposite of that

You have no idea how modern trade works do you? These are multinational companies now. People who are in these companies have to move with there companies want to put them. Also some college degrees aren’t offered in other places so students have to move. This fantasy to go back to how the demographics were like in the 1800s is pure lunacy. You can’t stop technology.

There are no PoC scientists. Don't need them.

My point was they had to take swallow a big pill to survive. Back then ethnonationalism made sense, now it doesn’t. The boundary between ethnicity, nation, and culture is getting blurred thanks to modern technology. The reason so many people can fap to hentai would not have been possible without the internet.

This white person that wants a closed society is a fiction that exists only inside your head. There is a difference between an open, law abiding nation and the lawless importing of millions of illegal Democrats. I know your cognitive dissonance doesn't permit you to consider that distinction, but that's the deal.

Oh, and Japan is a notoriously difficult nation to immigrate to. It's basically impossible unless you're wealthy and have pull among Japan's ruling class. So in the future you'll want to cite some other nation when floating this particular balloon.

>Jewish capitalism should be the norm

Nations should invest in industry and innovation to keep companies in their country. They shouldn't have as much power as they do. The internet means that people can work from home. Get btfo.

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Well considering the fact the Arab world invented algebra and the number of zero says otherwise.

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Good luck regulating that. If you stop them from going multinational in one place they will do it another place. You sound an like archer trying to prevent the flintlock gun from spreading

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It was the Persians. Don't give more credit than is owed, which is very little, to those fucking rats

That’s also why Japan’s economy has been stagnate since the 1980s. I only used Japan as an example of a society having to change do to the technological realities around them. Again you aren’t paying attention to my argument

I love to see you try and come up with a numerical concept no one has ever thought of before

You and many others misunderstand what an ethnostate means. It’s not ONLY one race; it’s where the unquestionable majority is one race and no external factors threaten that.
Multinational corporations and college movement is not the issue, the issue is mass migration and race mixing advertising. The issue is a world that literally wants white people to be bred out of existence. The issue is a society that promotes blacks and hates whites. The issue is that if we don’t do this we will be wiped off the face of the earth in 200 years or less. We aren’t asking for permission. Changes will happen in our lifetime as the white majority feels the true weight of multiculturalism as a minority.

The only thing implicit in an ethnostate is that it is the home of a specific ethnicity.
Literally nothing else is implied. It doesn't mean closed off from the world isolationist.

Immigration or lack thereof isn't the reason Japan's economy is stagnant. Their real estate/construction bubble burst and South Korea/China began to play catchup.

South Korea/China/Japan aren't accepting immigrants and only one of those three have a stagnant economy right now.

I would rather live in a shithole surrounded by my own people than a flourishing mud society of dessembodied consumers.

Japan has all the tech you mentioned, and they are still an ethnostate. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stick to your own kind.

And I'd love to see you stop misrepresenting Persian accomplishments as arab ones. Arabs accomplished jack shit until they conquered far greater cultures and usurpred their ingenuity.
"big pill" and what is that pill today? That they should have the same toxic racial variables in social discourse? Crime and tons of unemployed people? Just trying to think of "benefits" we've gotten so far in Europe.

The ultimate irony is that there never will be a flourishing mud society. Look at Brazil, that's where America is heading in 50 years. Mass immigration is just social decay.

China is opening though. The big reason that China went from a poor communist shithole to the second largest economy on the planet is because they started opening up. Granted the reason why they are still closed off has more to do with the communist party wanting power rather than for racial reasons

It’s just the reality of the technological era we live in. You can’t turn back the clock on technology

Japan today is a high-tech, first world country, and it's still 99% Japanese.

"Opening up" doesn't mean "bring in brown people to do the jobs we don't want to". You can participate in the global economy and be trade multi-nationally without importing in people.

South Korea, Japan, China all have very distinctive cultures and values that will still be around even after their birthrates drop off a cliff in the next 100 years. Can we say the same about America, or Germany?

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Yeah, fuck Israel

>mass communication, internet, fast global transportation, and massive trading systems
All of which were created by white people, mostly during the time period when whites lived in ethnostates.

Maybe Brazil is poor because it’s been through civil unrest and military dictatorships. Also the Roman Empire lasted a thousand years and it incorporated large parts of the Middle East and Africa. Again multi racial societies can succeed as long as there is a common philosophical unity

>Japan was until
it still is very much a restrictive society

The funny thing is there going to go through the same thing what we’re going through. Immigration is starting to increase in Japan and Korea. It just happened in the west first because it was easier to do so.

>mass communication, internet, fast global transportation, and massive trading systems are the technological norm
What does any of that shit have to do with immigration policy?

The reason they went from poor communist shithole to second largest economy is because they embraced capitalism. Granted, they opened up to the idea of globalistic specialization but that had nothing to do with 'opening up.'

Brazil was a successful Empire that suddenly turned into a republic on a dime and a divided, uneducated multiracial country clamored for military dictatorship.

Multiracialism only "works" in a racial-hierarchal empire. Rome worked, Britain worked, Brazil was working until it became a Republic.

Also comparing Rome to Brazil is disingenuous because Romans really didn't care what you did as long as you paid your taxes and sacrificed to the Emperor.

There has never been a mutt supreme society. To be mutt is to be Brazil, as confused of a country and plagued with social issues and racial complexes as every mutt is, proven scientifically, psychologically weaker. That is the only future for a mutt land.

>implying that new technological creations can’t destroy the cultural realties from which they came from.

I'm sure some decadent Romans had similar attitudes towards the gothic hordes eager to dilute their culture. You guys may not be able to, we Europeans can easily do it. Just don't get in the way this time

Immigration is not an issue in South Korea. The requirements to become a citizen in South Korea are incredibly strict.

>These are multinational companies now.
Yeah, that should be illegal.

>Austria Hungary
>Russian Empire
>Charlemagne’s Empire
> Turkish Empire

This pigheaded determinism is stupid. You absolutely can stop immigration, people are just unwilling.

You are pissing against the wind. The only reason they formed because of technolocal relatives around them. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle

People could also go back to wearing plate mail and using telegraphs to deliver messages if they wanted to. That doesn’t mean it’s practical

ITT lets list empires where everyone was racially the same. Tell me also how Britain was mutt because of different tribes who all would have been genetically similar, including the Northern celts genetic relations to the Germanics. Hence why nations like Ireland all overlap genetically with other Germanic nations.

Its perfectly practical to have homogeneous ethnostates, look at South Korea/China/Japan.

>the reason why they are still closed off has more to do with the communist party wanting power rather than for racial reasons
Why do you think that?

Rome wasn’t that much of a racial hierarchy though. As long as you embraced the culture and how long the group of people were in the Empire they were accepted

The Mongol Empire fell apart in a few decades after it gobbled up declining Persian and Chinese failed dynasties. The Mongols got extremely lucky just like the Arab caliphate did by being in the right place at the right time with a power vaccuum created by exhausted major powers.

Firstly you really should kill yourself, secondly just because you can send a letter doesn't mean you should want to become homeless.

>The only reason they formed because of technolocal relatives around them.
No, multinational corporations exist because of tax laws.

Maybe we can live in our own countries and stay connected through technology? Or must we all move to the same locations to communicate like we were still living in the middle ages?

That doesn’t mean they will succeed under current technological realities. Yeah ethnostate use to work when the world seemed to be a lot bigger. We’re going to see the end of the enthnostate because the world has gotten smaller and smaller

Rome was still extremely tribal in the late Republic. Families traced their roots back to the founding of the city or the overthrow of the king.

It may not have been a race issue in the modern sense but the Greeks and Romans were very tribal.

This sounds like some utopian world that’s just not going to work

Ethnostate still works eg. South Korea/China/Japan. I want what those 3 countries have: Distinctive racial identities.

You could be born in China, speak the language, eat the food, live there your whole life but the Chinese wouldn't consider you Chinese.

>We’re going to see the end of the enthnostate because the world has gotten smaller and smaller
What does that even mean? We're talking through the Internet, we don't have to be in the same hemisphere to do that.

I'm going to tweak this but that image is perfect for a Jow Forums banner.

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They did so and remained Japanese and continue to remain so.
If they had westernized completely the drawn degeneracy we all so enjoy would likely never have come to be as it is. The only relation the internet has to this is accessibility.
Losing your cultural identity is not a necessary step in embracing modern technology. It's not even required when embracing western government and economic models.
Unless of course your cultural identity is completely barbaric.

The same with Rome. Southern Italy has been the most mixed up portion of Italy, and they have lacked the inventive history and success that central and northern Italy has had since the Renaissance.

Most of which generally depended on a core of relatively homogenous aristocracy. They did that ingretation on an entirely different premiss too, which is that they aren't playing welfare basket to their fellow ethnicities, who actually have to contribute.

Oh, Japan is utopian and doesn't work? Unfortunately your argument simply is non-factual.

also if anything the world is becoming more fractured along tribal lines despite the feel good rhetoric of multiculturalism.

India is still Indian, China is still Chinese, South Korea is still Korean, Japan is still Japanese but France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the United States are deliberately kept from being ethnostates.

The rest of the world will still be tribal even if western civilization kills itself.

>That doesn’t mean they will succeed under current technological realities
What does "success" mean to you, and what are you willing to pay for it? Look at pic related and answer carefully. Incidentally, fuck your shitty thread.

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because we have high iq, the white ethno state includes all of europe and the near east and mediterannean, it's not exactly going to be closed off. shitholers don't run fortune 500 companies

The key to all of this is sacrifice.
There must be a sacrifice and down period before there will be a high.
Our lives may be the first brick in that foundation... better place it right and firm.

the middle east is / was white and compatible with rome, africa wasn't part of the empire you retard it was only the part near the mediterannean sea and the nile

Multiculturalism = nuclear warfare

shit, really destroys the idea of an ethnostate

it's not a sacrifice to not have resources drained

>this pure evil attempting to manifest itself through insidious bad-faith discourse

Can we start skinning Jews and their worthless shabbos goy neocon slaves yet?

>forced to accept the technological realities around them
What does that even mean? If you want a world government to rule you from some distant part of the globe like those pricks in EU then I'm sure you will like the new world odor. The best kind of rule is community rule, decentralized and shrunk to insignificance. Fuck Globalism .

not really, just saying we have alot more influence over the world than 19th century Japan did, so goodluck to the brown masses and bolsheviks in forcing their will upon concentrated white zealots.