Bums not welcome

Bums not welcome.

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This would never stand in Brazil.

Is that a window or door? If door, do those nubs go down during business hours so people don't have to walk over them to get in? Looks tacky, if so.


why is that platform there to begin with? wouldn't it be easier to just plan in beforehand so this problem doesn't arise?

Do people trip on that when they walk?

Ah ok. Ground floor full length window.

I will not be deterred.

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Man it's funny, when I was a liberal these anti-homeless measures really bothered me and made be sputter in shock form the inhumanity. Now I understand that the real tragedy is that they're forced to do this in the first place. They have the right to protect their property and have it nice presenting without having to deal with homeless AIDS ridden crack addict shitstains who INFEST our streets. I wonder how I even thought the way I did before. I wish I could travel back in time just to say some alt-right shit to my past self and see what he would do and say lol.

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door. starbucks next door has them also