Coordinated effort by leftist NGOs to bait Trump into massacre at Southern border before midterms

Based on the timing is there any doubt?

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>bait Trump into massacre at Southern border before midterms
but why would the NGOs want Trump to win the midterms?

No way man, Israel will certainly offer these people a home before it comes to that

This just makes me double down on my Trump support!

Hope he does. Army exists for this purpose above all others. Keep invaders away or kill them.



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Jesus wept, just look at that cunt, 'Unknown middle easterners' ARE marching toward the southern border, these creatures are all feeling, zero fucking regard for the truth.

>Trump drops a MOAB on lazy spics
>Media goes crazy, runs thousands of hours of 'Drumpf is a dictator' panels on TV
>UN writes sternly worded letter and threatens US with trade embargoes
>Movie stars hold giant protests, famous bands play, Beyonce and Taylor Swift call for Trump's impeachment
>Thousands of lawsuits against the President
>Dozens of judges declare his acts unconstitutional
>Red wave in November
>Trump approval rating hits 65% and MAGA hats sell out

Trump knows Israeli mossad agents are trying to infiltrate.

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If this lot get in then it will give the green light to many, many more caravans.

Why not block their paths with our nation’s cheese reserves? Let the heat, humidity, and storm load up the bacterial loads of the cheese, so it smells absolutely wretched and food borne illness runs amok?

Sorry Mexico, nothing personnel.

those green hats spark my brain.What are they exactly?

>Based on the timing is there any doubt?

You're delusional if you think that's even a possibility here.

Yea delusional to think that a massive army of invaders from 3000 miles away randonly choose to march here and penetrate our Southern border during the 2 weeks leading up to the midterms. No suspicious timing in that whatsoever.

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obviously fake crisis for show. The right is gay.

What the fuck kind of idea is this.

What would make someone think of this??

I'm not questioning that this was organized intentionally. Only the massacre part is retarded.

>if you kill them you're israel
desperate shills

I remember all of those migrant caravans that came during the Obama years.... Oh wait. Strange... It's almost as if this is a coordinated effort right before the midterms... HMMMM

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his poll numbers would go up.


they will use non lethals as much as necessary
if they continue after then it's their fault what happens

No massacre is required with proper technology.

Just brown note the brown wave

Since whenis in OK for people to just walk into another country and stay? Arent your forces SUPPOSED to stop them with violence? I was under impression that's what they are for.

But ofcourse right before the midterms Trump must handle this matter as softly as possible, block them with barricades , sandbags, wehicles, can't really use barbed wire or tear gas or the lefties gonna cry.

If I was trump I would deploy a FUCKLOAD of people to just stand there and literally push the migrants back with riot shields and bare hands.

This shit actually cooks people in the most inhumane way possible.

The non-lethal idea doesn't work, it's an extremely expensive flamethrower.

Thoughts of Andrew Jackson.

this is just a cliff hanger before the next season which begins right after mid-terms. spoiler alert: trump wins

>build bridges not walls
>instead of a wall Trump builds a bridge straight to canada
>Lefties cannot complain
>Cancucks cuck and take all the illegals in
>Illegals are even more happy to take Cancucks gibs

It's not meant for sustained use, the idea is that you pulse it for a few seconds at people to make them stop advancing, if they don't retreat you pulse again. Unless your nerves are dead it's very hard to fight against the natural response to get the fuck away from a focused oven.


Considering they're Hondurans, with a mix of literal terrorists, and Mexico could not get rid of them...
is there an actual chance that we act with force?
do we have any reason not to treat them as invaders? i think it would be less of a national threat if it were mexicans, to be honest.
i can't tell how this is going to go down LMAO

From what I heard about this thing they failed to actually make it output just right amount power and it was pretty fucking lethal when tested on animals

I would honest to god support a Trump dictatorship if he fucking killed those scum at the border.

We actually don't give gibs. Our entire economy is actually an elaborate ponzi scheme to take in Indians and Chinese people with money and either bilk them for 4x rates on tuition or rental, or offer them appalling high interest loans. Le Dude Weedman is also fairly shrewd about his destruction of western civilization - they do it to keep our sagging corpse of a country alive, at the cost of said migrants being smart and playing the long con by snapping up all the property and using nepotism to put their friends and family in the jobs.

A Chinese-Poo Canada in 50 years is going to be fucking bizarre because they're not going to want to give any gibs at all and they'll just turn the country into a new third world shithole.

We need Diamond Dogs to mop up these sons of bitches. Get real life Kazuhira Miller to mop them up.

Don’t care do it and watch republicans sweep the house, senate, courts, and admin for decades
No one worth a danm tolerates an invasion and a Soros funded one well just fire bomb hem

Shut it panic baiter shill

He MUST call Ebola Chan, into action, no troops,

>is there an actual chance that we act with force?
Not before the midterms. You have to wrangle then with soft gloves like retarded children. May even fucking feed them while they stand next to your border but dont let them in.
>do we have any reason not to treat them as invaders?
No, this literally is a coordinated invasion. But you cant say that, or the lefties gonna cry and the swing-voters who aren't diehard rigtwingers will be upset with you.

Trump should block them SOFTTLY at least until the end of midterms, then he can drop a fucking cluster bomb on them, but until it's over he must play nice, very fucking nice.

I would assume that since it was a few slides in Non-Lethal Weapons training from a couple years back that it was successful in some form and that it was given the greenlight for manufacture. Dunno really.

>Trump defended the border? Damn better vote democrat

This. They misjudge the impact of a migrant invasion on Trump's popularity.

Yes guys it was Soros who organized this caravan to March during the entire election and get trump more votes ... Totally not netanyahu

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Someone post "the future is female" picture

They offered them free hats
Who doesn't like free hats?

>stopping an invasion justifies one on the other side of the world by a country not involved (overtly)
wew the kikes are really pushing it

itll be mossad larping as US servicemen who do the killing.

I would like Trump more if he slaughtered illegal invaders

you mean this one?

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If a massacre is what it takes then so be it. He will have fulfilled his obligation as Commander in Chief and that means more to patriots than any pseudo-moral grandstanding.

meh, they wont have to massacre anyone. there are plenty of ways to stop them with the manpower and tech at our disposal

wheres the proofs?

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>wall of text
>left can't meme

I don't think Israel likes the caravan.
>On Tuesday, April 10, the Mexican Coordination for Palestine (CORSOPAL) and the #WorldwithoutWalls delegation handed over a letter from the Palestinian Stop the Wall Campaign to the Via Crucis March of Migrants as it arrived in Mexico City.

>At the same moment that Palestinians in Gaza started the #GreatReturnMarch, migrants from all over Central America, in particular Honduras, started their march towards the US border, militarized by the Wall of Infamy. The letter highlights the connections between the people struggles as well as the complicity between the powers that oppress them.

>From Palestine, as part of a people whose majority is refugees and displaced persons because of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of our lands, we want to extend our solidarity.

>Just as Donald Trump has ordered a military troops to be deployed at the US-Mexico Wall to defend the US racist and exclusionary policies against your legitimate claims for rights, Israel has stationed its military and snipers behind the border wall to Gaza against unarmed civilians. Over 30 people have been killed so far by Israeli snipers inside Gaza, thousands injured while the international community remains in complicit silence. The US veto against any condemnation of Israel’s ongoing massacre of civilians at the #GazaReturnMarches aims to protest as well its own criminal policies. Yet, Palestinian popular mobilization will persist and grow.

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>Its a trap
Not really. Either Mexico stops them and deports them, or Mexico gets BTFO by Trump just like every other country that has tried to test him so far.

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can troops shoot warning shots to hoards of people invading a border?

You won't hear any complaints from me. Legally I think they can. (((Legally))) they'll run into problems.

Perfect for frying a horde of animals you say? Then I think we found the right tools.

Don't need to kill them. Just halt money transfers. Easy shit.

well think about it this way.

defence forces protect the country and its citizens.

if these people are "migrants" they shouldnt have a problem going through all the correct procedures to enter your country. If they bullrust the border, they are basically foreigners invading the country. this is a national security issue.

military have the right under national security framework to protect that border.

I agree. The invaders have fifth columnists though. That's the more serious problem.

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what is really wrong with a good genocide? If anything it would turn my support for him absolute
these people obviously cannot build a nation, why do you expect them to change once they pass the border?

>into massacre at Southern border

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Once they pile up at the border for the photo op, Trudeau will likely say we will take them.

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Is that fucking waste of space for real what rights? They don't even have rights in their shitty country.

>Hur durr im going to demand rights while braking the law.


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>Implying Trump isn't divinely favoured

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Mexicans only understand displays of strength so it actually might benefit Trump if such a display were to occur.

The conventional wisdom would be to exhaust every other option before resorting to military force, but a lot of those options are already proven failures. They're busting through Mexico like a battering ram and swelling with each passing town. They might actually be dumb enough to test the US army.

Let them. Majority of the nation isn't going to fall for the media fake news. Majority would be for keeping these people out

if trump closes the southern border. and then try to force their way in. you can almost write word for word what is going to happen next.

If US is upset about foreign countries meddling in elections shouldn't you all be finding out exactly who organized this nonsense?
What would be the disadvantages of fucking with the country that the NGO responsible came from?
It's the only way to stop interference in future elections.

>muh 4d chess

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I think we are finally winning again. You have to think of this as a cold civil war. We must be unrelenting. Defend our sovereignty by and means necessary. This is not Europe. Victory may be in sight.

Some poor dumb dropout in the National Guard gets spooked and fires a round, then shit hits the fan.
Or (((someone))) in the caravan fires a shot across the border and kicks it off that way.

exactly, Trump will gain support if he drone strikes the caravan

These invading armies have plagued Europe for the last several years, it is time for the US to set the appropriate response to the hordes.

Set up a razor wire, behind which is a field of landmines. Let them blow themselves the fuck up.

>The conventional wisdom
cucked loser mentality

Obviously they are Venezuela refugees. Disguised as whatever, because the socialist world simply cannot admit yet again another total communist state failure. Bad pr to call these Venezuela refugees.

>why not use these people to stir up trouble in the US and shape the important election climate
>and get rid of these failed commies at the same time from being a burden to other south american shitholes.
>pay jews to organize it all
>UN is all in it too

If this is the case, and if the first few batches gets trough, prepare to have every Venezuelan marching towards US with massive aid from UN.

Cant believe they are stupid enough to double down again.

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I'm sure the government is well aware of most of the NGOs that providing support for the caravan, which is kind of difficult to deal with. Maybe designate them as terror promoting agencies and try to cut any sort of donations coming from the US. There would probably be (((optics))) issues if the US did anything in retaliation to a government that had their hand in this.

Venezuela is far too far my friend
these are just central american indio squatemalans and hondurans and el salvadorians + whatever mexicans they picked up on the way

Nothing is too far in the modern world.

A 6000 person caravan is most likely a controlled OP. The problem is that that many people crosses illegally every single week in smaller groups.

Or better yet,
we just take Mexico, AND PUSH IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!

how can you shoot women and children?

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The GOP base isn't falling for that shit anymore. Fuck (((optics))), we are not operating on their terms anymore.


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That's good optics right there. A bunch of foreigners physically trying to force their way past patriotic Americans would be perfect.

I recall seeing some reporters try to walk towrds one then running the fuck away.

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They all seem to have nice shoes on

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He is really retarded isn't he? he and Paul Ryan should get a room, we could send both of them to space.

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How can the caravan grow? :)

Unless Trump let's the migrants in and during processing "terrorists" are found among them.
If election tampering and transporting terrorists is not enough reason nothing ever will be.
Didn't Guatemala find 100 terrorists in the original group?
That alone should be reason enough to drone strike the caravan (let alone the groups funding it).
There is no way these people are walking that far without logistical support just for food and water.
Someone is financing this.
Someone is financing terrorists.
Funding or providing aid to terrorists is a no no in most countries.

Here's who is organizing and funding the caravan. I also list the laws they are breaking and which law enforcement to contact.
Please share this far and wide.

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