Why is leftism so damn A E S T H E T I C

Why is leftism so damn A E S T H E T I C

I'm not talking about liberals and liberalism which is actually right wing. But leftism, whether the music, flags, ideals, technology, and culture are all so natural, comfy, and aesthetic. Take this song that reflects on the working class, industrialism, cyberpunk, and the collective.


Is it because everything from the right is artificially manufactured cringe while everything from the left is natural and is simply a reflection of the human spirit and soul.

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because it's not grounded in reality.

fantasy settings are always aesthetic

>posts a fucking video game

Grow up degenerate.

this is now a Libertarian Paradise™ thread

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Comfy indeed, but I fail to see the lefty aspect. Camaraderie and working together to secure your home seems pretty fashy if anything. Note how unequal the workers are too. Some being weak, some strong. Yet they work together as a unified being. Most lib aspect of the video is the fact it has female voices in a working song, but they're not really on screen so I'll just presume they're at home mothering

Also, not cyberpunk. It's missing the degenerate punk aspect, hence why it has any uplifting quality to it at all.

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What game is that?

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top tier bait good job OP thumbs up from me

> violating the NAP by putting a fucking highway near hundreds of properties


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>those towers

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Ok, computer! I agree, please watch my video on the subject too!


>is afletic because when yu duv fink all about it is afletic, init.

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Because it’s hopeful.

>Comfy indeed, but I fail to see the lefty aspect
It's a focus on the working people. They are all on the bottom which is highlighted as the camera pans up to where presumably the elite are. Note at the end there is a type of wallstreet tracker with thinks like "forclosures," GDP, and interest up while wages are down. It's a commentary on the direction of modern society.
>Note how unequal the workers are too. Some being weak, some strong. Yet they work together as a unified being
They are a unified collective. Because they have to be.
>Most lib aspect of the video is the fact it has female voices in a working song, but they're not really on screen so I'll just presume they're at home mothering
This is a nod towards Stalinism in which men and women were both imbued with symbolic power and strength. Both Masculine and Feminine qualities were uplifted. In the song you have a strong male voice and a strong female voice coming together in the end reflecting the difference between male and female, but celebrating the unity. It's beautiful.
Warframe, I've never played it but the song is just so damn good

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Red and gold go together
>based juche

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Best version of that meme I've ever seen.
>Lovecraftian horror

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Even Adorno and Horkheimer (two Frankfurt School Jews and über-Marxists) speculated in their book “The Dialectic of Enlightenment” that Fascism and the hard-Right emerge as a representation/result of a defiled or betrayed nature.

The further Right one goes, the more one is in touch with what is natural and of the spirit and metaphysical. The further Left one goes, the more one finds merely crass materialism and conspicuous consumerism.

Read a book, nigger.

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>implying the owner of the highway doesn't own all of those homes

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>we cyberpunk now
leftards cant meme

Dat sneaky Obama nigger

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>Video game



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Leftists believe technology and 'progressivism' will always improve quality of life and can only imagine the most idyllic scenarios, when in truth you get degeneracy and abuse.

Not as good as black and red, tbqh.

Ahh yes, the libertarian "aesthetic"

Rampant materialism, commodification, and the degradation of the human into another resource i.e. labor

So damn aesthetic

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user that actually makes sense

Style with no substance.

>Why is leftism so damn A E S T H E T I C
> Take this song that reflects on the working class, industrialism, cyberpunk, and the collective.
>Is it because everything from the right is artificially manufactured cringe while everything from the left is natural and is simply a reflection of the human spirit and soul.

What the hell are you talking about?

Everything about the video is capitalism-related. The technology used to produce the imagery—developed because of free-market capitalism. The reason to make the video in the first place—to market a product. The song writers had to be paid—if the game sells then maybe the song writers will get another gig. The game needed a company to develop, build and market it—if any step is faulty then the company will die. This is capitalism; not command and control economic policy.

Your notion of leftism is wonky.

This looks like hell desu

You're a retard. You know the people in the trailer are corpus right? The indoctrinated slaves of the ultra wealthy religious zealots that literally worship money. This is glorification of goy slavery. The only thing good about Warframe is Conclave.

Yes, it does.

In real life it is not aesthetic. but yeah they have many fine arts degrees working hard making good graphics

>makes up bullshit because the left can't meme
nice try faggot

100% this. /Thread

>Cyberpunk is a subgenre of science fiction in a futuristic setting that tends to focus on a "combination of lowlife and high tech"[1] featuring advanced technological and scientific achievements, such as artificial intelligence and cybernetics, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order.[2]


This is exactly where neoliberal capitalism is leading us moron. Technological advancement and increased wealth inequality leading to the breakdown of society. This is the cyberpunk future.

Lol butthurt

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>white blond woman
that's not very leftist, op

I notice they don’t post themselves or any proofs. They’ve simply imagined it up because reality is just a social construct. Fucking bananas.
>if i screech about it and make you argue then it’s just like it were real. Maybe if I force people to believe it it really will make it real.
The typical leftist turdsmanship.

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Really it all pales in comparison to Red and White.

Presuming you meant to quote me here I missed the 'debt colony' title at the end, which makes your perception of the video clearer. Shame, as the imagery doesn't actually represent oppression overtly as you stated it. As the camera panned up showing the workers welding supports, it accidentally showed the splendor of what can be achieved by a people with good leadership.

>This is a nod towards Stalinism in which ... Both Masculine and Feminine qualities were uplifted
Stalinism did no such thing. They towed the line of the myth of the masculine female, which is more of a butchering or a blending than something that achieving any harmonic balance between masculine and feminine spirit. National socialism achieved this, but Stalin or commies in general, no. Feminism and communist theory are tied by philosophy. The soviets had women in their armed forces for crying out loud.

>Is it because everything from the right is artificially manufactured cringe while everything from the left is natural and is simply a reflection of the human spirit and soul.
How can everything from the right be manufactured if the right is the side of traditionalism and realisation of natural order (hierarchy)? How can everything from the left be natural and a reflection of the human spirit and soul when the left is the side that denies natural order, demands EVERYTHING and EVERYONE be equal, and destroys spirituality?

Dieselpunk is clearly the most aesthetic.
Cowboy Bebop

>Only capitalist countries were able to industrialize

>The song writers had to be paid—if the game sells then maybe the song writers will get another gig. The game needed a company to develop, build and market it—if any step is faulty then the company will die. This is capitalism; not command and control economic policy.
I'm talking about the theme. You can express leftist ideas within the context of a capitalist economy retard.

But in regards to the theme. Everything about it screams about the proletariat's struggle against the capitalist elite. The working class at the bottom. The collective. Soviet style industrialism. Look at the damn lyrics

>And we all lift
>And we're all adrift together
If this doesn't scream leftism, I don't know what to tell you

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Soviet Union was very leftist and very blonde

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bro you sound like a commie.

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>Arsefetic init.

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The left have all the faggy artists unfortunately.

They do that to brainwash you. Honey trap if you will my dude.

Cyberpunk is about conformity and survellience state tyranny.
Literally 1984 farleft politics.
Fuck off leftard.

You write like a wigger

That pic looks more like white supremacy than leftism.
In particular, there aren't any niggers ogling her or trying to rape her.

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Smoke, mirrors and flashy gaudy imagery designed to appeal to emotions because a logical mind would immediately see the ideological flaws

Actual leftism is slavery

>I missed the 'debt colony' title at the end, which makes your perception of the video clearer. Shame, as the imagery doesn't actually represent oppression overtly as you stated it. As the camera panned up showing the workers welding supports, it accidentally showed the splendor of what can be achieved by a people with good leadership.
It seems like a mash of different themes. A commentary on modern capitalist society and a reflection of working class culture.
>it accidentally showed the splendor of what can be achieved by a people with good leadership.
And the case can be argued that this was Stalinism
>Stalinism did no such thing. They towed the line of the myth of the masculine female, which is more of a butchering or a blending than something that achieving any harmonic balance between masculine and feminine spirit. National socialism achieved this, but Stalin or commies in general, no. Feminism and communist theory are tied by philosophy. The soviets had women in their armed forces for crying out loud.
I have to disagree with you there. USSR was against feminism in the modern sense as they believed it was a tool used divide men and women. USSR stressed the importance of unity between man and woman.

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an-cap vs an-prim?

Your post is babble.
There are aesthetic things everywhere and different things appeal to different people.
Now if you mean things which are about freedom, looking after the environment and the betterment of society then that's not a left or right issue, it's beyond that.

No, actual leftism is seeking the full value of your labor. Rightism is working for another person to build him wealth while you receive a wage.
Ah yes, 1984 by Orwell.
>Fuck off leftard.
You realize Orwell was a leftist right?

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>s it because everything from the right is artificially manufactured cringe while everything from the left is natural and is simply a reflection of the human spirit and soul.

This is relevant. The right is full of poorly educated tradies and blue collar trash. It takes an immense amount of design, art, and technological prowess to create quality mass media in this day and age. The far right doesn't have any of these skills--they're at their "peak" performance fixing toilets and air conditions. It's why there isn't any quality far right mass media that isn't complete trash and total autism + max-cringe.

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>leftism isn’t liberalism because I state that
TV and liberalism are exactly the same thing as communism and differ in nothing. They completely give 100% backing to all these subjects that the power bum Chinese poo-leaf is frothing over here So you contradict yourselves about fifteen posts in - that’s actually a good effort by the libturds standards.

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If you think that's beautiful, you just have a shitty sense of aesthetics.
Want to see natural order ? Look at baroque.
That is just soul crushing, virtuevoid. I don't know anyone besides a political zealot that can find that beautiful, it's just primitive.

>being anti materialist is communism
You're a fucking tard.

If this was a leftist fantasy that female would be a nigger since those are the only people the leftists help reproduce.

And yet Green Day exist to blow a hole in your argument, well below the waterline.

The DemSocs are the American Idiots...

>I’m not liberal
>I just like this extreamly long list of things that MSM and education cucks push all day, everyday.
>that’s a co-incidence bigots. I’m not listENING !!!! lalalalala!
Do one and never come back.

The position you're weaving is interesting. You're just advertising all the non-communist aspects of Stalin. For instance, you're sticking to the authoritative (or more accurately, totalitarian) and hierarchical reality the Soviets had to use, despite the fact this runs contrary to the equalization of classes demanded by the ideology.

Orwell was a commie too. He actually wrote 1984 as a criticism of the commies he served with (and partially against) in the Spanish civil war. Bowden has a good lecture on it: youtube.com/watch?v=Yaf1192EZfI

I love that aesthetic!
WTF and I looking at other than the eventual end result of unconstrained libertarianism.
The NAP is a lie!

Its not though you spaz.

With propaganda like this, no wonder the communists were able to win the Russian civil war against overwhelming hostile forces


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Liberal paradise...

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...Conservative paradise

Attached: Distopia.jpg (900x485, 203K)

Correction, liberal capitalistic paradise.



Notice that hologlobe focuses on Africa.

>Kids finding leftist shit aesthetic when it's obviously a hollow lie

It's the same as the trap issue. You folks' minds have been infected by the low culture of the internet.

this isnt cringe?

>liberal capitalistic paradise.

Monsanto, Shell, and Haliburton are liberals? Liberals want air pollution and sea level rise? And an upper class living in the sky while the world drowns below them?

Cons are delusional as all fuck.

lmao how fucking gay

A e S Th E t i C

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Well that's what Marxist-Leninist theory called for, a dictatorship of the proletariat. Stalinism served its use by rapidly industrializing and organizing the nation against existential outside threats. That's the initial problem with leftist nations or societies is that they are constantly under threat militarily from rightist nations because otherwise you get a situation like the USSR or China who threatened the capitalist new world order. The USSR had a chance to transition to a less authoritarian system in the 70s and 80s using new advances in cybernetic technology however was stymied by bureaucratic greed. Then a lack of reform proved deadly as the system essentially had a controlled demolition by a few traitorous leaders that gave up on the socialist vision leading to the dystopic Eastern European capitalist landscape we see today.

I point to the example of Project Cybersyn in Allende's Chile which is what the Soviets should have done. This proved such a threat to the capitalist world order that the United States had to sponsor a coup to stop it.


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