>caring about politics
Caring about politics
I'm not man enough to watch sports
caring about politics is patrician
a taste acquired with age
only women and retards disregard it
Pretty fun too.
specially when you've been in it long enough to see the trends, follow the careers, link the facts
>caring about politics is patrician
Unless you are in power it is the most plebian thing possible, like two fat men talking about exercise.
based soccer slummonkey
the grownup talk bores you, son?
It is pointless to care about something you have no input in.
it's not for poorfags
so you haven't figured it out yet
you will
or not, who cares
What happens when two children talk about the cookie jar their mother put in the cupboard? They eventually make plans to take it.
>>caring about politics
which human beings control your military and police?
So what have your plans accomplished? Whether the children succeed or not, they attempt it. All that western political dissidents have accomplished in the past 50 years is determining whether the boot on their head would be on the left foot or the right foot.
There is a difference between talking and action. You are simply talking, I will start paying attention when politicians start being murdered and enemies of the race end up being executed.
Underage fags aren't allowed here.
>you have no input in
Show your flag, shit country faggot.
Honestly what else can you do besides vote every two years and get mad at the news the rest of the time?
Not an argument
America is shit and voting is pointless, news at 11