Fight of the CENTURY!
This is going to be a bloodbath. Keep this video streaming with the power of p2p or you are a gayfaggotcommie.
>prerecorded from cuckifornia
See you in the comments.
Tucker vs. Chink - DEATHMATCH
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Honest public feedback on the debate is DOA.
Maybe you're right, but Bitchute is less censored than ((()))tube
By all means, watch and comment, just don't be surprised if the comments don't go the way they're supposed to and get shut down.
>point out that a service is (((compromised)))
>get called an NPC
i'm not calling you an npc. just passing the ammo
Oh, alright. Have one last bump and a rare Tucker before I retire for the night.
thanks. good night user
they're at "politicon." anime + politics. i didn't even realize this would be so on topic
if the video doesn't load right away, give it a few seconds.
checked. please tell me moar about your magical land of mines
>two brainlets with no concept of a political compass or grasp on reality "debating" ideological Big Others with no foreseeable end goal or authority on any subject
what the fuck for?
who looks at these people as intellectuals or experts in any field other than propaganda?
>he doesn't see the value in wrangling smoothbrains in a democracy with universal enfranchisement
Of course it's propaganda. Have fun with it.
Cenk Yogurt unironically wiped the floor with Tucker. Tucker went full cuckservative and you can't win if you pretend that race doesn't matter.
Cucking on the facts never gives victory.
Agreed. I made a sour face when Tucker acquiesced on
>muh food though
>tacos are an american tradition
Tucker is incredibly high IQ compared to cenk, he is able to pick apart every thing he says, but i don't like Tucker because he's a zionist and won't admit what happened in 9/11
idk about wiped the floor. i cringed a bit at the taco thing though. chink knows he has to dial back the full communism though for now. 2016 chink would have had completely different rhetoric.
Did Tucker call out Chink for his genocide denial?
you know who tucker signed a deal with. there's certain things he's not allowed to say.
no, but he may have been planning to. he was surprised when the clock ran out.
2 NPC spastics flailing about while NPCs in the audience clap when their favorite spastic says something
topkek. this video now has 60 views. i think the top video for this channel is 5 or so after this one. it's gonna hit the trending page for "other" any minute.
The truth is also propaganda
For a zionist, he sure brings a lot of heat to the Israel lobby.
11 mins in and the niggerbuffalo brings up holofuax
i told you it'd be a bloodbath