Well, the demographic trends are unfortunate...

Well, the demographic trends are unfortunate, but at least they don't mean we'll automatically turn into a socialist dystopia.

Attached: muh blue wave.png (817x559, 377K)

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Hispanic birth rates are also dropping more quickly than expected. Welcome to the globohomo hellscape motherfuckers, it drains your souls too!

well at least there is some good news a happening on the whole "muh import new votes front".

Blacks and hispanics both hold a socially conservative ideal. They only vote Democrat because they were told to. Now they have high speed internet and engage in public discourse to find out Democrats are shit and Trump policies help them in every way. Easy as pie.

Remember #WalkAway.

I've watched as many of my fellow Hispanics in the RGV have kept a great many conservative ideas. Sadly, most of these faggots betray their own ideals for muh gibs and muh illegals.
Fuck illegals. Those mongrel dogs have riuined it for Hispanics everywhere with their shitty cultures. HOLMES ESSAY SI SENIOR? Fuck you, english > Spanish

If this isn't blatant proof of what the immigration act of 1965 and 1990 were all about, then I don't know what is. They say it in our face, every day, that they're eventually going to win every election by importing voters and people are okay with this.
Is that a truly "free" and "fair" election where all you have to do is persuade two different demographics to defeat the native one? Wouldn't just one race where you have to actually give substance to the people be a truly "free" and "fair" election?

Attached: The great lie.png (1150x1125, 339K)

That's great. I think if congress/Trump pass policies that restrict welfare and immigration in the long term, politicians won't be able to ensnare people like that.

I think a lot of Hispanics that aren't pozzed are turning around because they realize they or their parents who immigrated legally and went through the whole process are being shat on by people who say illegals deserve special treatment.

Wasn't #WalkAway a Jow Forums psyop?