What were the occult beliefs of the Nazis?

What were the occult beliefs of the Nazis?

They had temples to Jupiter, Positive Christianity, Solar Crosses, the Black Sun (Saturn/the Zodiac?), some followed Lucifer, some Nazis claimed to be the true Jews while others thought the Jews should be exterminated, Theosophy, what the hell?

Theosophists think that the God of the Bible is evil, right? But isn't that what Satanic Jews think?

What the hell?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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it all comes together when you realize the Vatican, not the Jews are the real "big bad" and they bullshit using fake Jews as pawns to make themselves off as looking clean

>T. Jew

they were black sun worshipping cults

Hitler opposed the Occult. Pic related.

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Black Sun represents the zodiac with the center being the hole @ the North pole.

Flat Earth is real.

Transcending Good and Evil

From the beginning of time this concept has triggered a conflict in the spiritual world. Between light and darkness. Between white and black magic. Between occultism and wisdom. Our Earth and its spiritual dimensions, which are the thoughts of humanity are the mirror of these conflicts. Each time every human being makes a decision he is faced anew between a choice of 2 paths. The white road of unselfish LOVE or the black road of selfishness which ineluctably leads to doctrine. Every individual who comes into contact with higher learning considers themselves basically “good” and yet the two principles are still within him, obligating him to examine which thoughts and deeds he will use to serve which power. At the end of time the twilight of the Gods he will realize that heaven and hell are our own thoughts and actions, good and evil our own invention. Then he can draw on this experience to make the journey home to completeness. The powers of darkness and light serve only one Lord. The creator of all things. They have the one goal of availing ourselves of the life experience to create a race of superior beings. Power without LOVE can only lead to catastrophe.

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Video is dead.

What about the Thule Society? And Atlantis?

What was the actual religious belief of the SS? They kicked out the Freemasons for worshiping Saturn/Lucifer, right? Is there a secret organization that actually opposes the Masons?

They wore Eagle symbology (Jupiter) but used Christianity as their religion, which is associated with the Serpent, supposedly the complete opposite.

Is there a book about Nazi religious beliefs? I guess it would be Esoteric Hitlerism, but that's incredibly vague.

I wonder what Hitler found out through the Ahnenerbe.

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wouldn't try to paraphrase it offhand, but the book "the morning of the magicians" by pauwels and bergier (france, 1960) has a pretty illuminating section on just this. very much worth the read - i have a history degree and i never ever heard any of this shit before - seriously fascinating

spoiler: it isn't a demonization of nationalist socialist germany

This but unironically.
Our realm is the 3D realm of material and feeling, Satanism is worship of the material which binds us to this matrix. I believe our purpose is to overcome our Satan, material worship, and ascend to the next realm above.

Look up Operation Fishbowl and the Monarch Program

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Catholics are direct opposition to Jews you Fundy faggot

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Motherfuckers again?

Did you see the ice in Antarctica that was found today? The Elohim ETs are back and they're coming to shut down Israel's nukes.



I wonder why nobody has asked WHO taught Hitler how to build the flying saucers. Soon we will find out.


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bunch of sodomites, a bunch of sheep that got double crossed by the real power holders, the way this board romanticizes a bunch of sock puppets means there’s still ways to go before you actually take the real red pill

Well shit its gone gone damn kikes. Have this one instead


Okay, so all of this boils down to Solar worship with some Jupiter iconography?

Jesus is associated with the Sun, so at least that seems to match.

Good guys=Sun, Bad guys=Saturn?


it's a butthole like all eye/sun/hole symbols

literally all the esoterica is just bullshit to hide the fact that it's about sodomy.

The entire occult profession is the art of turd polishing

>Did you see the ice in Antarctica that was found today
I didn't, explain further, friend.

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"elohim ET's and Nazi heros" aka fallen angels and demons who preyed on idiotic white nationalists' pride and pretend to be "nordics"

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astrologists become faggots because God curses them to leave them to their own lust after they abandon the 1st commandment

Know where else I've seen cuts like that?

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It was like new age but 1488. Sorry to dissapoint. I've been doing occult related stuff for 9 years

Let it be known, that Venus is not the only morning star in our galaxy. Not many people are aware of the fact that the planet Jupiter (Latin: Iuppiter, Iūpiter) is also called the morning star, and it is this morning star that is spoken of in the bible. Hence, Venus is NOT the true morning star of mythology, and when the bible says that there fell a great star from heaven, they are simply referring to Jupiter who is also known as Jove, the supreme ruler God on high, to whom the ancient Greeks had called Φαέθων, Phaethon, “blazing.”

Jupiter is not only the King planet and Lord of Heaven in the AS ABOVE, it is also the morning star, blazing star, and the Star of Bethlehem of the bible. The brightness of this morning star can be best seen in December and January, right around when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who in the King James bible, both Jesus and Lucifer are called the morning star. For example, we see Jesus call himself the “bright morning star” in Revelation 22:16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star,” and it is also applied to Lucifer, where we see the term appears in the context of an oracle against a dead king of Babylon, who is addressed as הילל בן שחר (hêlêl ben šāḥar), rendered by the King James Version as “O Lucifer, son of the morning!” and by others as “morning star, son of the dawn“.

The Greeks had named their greatest of all Gods, Zeus, which also represents the AS ABOVE of the planet Jupiter. The son of Zeus, (Jupiter), Prometheus is the SO BELOW savior son. In Greek mythology, ‘Prometheus (Ancient Greek, Προμηθεύς, “forethought”) is the Titan chiefly honored for stealing fire (knowledge) from the gods in the stalk of a fennel plant and giving it to mortals for their use. Also, it was from the giant fennel, Ferula communis, that the Bacchanalian wands of the god Dionysus and his followers were said to have come.

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The religions varied but they were all occult. On the polytheistic side you had völkish paganism, and on the monotheistic side you had an early form of revived Gnosticism (Nag Hammadi wasn't discovered until after Germany lost)

there is a bunch of super autistic pagan stuff but that was pretty much all personal pet projects of Himmler, who was such a sperg about paganism and occultism that it annoyed the other German leaders. Hitler and most of the other German leaders wanted to institute "positive Christianity", which was regular Christianity minus a few aspects they didn't like and some other tweaks to fit the Nazi ideology. How would the formation and implementation of positive Christianity have played out? We'll never know because the Reich didn't last long enough, we are only able to see snippets of the overall plan, as the Nazis were only able to realize a rather small portion of all the grand ideas they planned. If you want to see real German autism, look up the planned mega city that was to serve as the capital of the new 1000 year Reich (the name of it eludes me right now).

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"These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword: 13 “I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells."

The Bible says Satan is Jupiter whose throne is in Pergamum, which the Nazis used. So is Amen-Ra evil or is our Bible edited? Also, if Jesus is Zeus's enemy, maybe Jesus is Prometheus.

Jesus is Zeus + Krishna

Satan is Saturn.

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I could see Jesus being the Sun and Jupiter his father, but it's still odd that the Bible calls Jupiter Satan. Also, the sun is supposedly affiliated with Baal and Apollo.

Eclogue Iv by Virgil says that when Jesus comes "Saturn's reign returns," implying that Jesus and Saturn have something in common. But Saturn would make sense as Satan with all that creepy black cube shit and ritual infanticide.

Those motherfuckers in the Vatican have some explaining to do.

Yep he disliked the Occult, Christianity, and anything supernatural if you read basically any of the many biographies from people who were around him.
>What was the actual religious belief of the SS?
The vast majority of actual party members were Christian though it was often something called "Positive Christianity" which removed the OT and anything that portrayed the religion as Jewish from the Bible. A strong number of the party heads flirted with volkish paganism (Himmler and Rosenberg) and some members of the party seemed to be against the supernatural altogether (Hitler, Goebbels).

Jesus is Jupiter

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Earth is flat and the elite use CGI to put their symbolism on the fake CGI planets.

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unironically pretty much this

Jupiter would be Jesus's "father in heaven," right? And Jesus would be represented by the sun, with the Zodiac as his disciples?

Positive Christianity sounds fine, I wonder if there are any benevolent secret societies that follow it.

I feel like you're ignoring all information you don't feel like accepting even though it's the truth.

I definitely buy the Black Sun being the Zodiac and I agree that from a certain perspective the Earth is "flat," probably as seen from a higher dimension.

The Lord's Prayer is the Pater Noster, Pater sounding like Jupiter. I agree that Jesus is associated with Jupiter, but I don't know to what extent.

Saturn seems universally evil.

I believe that the Elohim exist and are returning. I assume they are good, but we haven't talked much.

I'm just confused about the Eagle vs Serpent symbolism and how the Nazis used both.

Dude. The snake represents the kundalini. It also represents the dragon. YOUR PERSONAL DRAGON YOU MUST VANQUISH ON YOUR HEROS JOURNEY.

Saturn is represented by a cube.

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Admiral Byrd was the first man in history to fly to the North Pole and Antarctica, proving the Earth to be a plane and not a planet. While flying over the North pole, he came into contact with an Aryan like, Germanic speaking race that was highly advanced. He also claimed to have spake with their "leader". He explained his discoveries to his superiors and wrote about them in his diary, in which they told him to keep his mouth shut. This was a man who was a real people person and respected by everybody, yet he was ridiculed and called insane by the military and the media. The Swastika is simply the sun and/or the black sun in or hovering over the center of the earth. Perhaps it's just a vortex to another world. The Nords believed Yggdrasil to be in the center of the Earth-a world tree that reaches up to heaven or Asgaard. The "rainbow bridge" might possibly be the glass that sits underneath God's throne in Ezekiel's vision. Ezekiel described it as being rainbow colored, but mainly sapphire (maybe the sky itself/firmament?).
Anyway, the Nazis just wanted to harness whatever tech/power was out there. They did so to an extent since America rushed in after the war to grab the German scientists before the Russians did. They probably believed they were descendants of that Aryan race Byrd claimed to have met.

In my opinion, I don't believe that race, or their advanced civilization exists. I think Byrd and the Germans were deceived by fallen angels, masquerading as something else. That doesn't necessarily mean the Germans didn't come into contact with those Aryans (angels). They got their superior technology from somewhere.

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I know, but what IS it? And how?

Is it electricity, a fluid, a demon?

Do you just ignore it until it goes away?

Each of these videos is like 10 minutes long. You will learn a lot. I guarantee it.







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>The son of Zeus, (Jupiter), Prometheus
Prometheus is a titan and the child of Iapetus and Clymene

Savior son, not the son of Jupiter.


What is the explicit difference between the Christ and the Kundalini? I know the former is created in the brain and the latter can be awakened using the chakras, but people seem to use the terms interchangeably and it's very confusing.


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Kundalini is a demon called kali that comes into you through your asshole and then reaches up into your head and then you loose yourself and become imprisoned in your own body.

The Christ is the king of Israel.

Stop listening to new age deceivers.

Fuck it, I'm on a list anyway.

Is the kundalini the archons and if you succumb you turn evil, but if you defeat them you become enlightened?

What the fuck are these questions. I defintiely think you're asking retarded questions because you're a jew at this point. You keep asking redundant questions without actually looking at any of the information given.

The black sun is just another form of the zodiac. Frankly, I think "black sun" is a misnomer as it, along with the pentagram, is a tool for astrological divination. The black sun has been associated with Saturn, which is undeniably the prime (but not only) deity of the Jewish Pentateuch. But the pentagram, zodiac, and Ray's of the black sun are all used in rituals associated with the seven ruling and 12 prime deities common to all cultures and religions.

The deity of the pagan Aryans was Eating, Enki, Poseidon, and/or Loki. The first deity of Atlantis, and his son Hermes/Thoth.

Nigger, I'm asking if it's like a Goa'uld or just a biological process. It's not a complicated question.


CHOOSING LOVE OVER FEAR. It's that simple.

Then what is the difference between dark and light side users? Just whether their use is within the bounds of natural law? Don't the evil ones grow horns?

You realize all religion is false because nobody remembers Melchizedek's original teachings, right? Compiling and editing the word of God is the highest blasphemy.

Was the first pope not a Jewish Pharisee plant

Is the tale of time itself not that of Pharisee vs Nazir?

Gnostic Paganism with Jesus as head off the pantheon seems a okay to me. The spirit of rome and the most powerful symbols from across the planet

Thats not bad for a basic gestalt

I still have some issues with the whole lucifer thing though. Saturn=Satan and Lucifer=Jupiter?

I hate the luciferians running the world as much as the others here, but part of me wonders if Lucifer was cursed the same way the son of Pantera was.

>"black sun" is a misnomer as it, along with the pentagram,
black sun is a prehistoric symbol found all over the world. europe and teh americas. the best theory I have heard is immanuel velikovsky It is the planet mars aligned with venus and possibly saturn and they were somehow much closer to earth

Look up the series "Occult History of the Third Reich"

The Black Sun represents the "light of knowledge" being used for evil. The good guys named the bad ones the black sun. The Piso family were black sun and the cult of Aten are as well


The snake represents knowledge of the physical realm and its application as manifested force. the dove represents the connection to the physical realm.
the two

The core belief could be summarized as that reality itself is composed of a spiritual aether which supersedes the material including the existence of conceptual spirits (gods of nature). With this frame of reference, the ancient religions all seem to record a cataclysm which shifted the balance of spirit and matter on Earth and left a few survivors of a highly developed civilization as struggling demigods jump-starting the development of savage human tribes all over the world. Those demigods were the Aryans who brought knowledge to the Sumerians, Amerindians, and Northern European tribes. The world's religions are just echoes of that primordial history before the Aryans disappeared due to a lack of a sustainable breeding population (ie, mix or perish altogether). All of the original "royal" bloodlines in cultures are those who had interbred with Aryans. Certain traditions, like those of the Vedas, contain stories from the Aryan history before the cataclysm detectable in the physical sense as the epoch of the Younger Dryas. The reason these narratives are so utterly alien to our sense of capabilities and limits is that these things occurred in under a different set of rules than the reality we experience today. If we could fix the damaged Earth, which is what all of the temples across the planet that appeared after the Younger Dryas were meant to do, but things have not gone according to plan, and fix the damaged consciousness-sea, which is what the most ancient religions such as the followers of Horus and proto-Vedic shamanism were designed to do; things would be like that again. And that was the goal of the occultists of the Reich, to re-establish the Aryan culture and achieve apotheosis as a race.

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I’m really interested in learning about Elohim City, in Oklahoma. They’ve been off the radar for 20 years since OKC but I’ve seen the name mentioned here a bit. The name draws on the belief that a race called Elohim were sort of the True Jews, descended from a lost tribe, I think? The whole city is a self-sufficient compound of Christian Identity.

As far as the overall beliefs go, I believe it was structured like a cult. Hitler himself was an ordinary atheist but I’d you give certain inner-circle members some complex theory of Christianity where Lucifer becomes God and God becomes an evil-doer, and mix it with an ideology that tells you you’re better because of something entirely out of your control, plus add some of Thus Spoke Zarathustra stuff about becoming a god yourself, you’ll have an elite core that’s willing to die for a cause they feel they’re exclusive members of, and to perpetuate a “mainstream” belief to the normal footsoldiers, of ordinary Christianity. I think this happens in the highest levels of any big organization, which is why you see occultism in Hollywood and big business. Theyre all really just filthy rich losers who want to appear edgy, cultured and like members of an exclusive super secret club.

One word: paganism.

There is a dark aspect of Solar cults. The solar cult running the world through the vatican jerusalem and mecca are satanic as fuck and need a gassing

you should consider what i said when you continue looking into it. Look at how it sounds... Black Sun. That sound positive? The only argument about black being positive is the Kemet argument and no one has made it against me yet

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the plumed serpent.

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I made a typo in it should say the Dove represents the connection to the ***spiritual*** realm

Also, there’s a Christian Identity belief that one of the Apostles came to some place in London (I believe to what’s now St. Paul’s Cathedral?) And preaches But was arrested by the Romans. It’s a “lost” bit of the Bible, probably forged, found in an old book - I can’t remember the name at all though.

I think Nazis inspired a lot of Christian identity stuff with the idea of being the Lost Tribe, and they drew from a French philosopher’s Ariosaphy from decades before them, and from British Israelism.

Anyone know of more sites in Britain associated with Biblical events? I’d like to make a pilgrimage, even if it’s not canon. So far all I have are St. Paul’s (I think) and some well in West England where it’s believed Mary got thirsty and a well sprang up.

Christian identity is just bizarre and interesting desu

Well this quote just got 10x deeper.

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google.com/search?q=snake and dove symbolism&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjn28ue-ZveAhWwnOAKHaeJCiIQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=630

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Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

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Lucifer did something he felt was good and just in direct contravention of God's wishes

Lucifer didn't intend to harm adam and eve, but in giving them the fruit of knowledge he unintentionally introduced humanity to sin and suffering, his punishment from God was to thereafter become caretaker and shephard of the lost and damned sinners he had inadvertantly created. A daily reminder of the evils, the torments, the suffering he caused; truly the greatest hell for someone who meant to do good.


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Don't reply to me, you're a shill or a schizoid and it's obvious from every single one of your posts.

You are trying to tell someone what Lucifers intentions were and not know that Moses and the Bible are archonic propaganda

Rejection of the material world is to put yourself above creation. Isn't that Satanic? Better to manifest and spread love and compassion into this world than to dismiss it as "lowly".

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Read revelation 14, Christ is both Saturn and the Sun personified. That's why Jesus said nobody could go to the father but through him, because both life(sun) and death(saturn) are required.

There's a major difference between the planets and the people that worship them. Sun and Saturn worshipers have an imbalanced mind, the truly enlightened knows that these hevenlybodies all have a role to play in our lives. And not to worship them but to align our actions with their 'personalities'.

hes a retard shill pushing satanic propaganda. Always ignore flat earthers