Attached: President For Life.png (832x512, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: INCUMBENT.png (720x1080, 446K)

Is this his crossing the Rubio moment?



This would be 200% better without the "make it happen again" line.

Attached: hewontbespared.png (203x248, 20K)


>i can't have a twitter account twitter banned me

>make a new one it takes 5 seconds

literally shaking

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-22 Traruh Synred on Twitter.png (768x541, 73K)


My twatter accounts got banned when I was Manning the cannons a while back. Wat is the % now


Attached: 1539047824582.jpg (600x468, 24K)

It will flip

45% yes

checked and agreed

Attached: evangelidon.png (847x619, 837K)

Did my part boys. Keep it up.

Attached: Trolly.gif (566x509, 105K)

still at 45% for now

Did anyone else ironically vote no?

Excellent. Thanks user.

Attached: 1539759551270.jpg (618x564, 72K)

here you go user

Attached: INCUMBENT2.png (720x1080, 453K)

Bump for salt.

Attached: 1540020835072.gif (660x440, 124K)

>haha helow my felow kids

Why are they voting no he will be dead in a month Soros gonna kill em in retaliation for the bomb attempt Drumpfs fucked

Keep it up, some of them are starting to snap!

Attached: Screenshot_20181022-221027.png (1440x2560, 671K)


vote on the other polls on that account too

Attached: 1521425048772.jpg (2048x1324, 243K)


You mean eternity

they ask for verification of phone number.

you can use an email instead, I make new ones all the time to get referalls for a webnovel app i use

lmao first time i saw this one.

>president for life

Implying that the GOD king won’t live forever due to have access to future technology.

We have such sights to show you.

Attached: pepe_hell.jpg (500x500, 46K)

We are at 46%

Attached: 1539053588998.png (749x499, 468K)

I would but I'm not enough of a faggot to even have a fake twitter account.

46% now guys!!! were flipping it!!

use a gmail account and sign up with google voice

We need more people, this is actually really good.

Attached: portland antifag.jpg (696x392, 54K)

lmao barbara retweeted and liked a bunch of my NPC tweets before i got banned

link to this or post the link in other threads. i did like 10 to get people to jump in here

>a site that has kicked out every conservative they can get their jewy shitstained hands on
>poll still bout even

Attached: 1523330012335.jpg (223x226, 12K)


Dems just freaking out about eternal-president Trump when the heir is also already decided.

Attached: PrimarchBarron-with-his-father.jpg (602x1004, 237K)


>lets do this buddy's! haha

Attached: lets do this!.jpg (593x253, 25K)

You're going to see some fireworks when the CAS arrives in about 10 minutes.

Attached: 1538708810543.gif (301x405, 2.52M)

People need to get voting yes. It’s hilarious as fuck. Are Democrats really this ignorant. It’s an unscientific poll. People can fuck it up as they please


Attached: Harry potter forbids it guise.png (799x875, 255K)


Attached: PFL 47.png (693x263, 22K)

Attached: RiskeSalt.png (590x110, 13K)

Let's keep it moving, this is high tier salt mining

47% yes

I am making it my duty to keep this thread up for the next 6 days. This is going to be good

Attached: Cry - Laugh 1.jpg (125x118, 2K)


Keep it going you beautiful basterds. Let's give these "Blue Wave" dreamers an orange monster nightmare instead.

Attached: 1538770645844.jpg (678x616, 65K)

I remember when Keith Olbermann or Rachael Maddow would shit themselves whenever Bill O'Reilly would do a poll they didn't like.

>everyone who disagrees with my viewpoint is a Russian bot or Jow Forums troll

bump for this

I am sincerely not trolling when I choose yes

voted and bump


Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-22 Nov8Reelection on Twitter.png (768x606, 64K)

Attached: source.gif (664x377, 2.46M)

Rubicon, you rube.

Let us conquer the first poll first, then take the second one

We're at 47%. For anyone that wants to make a dummy account you can google 10 minute mail and sign up. Took me 2 minutes to complete.

I am quite possibly the most erect I have ever been in my life after seeing these reactions

Attached: 1485174917117.jpg (409x409, 41K)

>ZOG puppet for life
Americans truly deserve to burn. Not only have you started the unstoppable destruction of your beautiful country and your 200 millions whites, but you have spread the jew and its ideology all throughout the west, ensuring the death of the white race from this earth. You have managed to take a world made great by whites for 2000+ years and give it to the jew, allowing them to enslave you and turn this magnificent, yet tiny, rock in space to a paradise for rats.

Attached: forever.jpg (460x562, 47K)


Attached: knowlegeispower.png (640x454, 480K)

>it's only 6 days long

Make America great forever!

>no Russian Hackers

Attached: A4BB77CE-3441-401D-B5EA-2F955796BD89.jpg (899x1184, 337K)

But muh salt

>isn't that why we "broke off" from England
Good God. Imagine how many NPC's understanding of the American Revolution is reduced to this.

You shut the fuck up and do as you told, bitch.

Attached: הורד.jpg (225x225, 14K)

I like Trump but lifetime presidency is bullshit. One of the biggest reasons I hate FDR. I would like presidents to continue Trumps legacy.

Attached: xiqP6cT.gif (400x270, 499K)

Holy kek whem did Trump come up with this?

48% let's go faggots

>Talk about winning for a thousand years
>I am a nationalist
you are here
>President for life
>Repatriation of all the problem groups
>Actual thousand year reich

I'm still rock-hard from Nov 2016.

We were very lucky to slide into this timeline.


48%...go go go!

Rivers are a diamond dozen, who cares

Just vote yes on this gay internet poll that means absolutely nothing but liberal tears you dumb faggot

Fuck off, Moshe
We already pledged our fealty, you don't have to rub it in

>Just post on an anonymous website that means absolutely nothing but has no effect on anyone who reads it.

>I like Trump but lifetime presidency is bullshit
The American Republic is over. The Galactic American Empire begins. This is the final red pill. HAIL TRVMP!

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Did my part

Hail Victory!

another thread up if you wanna tab it

MAGA and Crimsonpilled


Stop being retarded.

Attached: D8E72FBD-639C-4B9F-813E-435491814427.jpg (957x621, 98K)

>twitter that just spams polls like crazy.

Attached: 1537905876284.jpg (580x504, 59K)